Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 980: Why is it so expensive

The new skill advancement is also due to the large amount of bow and arrow skills collected by the two people. This is the role of territory. Without these, it would not be easy for the two of them to improve their advanced skills.

   Concentrate and calmly: improve concentration, improve vision, and reduce the impact of foreign objects. It can effectively discover the laws of the enemy, greatly improving the probability of discovering the enemy's weakness. (Level 31)

  Rapid shooting: Increase the speed of bow and arrow fire, with multiple scattering effects, multiple scattering will reduce the hit rate, reduce the range, reduce the attack power of arrows, up to five arrows. (Level 31)

   There is no very powerful ability in the introduction, but they are all the basic abilities of archers. The overall effect is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. In addition to the ability of rapid shooting, which can greatly increase the rate of fire, the remaining multi-scattering effect seems to be a tasteless effect in Du You's eyes.

   This five-arrow volley seems to be very powerful, but in fact it is not as effective as using a normal skill to perform a range attack.

   This improvement is a waste of improvement, but there is no way. Skills are like this. Once the advanced level is improved, it is impossible to go back, unless you relearn new skills.

   Among the two advanced skills, there is only one lock-in skill or no improvement at full level. The other skills have been advanced. As for his advanced skills, no one at the full level now can continue to advance.

   This kind of improvement in the background, as a whole, has improved his strength by a large amount.

Even my basic skills have changed. I don’t know when my basic swordsmanship has increased by another level. It has already reached level 9. I obviously haven’t improved, but as my experience and my own basic attributes grow, these basic skills He will improve himself, which is beyond Du You's control.

   With the use of the Dark Flame Arrow Array, his basic archery has finally increased by one level, reaching the height of the 10th full level. It's just that for Du You, this full level is not very helpful to himself.

   As for learning advanced archery skills for a dark flame arrow formation, Du You hasn't had enough time yet.

"Well, now all the skills should be improved, and the next plan will start. But before that, we have to prepare again. After all, the danger in that place is still not small. I am going to change our level. Upgrade all of them to level 36. If it is not enough then, continue to improve."

   The two sisters have no objection at all, because their skills are almost advanced, and the remaining skills are advanced by luck. There is no need to continue to suppress their own level, so everyone has no objection.

   Now that you upgrade your level to increase your strength, you are also very secure for your own safety. Moreover, in terms of hunting and killing Tier 4 creatures and earning coins, the actual impact will not be too great. At most, the individual earns a little less and kills more.

   Just when Du You started his hands, his eyes suddenly widened: "What's the matter, why is it so expensive!"

   "What's the matter?" Lin Yucha and Lin Yushi asked in a puzzled way.

Du You did not conceal: "It should cost 9 times 3 to upgrade level 34 to level 33, which is 27 crystal coins. I have already added it to the end. Now one crystal coin will do. But you look at the prompt. It costs 10,000. ."

   Du You didn't say his own, but said that the two sisters are 9-star level, but the two people are the same as himself, and they need to spend 10,000 topaz to upgrade. This price is really unexpected for Du You.

   The two people also looked surprised. They never thought that there would be such a change. Is Tier 4 different from before.

   "We still have a lot of crystal coins, so it's better to try it out first. Anyway, you will have to upgrade sooner or later. It's okay to find out now." No one told them about this common sense, nor did they notice it before.

  Thinking about it, Du You simply spent 50,000 crystal coins to upgrade, not only for his own, but also for the two sisters and the unicorn bubble. Only after the upgrade, Du You found that the upgrade system was restored.

   It seems that the 10,000 crystal coins spent before were just to break this bottleneck. "From the early stage to the middle stage of Tier 4, a bottleneck needs to be broken, from the middle stage to the later stage, and later to the consummation. That is, at the peak of the two levels of 36 and 39, will you also need a coin? That would cost a lot."

   There is no bottleneck and no high cost. Du You directly raised the level of all three people to level 36. Sure enough, if you want to continue to upgrade, the cost will increase again, and it will not increase in general.

   If you want to enter level 37, the cost will become 20,000 topaz, otherwise this bottleneck will not let people pass.

"I know why many people stay at Tier 4 for a long time and don’t upgrade. It seems that this is not entirely to suppress the level. This coin price issue is also a very serious Tier 4 In the future, with these bottlenecks, it will cost too much to break through. However, most people are getting higher and higher levels, but it is more and more difficult to earn coins, so it is impossible for them to upgrade their level.

   When Du You strengthened his skills, he was completely speechless. "It turns out that the real big head is here, and the cost of skills will never be comparable to the upgrade of the professional level itself." Du You smiled bitterly.

   It turns out that there is a bottleneck in upgrading my skills from level 33 to level 34, and it also costs. But unlike the level itself, different skills cost different. His skills are all 10 stars, so there is no one that costs less than 10,000 topaz. The most is his own flames of destruction. It may be because the skills are too strong, and it takes 30,000 topaz to advance.

   Du You reluctantly improved his skills, and after that, the level improvement returned to normal. But after these skills reach level 36, to continue to advance, the price is really double the bottleneck before.

   There is only one level, Du You is different, there are two professions to be upgraded, but that is 20,000 crystal coins. But there are more of these skills. The more advanced skills, the greater the cost of upgrading. Is this a bottomless pit?

   The number of overall skills is not too much for me, but I am afraid that I have more advanced and successful skills than most people. This is all exclusive crystal coins, and the topaz coins from the transaction cannot be used.

   Du You now understands that if a professional wants to upgrade, it is really a threshold step by step, and every threshold is very exaggerated. I thought I was already very rich, but now it seems that I am still far from it.

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