"Next one!"

Zhao Yi's voice made the young man grit his teeth secretly, but there was no other way at this time, and he could only throw the third Poké Ball helplessly.

With a strange cry, Flareon with yellow and white mane wrapped around its neck appeared on the field.


The moment he saw Flareon, Zhao Yi admitted that his brain crashed for a moment. He never dreamed that he would see the figure of the One and Only King at this time.

For a moment, the expression on his face almost collapsed and he laughed directly.

Flareon's physical attack racial value is as high as 130 points, which is the same level as Garchomp, and it is a character that is particularly outstanding in physical attack.

But here comes the point. Flareon did not have a powerful fire-type physical attack skill before the sixth generation xy, which resulted in Flareon only being able to learn a Flame Fang to deal damage, so he was awarded the title of the One and Only King. The One and Only God Entei has the same status as Flareon..

Entei is also a Pokémon that excels in physical attack, but before the sixth generation xy, he could only learn Flame Fang, a fire-type physical attack skill, so he won the throne of the only god.

Even now, Flareon has to be at level 50 to learn Flare Charge, a powerful fire-type physical attack skill. In other words, Flareon now has to either learn Flare Charge from other Pokémon or still only know Flame Fang.

Zhao Yi did not think that this Flareon was a special attack skill, but he quickly put it behind his mind, because Flareon's 65 physical strength racial value and 60 physical defense racial value could not possibly withstand Toad King's Water Stream Slash.

"Toad King, the water flow breaks."

Zhao Yi gave the order directly, while explaining to others through the microphone

"Because Yutian has a strong amplification effect on water skills, Yutian uses a fast-explosive attack style. It does not take time to strengthen, and can directly overturn the opponent in one wave. Strengthening can also give the opponent a chance to breathe, leading to unexpected events."

While he was explaining, Toad King, with water flowing around his body, rushed to Flareon like a ship. In just a moment, Flareon was hit into the hole in the wall again.

A hole buried three Pokémons.

"Well, this game is over, let's thank this classmate for his help."

Giving the young man a friendly smile, Zhao Yi turned back to the classroom and wrote down Yutian's weaknesses and precautions on the blackboard with chalk.

"First of all, the biggest fear of rainy days is that the weather is gone, which involves the knowledge of stealing weather. The second fear is the skill of Trick Space. Trick Space, which can reverse fast and slow, is definitely the enemy of rainy days. The third fear is that some elves that the rainy day team cannot handle, and the first choice is Nut Dumbbell, so I joined Nut Dumbbell in the rainy day team with the idea of joining if I can't beat it."

"We can also have some countermeasures for these weaknesses. For example, if the weather is gone, we can take advantage of the opponent's weather, such as putting an elf that can match other weather in the team. Secondly, we can bring some elves that can break shields, such as a fire elf that targets nuts and dumbbells."

For a moment, the group of students who came to listen to the class below all showed thoughtful expressions.

The elf war just ended and developed wildly for a few years. These systematic team knowledge were firmly grasped by those strong people, and they would not reveal any of it. There were few people like Zhao Yi who took it apart, chewed it up and fed it to them.

It was so generous that it was unreal.

"In conclusion, the advantage of the Rainy Day team lies in high speed and high output. After the Rainy Day is turned on, it is possible to kill people in seconds, just like the previous battle. Putting aside the performance of Nut Dumbbell, the Toad King only shot twice and killed two elves of the opponent in seconds. This is the advantage of the Rainy Day team. The other thing is to avoid the weaknesses mentioned above."

Tap the table lightly, indicating that the class is over. Everyone who was taking notes and recording videos raised their heads as if waking up from a dream.

"Well, that's all for the Rainy Day Team. This is the most basic. The remaining playing methods can be expanded on this aspect. Do you have any other questions?"

Zhao Yi, who had just finished a beating of the primitive man, was in a good mood. The restriction of only being able to use four skills was lifted, which gave him a sense of complete relaxation.

""King Zhao, are there any powerful but common elves?"

Someone immediately stood up and asked. It was a middle-aged man. He was more sincere than before when he called him King Zhao.

After all, Zhao Yi could tell them this knowledge for free, which was a great favor to them.

"A powerful but ordinary elf? There really is one. Do you know the King of Leave?"

Zhao Yi raised his eyebrows and smiled, but the people below were embarrassed.

They all knew the King of Leave, and knew that the King of Leave had a racial value that was so amazing that it surpassed the quasi-god, but the King of Leave's characteristics were really bad. His laziness was not only reflected in battle, but also in daily training. The King of Leave didn't know how to exercise at all, which led to the extremely slow growth of the strength of elves like the King of Leave.

Looking at the hesitant expressions of the people below, Zhao Yi knew what they were thinking, so he simply didn't keep them in suspense.

"The King of Leave is held back by his characteristics, so why not change his characteristics? There is a skill called Seed of Trouble, which can prevent the elves hit from falling asleep, and the characteristic will become insomnia. The duration of this skill is not long, but a battle can still be sustained. You can also use this skill more often during normal training to change the characteristics of the King of Leave."

As soon as these words came out, a group of people suddenly became enlightened, and began to order lazy otters online like crazy. They could all guess that if this class was spread out, the price of lazy otters would definitely see a surge.

Seeing that these people had no other questions, Zhao Yi said that the class was over, and left slowly.

Outside the door, the old class teacher and Director Xiao Wang were already stunned at this time. Zhao Yi did not teach the content they had sorted out in this class, but the class he taught was far more than what they had prepared.

"Zhao Yi, what are you doing?……"

Seeing Zhao Yi coming out, the teacher asked in disbelief, this is totally different from the Zhao Yi he knew before

"I knew this before, but I was an orphan and didn't dare to show it when I didn't have the power. It's different now."

Zhao Yi smiled lightly, and didn't even blink when he lied.

"So that's how it is."

But this reason convinced the two of them. After all, it was reasonable. Even if it wasn't reasonable, no one dared to ask Zhao Yi. Did they really think that the two quasi-gods in his hands were just eating for free?

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