Earthy Superstar

Chapter 418: : Give you back a splendid Tang Dynasty

Of course, this is just a joke in the show, not a serious incident. The matter stems from Hong Bo joking with Wang Haian just now, saying that Lao Wang was not suspenseful enough when he announced the result, or let him come, just like that, Wang Haian "exploded" and let the singers conquer Hong Bo collectively.

The live broadcast even gave Hong Bo an embarrassed expression that he wanted to say but stopped. The show became so ruthless that even the director would not let it go.

Li Tiezhu didn’t know that it was just a joke. After everyone’s uproar was over, he added: "What is he here for? He knew that drinking water was expensive for him to drink. Chitose Mountain is expensive for him. Let him announce that it’s better than let me announce, you see. I announced that Mr. Sun Nan eliminated that period, how perfect? ​​Successfully resolved the embarrassment of his retirement."

Everyone was shocked, are you serious?

Wang Hai’an: "Yes! I also watched that episode. Fortunately, you told me the result of the competition in time, otherwise Mr. Sun Nan would retire. A well-known singer retired from the show. Although there are special reasons, it is also It may be hacked. You saved him, Tie Zhu, you are awesome!"

Anyway, Mango Channel has already banned that guy. As a high-level TV station, Wang Hai'an has any scruples?

It’s more important to show your position than anything else.

Li Tiezhu: "Right? I think so too."

Even Song Zhu'er started to cover his face. My man is really innocent, and the reverse feeding plan of Tuzha seems to have become more flavorful.

Who can stand this?

Han Hong didn't want Li Tiezhu to be pulled into the water by Wang Hai'an, and said, "Okay! Announcing the results, Li Tiezhu, stop talking."

Li Tiezhu: "Oh."

Wang Hai'an was like a person. Of course he heard the clues and didn't force it. He said: "Okay! In order to meet Director Hong Bo's request for suspense, I... drink saliva first."

Wang Hai'an also took a sip of Chitose Mountain, no way, sponsor father, everyone has to lick it.

Liu Huade said: "This show is too long, right? There are so many singing competitions in Xiangjiang, and there is no such delay..."

Cui Ji'an: "I definitely can't stand changing me, I'm afraid I can't help but go up and grab the result of the game."

Mao Min: "We also made our debut in the competition, but it wasn't like that back then!"

Song Zhuer said: "That can only mean that you are old."

Everyone was quiet immediately.

Li Tiezhu: "Zhu'er, don't tell the truth, it's easy to offend people."

Liu Huade slapped Li Tiezhu's head on the back of his head: "Originally, it was accidental. When you say it, it will change the taste! Stop talking!"

This was the second time he told him to stop talking. Li Tiezhu wondered, I'm so honest and upright, why don't you let me talk?

At this time, Wang Haian said: "First of all, we announce the fifth place in the game. This is a female guest. Note that this round of voting is for the assisting guest!"

Everyone looked at Mao Min and Deng Shiyin.

Deng Shiyin raised his hand: "It should be me! Aunt Mao Min will definitely not be fifth, sorry Brother Jian."

Li Zijian said: "It doesn't matter, you sing very well, it's me who pulled your thighs, no, the hind legs. This show is about participating."

Subtext: The focus is not to retire.

Deng Shiyin didn't understand, she didn't even know about Sun Nan's retirement, she said stupidly: "Then I have participated in it too. It's a great honor. I think it's a singer who likes this stage."

But some people don't like it, because it's easy to be ashamed.

The barrage is whiplashing the corpse of Sun Nan.

Li Tiezhu spoke again and relieved Deng Shiyin: "Not necessarily, I used to think I would like this stage until..."

Zhao Liya: "Until Uncle Teng appears."

Tengol: "What's wrong with me? Surprisingly, can I help you? Tie Zhu? We have an old relationship. Who am I not to help you?"

Li Tiezhu still wanted to say something: "..."

Han Hong: "After all that, who is the fifth one?"

Wang Hai’an: "Today there are only two female guests, the fifth is Deng Shiyin, and the other female guest, Teacher Mao Min, is...second."

Li Zijian looked at Yan Bing: "Don't worry, I'm eliminated, you are fighting for the king of singers."

Yan Bing: "That's not necessarily, what if I am sixth?"

Cui Ji'an was a little upset: "Isn't it? Have I ever done my songs that time?"

Yan Bing: "Your song is good! But today's audience is mostly young people who have never heard of your song."

Cui Ji'an couldn't refute this either.

Wang Haian said: "The ranking of Yan Bing determines who is eliminated from the championship zone in this field. Therefore, the ranking of his guest, Mr. Cui Ji'an, is very important. His ranking is..."

Take another sip of water.

No one urged him at this moment, and they were all focused.

Wang Hai'an: "It's a pity, sixth."


The godfather of mainland rock and roll finally appeared on the show, and returned to the last one for you. How did this end?

Yan Bing: "Mom! Is it the sixth?"

Cui Ji'an laughed: "It seems that I am ruining the song more than Lao Teng! I became frizzy and even ruined my own song."

This is also a host who is not hypocritical. After all, this game has something to do with me? It's not that I was eliminated.

Li Zijian was stunned, only to realize that he still had a chance to compete for the king of songs.

Wang Haian said seriously: "Next, we will announce the third place in the field. There are only three singers in the elimination zone. Therefore, a good result in third place also means elimination. He is...Lin Jiangnan !"

Lin Jiangnan regretfully hugged Chen Jingyi: "Sorry, I couldn't help you."

Chen Jingyi: "It's okay, I really want to sit here and watch them play."

Wang Hai'an: "Now there are only two new singers who have just debuted for a year, Li Tiezhu and Zhao Liya, Tengger and Liu Huade. Who do you think will win?"

Han Hong: "Of course Liu Huade! Although I also like Teacher Tengger, he can't compare to his popularity."

Li Zijian: "Nothing wrong, the last issue of Zhou Xingxing is proof."

Yan Bing: "I also think Zhao Liya can win."

Wang Haian said: "The facts prove that the audience's eyes are discerning!"

Yan Bing went to give Zhao Liya a high-five, Zhao Liya was a little confused and did not raise her hand.

Sure enough, Wang Haian said again: "But you are singers and not audiences, so your eyes are not sharp enough."

Chen Jingyi: "Li Tiezhu is promoted?"

Deng Shiyin couldn't help but said, "Just the song "Cecal Itch"???"

Wang Hai’an: “That’s right! Liu Huade won fourth, and Mr. Tengger won first place in this round of competition. Therefore, his partner Li Tiezhu won first place and successfully advanced to the championship area. Yan Bing was unfortunately disuse……"

Everyone is a pity. After all, the layman may have doubts about Yan Bing's strength, but the insiders always favor it. Even the half-drenched Li Tiezhu admires Yan Bing's musical sense very much.

But Yan Bing himself didn't mind, and smiled brightly: "Come on, Li Tiezhu!"

Li Tiezhu also got up and hugged Yan Bing.

Yan Bing said: "Some people say that this is just a show. You said it? Uncle?"

Tengger's Inner Mongolian man, stubbornly said: "I said that, what?"

Yan Bing: "I don't approve! This is a musical stage. I believe that the last ones are the strongest! Therefore, I believe in Li Tiezhu. Apart from Director Hong who likes to fix moths, this show is generally fair. Yes. In fact, I barely won the first round of the PK match. Li Tiezhu’s promotion is well deserved! I hope my fans will not complain on the Internet. Tie Zhu is indeed very strong. I am sincerely convinced of his promotion! Come on!"

This person, you can't tell whether he is good or bad, but at least in terms of music, he is extremely pure!

Li Tiezhu smiled and said, "This is not strength, but the personal charm of Uncle Teng."

Tengol: "Just know!"

Thus, the top three came out: Han Hong, Li Zijian and Li Tiezhu.

Not many people are surprised. In fact, this is only the most likely result that everyone expected. Many people actually stand on Li Tiezhu’s PK between Yan Bing and Li Tiezhu. After all, Li Tiezhu is too strong...

Wang Hai’an asked: "The top three are out, then, we will start our final round of competition-the King of Singers! The rules are...there are no rules. All singers can sing any song, including their own songs! By drawing lots The way to decide the order of appearance. Next, the first thing to be done is the lottery..."

The draw ended soon, with Han Hong coming first, Li Zijian second, and Li Tiezhu last.

Han Hong first stood on the stage and said: "I am a very handsome person, and I often offend people, and I never praise others easily. But the song I brought today was written for me by a child, and he was brilliant. A talented person, I want to use this song to stop him! I want the king of singers! If I win, his song wins, and if he wins, I didn't lose."

The audience immediately reacted and shouted:

"Heavenly Road! Heavenly Road!"

Han Hong smiled: "Yes, I want to sing "Heavenly Road". I think that my biggest gain in the past two years is Tie Zhu. I think this is also a big gain in the music world, at least, a big gain for fans. "

The audience applauded collectively.

Han Hong performed a perfect "Tianlu", perfect voice, perfect singing skills.

Then Li Zijian appeared on the stage: "A teacher who even sang "The Road to Heaven" written by Li Tiezhu as a tribute to his younger generation, I didn't expect it. What about me...I am as unpromising as her, and gifted to the youngest one I have ever encountered. Challenger’s. For the sake of the game, it has nothing to do with winning or losing. I appreciate your talent and character. Except for being stupid, you are my nephew! A song written by myself and sung by myself is given to you, hope You can sing better songs, after all, I want to be champions too. What I want to sing is... "Legend"!"

Li Tiezhu was in the aisle, listening to this song quietly, marveling at Li Zijian's ability to control the sound, admiring him.

It has to be said that the last round of the competition is about the ownership of the "King of Singer". Both Han Hong and Li Zijian have shown their strongest strength-Wang Zhan.

Liang Tian: "Are you sure Tie Zhu? Why do I think your new song is not good?"

Li Tiezhu: "Have you seen me soft? I have always been so hard! What are you afraid of?"

Liang Tian blushed, and she will be parting after tonight. Have you started to be so direct? When did I see you being tough? Everyone is wearing clothes, how do I know if you are hard or not?

Liang Tian: "After the game, whether you win or lose, come to my room and tell you something."

Li Tiezhu looked solemn, who said that the partners in the show were unreliable? I think it's more reliable than Zhang Xiaomeng! He can't see a few times a month. Aunt Liang Tian also cared about the problem of whether the quilt in my hotel is thin or not, and the bed-warming appliance is needed.

Li Tiezhu said: "Okay! I will definitely come. And I will never let you down."

Liang Tian's face flushed even more: "I'm not a vacuum cleaner, so how can I be so scary? I won't be disappointed by the average level..."

Li Zijian finished singing and stepped down.

Li Tiezhu went on stage and said: "This song is the last original song I participated in "I Am a Singer" and the thirteenth original song."

The audience applauded and screamed.

The live barrage also started to go crazy, after all, such a good show is about to end:

"Unconsciously, three months have passed..."

"Thirteen songs, terrible!"

"I didn't notice it at all."

"If Li Tiezhu has a divine help!"

"First Zhou Xingxing, then Tengger, Li Tiezhu really is the son of luck!"

"There is no suspense for this vote, it's all due to the guests!"

"The point is, Li Tiezhu still dislikes Zhou Xingxing and Tengger."

"The last song is definitely a classic."

"Li Tiezhu never disappoints."

"Should there be enough songs for the album, right?"

"Last year's album was called "Seventeen Years Old" this year, "Eighteen Years Old"?"

"This year is called "I slept in Songzhuer"."

Li Tiezhu didn't know the words on the barrage, and he took the stage seriously. He thought a lot in the past ten minutes. It turned out that Teacher Tengger is a lucky star!

The audience cheered.

Li Tiezhu said: "Well...this song is one of the main songs of my new album. At the same time, it can also be given to the teacher Tengger who helped me counterattack today! Hey hehe...Uncle Tengger, someone else ruined you In heaven, I will give you a beautiful Tang Dynasty. My new album is called "Tian Tang", the Tang of the Tang Dynasty. This song will be given to you as the title of the album!"

When Tenggerton got serious, the song for me? Temporary, right? Didn't you rehearse early? Such a coincidence?


"Uncle Teng, they are ruining your heaven, don't want to harm the world! Treat me back to you a splendid Tang Dynasty!"

Li Tiezhu said again: "This is a genre that I rarely sing, a rock."

Cui Ji'an suddenly sat up straight: "Rock??"

Li Zijian: "Come on! There is a good show to watch."

Yan Bing: "Wow... Come on."

Li Tiezhu: "Heavy Metal Rock!"

Yan Bing: "Woo..."

Cui Ji'an stood up: "I have to listen carefully! Now this bunch of rascals are not up to It's up to Li Tiezhu."

Yes, because of the decline of the domestic rock circle, now Li Tiezhu has become the hope of the rock circle. This is also one of the reasons why Cui Ji'an came to this show. Many rock people are watching Li Tiezhu, and he is no exception.

for example……

At the Yunde Society of Kyoto, after hearing the five words of heavy metal rock and roll, Yu Qian suddenly lifted the hem of the robe that he had not had time to change after the performance, and his aunt's towel almost popped out.

He stepped on the coffee table with one leg and shouted at Li Tiezhu on the TV:

"Man! Take a good job~ The godfather of rock is looking at you, your uncle, I am looking at you too!"

On TV, Li Tiezhu said: "This song may not be so beautiful, but I like it, and people who don't like it can dislike it. Its name is..."

(The four-thousand-word chapter is here, don’t worry about adding it, I haven’t forgotten it)

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