Eight Hundred Pirate Kings

Chapter 141: New task

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"It may be some time before I want to see White Beard, but Kaido and Doflamingo will see you right away."

Wan Xiu was helpless at this moment when Anilu wanted to see White Beard's idea immediately.

But even if he didn't see White Beard, Ainilu asked, "Kaido? Is it the Kaido under Leili?"

"No, it's Kaido, the ‘Emperor of the Sea’." Wan Xiu smiled slightly, then called to the crew behind the deck to signal that he could set sail.

"The Emperor of the Sea?!"

Obviously, Ainilu was very surprised that Kaido could be the emperor of the sea. You must know that in his world, only Kaido's Captain Raleigh sat in this position, and even Barrett, who was stronger than him, was only Raleigh's deputy.

"Yes, it is the Emperor of the Sea, we should be able to see him soon."

Wan Xiu knew that Kaido was in Dresrosa. If nothing else, Kaido would show up when he approached Dresrosa.

"Kaido..." After Wanxiu finished speaking, Ainilu also looked in the direction of Tokushima. He also wanted to see how Kaido, who was supposed to be Raleigh's subordinate, got on. The position of the four emperors.

While Ainilu was looking forward to heading to Dresrosa, Wan Xiu received the warehouse reminder again.

‘Your Excellency, you have successfully copied five people again and have a special mission. ’

‘This special operation mission will be randomly generated, and it may be a long-cherished wish, rescue, conquest, etc. ’

Wan Xiu had actually heard of this sudden task. Before leaving Alabastan, Wan Xiu had received a long-cherished mission.

It is precisely because of this task that Wanxiu has the same strength as Kata Kuri, and has gained the ability of glutinous rice fruit.

If this mission can directly bring Wan Xiu the strength of a general or above, that would also be very good news for Wan Xiu. After all, the strength of Kata Kuri alone was added, and it was still a little insufficient when faced with the veteran powerhouses such as Karp and Whitebeard.

"I almost forgot that there is such a thing." Before the warehouse prompted, Wan Xiu almost forgot that there was still this task.

After his consciousness re-entered the warehouse, Wan Xiu asked the warehouse, "Can you know in advance what kind of task it will be?"

‘This mission will be randomly generated, and it is temporarily impossible to know the content of the mission. ’

‘Task rewards will also change depending on the content of the task. ’

‘Long-wish task: As long as you complete the long-cherished wish for him, you will be able to obtain all the abilities of the character.

Rescue mission: Rescue the body of One Piece in a parallel world. After the mission is completed, all or part of the character's abilities will be obtained.

Conquer task: Conquer a parallel world, you will get random rewards. ’

"Are there three of them this time?" After the warehouse listed the three tasks that would appear this time, Wan Xiu recalled the last task, which was Kata Kuli's long-cherished task.

Compared with Warehouse Hui’s long-cherished mission to shape the world, rescue and conquest missions seem to be executed directly in the parallel world.

With such a pull, Wan Xiu was about to break through the barriers of the world.

With this idea, Wan Xiu also directly asked the warehouse: "Does rescue and conquest need to enter a parallel world?"

‘Yes sir, the last two missions are to enter the parallel world directly. ’

"How long will the mission be executed? What will the time progress of the main world be after entering?" Wan Xiu is relatively cautious about the emergence of this new mission. If he loses control of the main world after entering, it is unacceptable to Wan Xiu of.

Although Wanxiu and his party are already in the position of super-first-class pirates in the main world, everything is still not so stable before the world government has started to act.

‘The instantaneous flow of the parallel world is very fast, and the longest end of a mission will not take two hours in the main world. The warehouse replied directly to Wanxiu.

Overall, Wanxiu is very satisfied with this answer from the warehouse. If a mission will only take two hours, it will have no effect on the next battle on Dresrosa Island.

"Do I need to perform the task immediately after the extraction?" In order to be more stable, Wan Xiu was still prepared to ask more questions.

‘No, you can choose whether to start completing the task before the next person is copied and reshaped. ’

This news is very good for Wan Xiu. For Wan Xiu, the time of more than twenty days is simply without any restrictions.

"Then draw it directly, I would like to see if I can draw those two new tasks."

After asking for some major information, Wan Xiu started to extract tasks directly.

‘Okay, sir. ’

‘Task extraction is in progress. ’

‘Mission: Rescue. ’

‘Mission World: Parallel World #2;

Mission objective: Ace;

Mission location: Marin Vando. ’

‘Task content: Rescue the "Firefist" Ace captured by the navy headquarters, and let him leave the navy headquarters Marin Vandor safely. ’

In fact, when the warehouse mentioned rescue and Ace, Wan Xiu had already roughly guessed what the task was to be carried out.

If there is nothing wrong, this parallel world No. 2 should be highly similar to the main world, and this battle should be the famous war on the top.

But since it is a parallel world, there must be different places. Perhaps the pirate regiment to which Ace belongs is different, or perhaps the composition of the navy is also different.

If Ace belongs to the Red-Haired Pirates, it is likely that Shanks is the one who came to Malin Vando for the rescue. And if the admiral is Kaido and Golden Lion, it will be a very special scene.

"Is there any specific world background information?" In order to prevent himself from being in the fog of war, Wan Xiu deliberately asked the warehouse about the situation of the mission world.

‘Sorry, sir, there is no information about the world background at the moment. ’


Since the warehouse didn't have any information about this parallel world No. 2, Wan Xiu hadn't asked the question about the Pirate Group yet, of course, there was no need to ask any more.

However, although he can't ask about his background, Wan Xiu still has other things he needs to know, "Will you play a character this time or enter directly?"

‘Because of your current strength, you can directly choose to enter the mission world. ’

‘But if you want to play a character, you can. However, the strength of the character is not certain, and the randomly appearing character is likely to be lower than your strength. ’

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