Earth Through The Ages

Chapter 982: It's another year of graduation season

Every time he improved his skills, Du You felt his heart twitching, which was simply burning money. Although it was burned before, it has never been burned so severely.

   My own skill base is 10,000, and the two sisters are both 9-stars, so their two advanced skill bases are 9,000, and the same goes for bubbles. Du You didn't raise the skill level of Bubble because of insufficient crystal coins.

  Because of this incident, the bubble kept getting angry, so Du You couldn't wait to beat him.

   After completing the advancement, but temporarily did not receive the world coordinates he needed, Du You contacted Li Minglu. "Li Minglu, I am going back to Cloud City, and I am going to build a city connection point over there. Will you go with me."

   Li Minglu quickly said: "It's not possible now, I'll send a few people back with you, it's really busy now."

   "Busy? What's the matter, haven't I been finished a while ago." Du You was very surprised. The important things before were already finished, and now those things should be left to his subordinates.

"It’s different now. Isn’t it the time to graduate soon? Now many people want to join our territory. Boss, you said that joining our territory requires strict tests, so I can only do this by myself. ."

   Du You was worried that the people who came to his own territory would be too messy and would lead to the destruction of the atmosphere of the territory, so the inspection was quite strict. After all, my current company is not very big, so I don't need to be the same as a big company.

   And it doesn’t make the atmosphere better at the beginning, and once the atmosphere takes shape in the future, it will be very difficult to change it.

   "So it's about to graduate. Okay, you can send two people back with me."

   Du You shook his head and put the matter down temporarily. This is the end of the second semester for myself, and the holiday will be coming soon. Next time I come back, I will be a second-year student in the college.

  The time is also to be calculated, the tenth graders are now about to graduate. The whole college is very lively now, and many people come and go every day. Not only the graduating class, but also many students of other ages also join in the fun here.

   Of course, the academy has to let these people cooperate with the publicity, so that a large number of people from the capital and even other places can watch it. If you want high-quality students, you must beat the reputation of the college.

  Similarly, there are also many large organizations and companies that have come to the college now, recruiting students to join them.

   These students are not the kind of culture class students, they are all professionals who have been killed through actual combat. After joining, you can become a new force in your organization after a little training, without considering quality issues.

   Of course, the college will also step up its inspections at this time, because many large companies and large organizations are not as simple as they seem to be. Even many illegal organizations outside the city will secretly disguise themselves at this time. Once students are allowed to enter these organizations, the trouble will be great. The academy must be eliminated, so all kinds of open and secret struggles are also intensifying at this time.

   This kind of situation is difficult for ordinary people to understand, and they can only know after joining in.

   But this year is a little different. Du You's territory is in cooperation with the academy. The territory itself is not low-level and very stable, so it attracts a large number of students to join.

  It is not only the people from Capital University who have joined this territory. In fact, many people from other colleges have also come here to conduct inspections. Especially those in the small academy are proud to join Du You's territory. TV mobile terminal/

   It is precisely for this reason that countless people have poured in recently, making Li Minglu very busy.

  Don't talk about Li Minglu, even Xi Qianxue and Li Mengyao, who are barely considered high-level people in the territory, are too busy to touch the ground. The team around the two people is getting bigger and bigger. This is the team that actually handles these things, not the combat team.

   Du You silently said in his heart that promotion was sorry, these things really delayed the promotion of two people and their team. But there is no way for this kind of thing. If you want to build a territory, these are all essential.

   It’s a waste of time now, and with the support of the territory in the future, these will be made up slowly.

   Did not go to see the lively territory, Du You took the two sisters and two unknown people on the plane. The two accompanying people, a man and a woman, both came out of Capital University and saw Du You behave very respectfully.

   But these two people are not students today, but people who have already graduated. After graduating for several years, the two of them are only in the early stage of Tier 4, and they have not entered the middle stage, and their strength is incomparable to Du You and the others. But Li Minglu said that these two people are veterans of city management and have very rich experience, otherwise they would not recommend them to Du You.

   A few people along the way just got to know it, and Du You just ordered things directly. Du You didn't understand management matters. As for chores, two people can handle it by themselves.

   When the plane sent them to Cloud City, Du You immediately went to the City Lord’s Mansion to contact to prepare a city nearby. These things must be reported, even if the city will surpass the strength of Cloud City in the future, it needs to be reported nearby. Since the old city owner was killed by himself, Yuncheng now has a new city owner.

   The character of this city lord is very gentle, but his wrists are good. When I met Du You, I only had a relationship with Du Youla, hoping to establish a time watch and mutual assistance relationship between the two cities, and there was no restriction.

   Du You didn't care at all, and after agreeing directly, he asked two people to study the matter of establishing a city nearby.

"One of our cities is Garden Star, and this is a logistics base, so there is nothing to say. Our main city is the city of the archipelago, which is an ocean city, so we will take the initiative to develop ocean power in the future. So here, I It is recommended that it is best to build the city by the river, which will give us an advantage." TV debut

"At the same time, the riverside is more dangerous, so the city here is very rare. But there are not many monsters near Cloud City, and the highest level of monsters in this place by the river does not exceed Tier 5, so it is safe for us. ."

"Third, the riverside terrain is flat and the terrain is open. It is established in this place. Once an illegal organization wants to deal with us, we can find it in the first place. Finally, the river is rich in resources. If it can be taken down stably, It is of great significance to our future development." This is a proposal made by two people to Du You.

   "Very good, just follow this plan." Du You didn't care about it at all, as long as he could provide resources for himself.

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