The news of Zhao Yi's breakthrough not only caused a stir in Yan Country, but also expanded his influence outside.

"The people from Yan Country said that they have broken through the level of the King of Heaven and will challenge our American Kings in the next two days. What do you think about this?"

"This is impossible, sir. I hope you understand that our experiments have proven it very clearly. It is impossible for an elf to break through the shackles of the peak of the king. Data will not lie."

"But how do you explain the superstar named Zhao Yi?".


"Something is wrong. Yan Country's reaction this time is very wrong. According to their previous habits, they shouldn't be so ostentatious."

"They can't really have it, can they?"

"Don't be ridiculous, it's impossible for a champion-level elf to appear now."


"Henry, Yan Country said they already have a champion-level elf. What do you think about this?"

"Your Majesty, they are bluffing again, just ignore them."


"Champion? Hahahaha, what a joke, that's just a legend, how can an ordinary elf set foot in the realm of God?"

Polar Bear Alliance

"Emperor, the people of Yan Country said that they already have a champion-level elf.……"

"Let's wait and see."

All parties responded to Yan's statement, but most of them were sarcastic.

After all, after the experiment, they came to a conclusion that the so-called champion level is the realm of God, allowing ordinary elves to step into the realm of God.

This kind of elf is simply impossible to appear, and the champion level is likely just a fantasy of the natives of the elf world.


Two days later, in the morning.

After swallowing the last giant energy cube, Garchomp's eyes suddenly widened, he squatted on the ground, holding his chest, his whole body trembling.

"My mother is not in trouble!"

Sharptooth Land Shark looked anxiously at his father and Zhao Yi12.

At this time, Duolong Baruto and Zhao Yi were all standing there quietly watching Liebite Land Shark, without any intention of helping.

"It's okay, her aura is getting stronger, but her physical fitness is a little worse, so she is in more pain than your father did at the beginning."

Zhao Yi hooked Shark's neck, pulled Land Shark to his side and patiently explained to her. They all ate energy cubes at the same time. Zhao Yi's other Pokémons have now been strengthened, including Dragon Ball, but none of them are in the same situation as Garchomp.

Regarding this situation, Zhao Yi guessed that it might be because Garchomp was stuck at level 70, which is the boundary between ordinary Pokémon and gods, so it is so painful.

After hearing what Zhao Yi said, Land Shark breathed a sigh of relief, but the look in his eyes when he looked at Garchomp was still worried.


After a long time, Garchomp stood up and roared to the sky, bursting out with a terrifying power far beyond the peak of the Heavenly King.


At this moment, Garchomp felt the terrifying power filling her body and laughed strangely.

She finally got what she had been pursuing all her life!

"Well, since you have made a breakthrough, let's go."

Zhao Yi laughed, hooked the shark's head to his side, stretched out his hand to pinch the hammerhead on the shark's head, and whispered in his heart

"Draw weekly opportunities."

Originally, yesterday was supposed to be the time to refresh the opportunities, but Zhao Yi didn't want to move yesterday, so he delayed it until today. It just so happened that today, the giant energy cubes of the fierce bite land shark had reached the upper limit, so he could set out to challenge the nations today.

Putting things off until one day to complete them is in line with Zhao Yi's procrastination.

As expected, a purple light lit up in front of Zhao Yi's eyes.

【Chance (Purple): Among the new batch of elf eggs that came into the Taile Breeding House today, there will be a tooth with golden qualifications. 】

Zhao Yi's eyes widened immediately.

Tooth! Dragon! The great dragon king Zhao Yi finally waited for his fourth dragon!

But then again, the quasi-god with golden qualifications is a golden opportunity, and other elves with golden qualifications are purple opportunities?

Taile Breeding House is a private breeding house in Lian City, which sells some elf cubs and elf eggs.

The official breeding house is only responsible for giving eighteen-year-old students an initial elf with blue qualifications. This is also the only time in their lives that most of them can come into contact with high-qualified elves. When they want a second or third elf, they either go to the secret realm or the wild to capture it, or go to a private breeding house to buy it.

However, the qualifications of the elves in private breeding houses are definitely not comparable to those of the official ones. This requires more luck and vision.

"Come on, come back, let's go out."

Zhao Yi walked to the door and knocked on a bell at the door a few times.

This was the signal agreed upon by Zhao Yi and his elves.

Not long after the bell rang, the soil in front of Zhao Yi surged, and a large steel snake covered with mud emerged from the soil, shaking off the mud on its body.

The mud was shaken off, revealing a silver-white metal body underneath.

"Is today the day to challenge other countries?"

Steel Snake looked at Zhao Yi with a complicated expression and murmured to himself.

To be honest, as an elder who had watched Zhao Yi grow from a small flesh ball as big as the tip of his tail to such a big man, Steel Snake didn't want Zhao Yi to take risks.

But Steel Snake, who had watched Zhao Yi grow up since he was a child, understood this person's character. Since he had made a decision, it could not be easily changed.

"Yes, today, Uncle Snake, you will protect me, right?"

Zhao Yi saw the look on Steel Snake's face, understood what he was thinking, and asked with a smile

"Of course."

Suddenly, Steelix's eyes changed, and he said solemnly, as if he had returned to the time when Zhao Yi was a child and just learned that his parents had died in the line of duty.

"Ha ha���Then I'm relieved. Come on, come in."

Zhao Yi said with a chuckle. At this time, Scyther had already flown to the door with the Colt Sword Soldier, and Swampert also slowly climbed out of the stream.

After putting the most conspicuous Steelix into the Poké Ball, Zhao Yi took out his mobile phone, opened Didi Chuxing, and chose an Armored Bird taxi.

The back of the Liebite Garchomp could only carry him alone. If there were more Pokémons, there would be no way. After all, it was not a serious transportation Pokémon.

"Go to the Taile Breeding House."

After feeding the Armored Bird a Pokémon biscuit, Zhao Yi said to his trainer.

""Yes, King Zhao Yi!"

The trainer of the Armored Bird said while suppressing his excitement. After all, he had never thought that one day he would be able to carry a real king, and the first king of Yan Country, who was said to have entered the next level.

This time he would have something to talk about after he returned. This experience alone would be enough for him to brag about for ten years.

Because he was carrying a king, the trainer of the Armored Bird seemed to be particularly serious and did not let Zhao Yi feel any bumps or weightlessness. He landed smoothly all the way to his destination.

"Zhao Yi, the Heavenly King, call me next time if you have anything to do."

After sending Zhao Yi to his destination, the trainer of the Armored Bird waved and left.

""Hello, welcome, what can I do for you?"

As he walked into the store, the clerk at the door was talking to Zhao Yi with a mechanical smile, saying the same thing he had said countless times before. After looking at Zhao Yi, she lowered her head.

But soon, she raised her head as if in disbelief, and looked at Zhao Yi carefully. Finally, she even took out her phone and clicked on Zhao Yi's Baidu entry, looking at his makeup photo carefully.

"This... this... is it a collision... or……"

The clerk opened his mouth cutely and muttered in disbelief.

If it were any other city, the clerk would probably think it was a face-off, but this was Lian City.

""Zhao Yi Tian Wang?"

Finally, the clerk shouted in a low voice with little confidence.

"Yes, it's me."

Zhao Yi, who was standing in front of the shelf scanning a group of elf eggs with a waveguide, glanced at her and nodded in acknowledgement.

"Actually... Hello, King Zhao Yi, how can I help you?"

The clerk wanted to scream, but was afraid of scaring Zhao Yi, so he covered his mouth fiercely and said to Zhao Yi enthusiastically, unable to hide the smile on his face.

"Just in time, where are the new elf eggs today?"

Zhao Yi scanned all the elf eggs on the shelf, but didn't find Yaya, so he looked at the clerk and asked.

"The new elf eggs that arrived today are still being identified by the appraisers in the back. They will generally be put on display after the identification results are out. Those elf eggs that are not recognized will be put in the gambling egg area and sold at a uniform price."

The clerk explained to Zhao Yi that generally speaking, the elf eggs that arrived today will not be put out until tomorrow.

"Can I call your boss? There is a Pokémon I really want in that batch of Pokémon eggs. I want to get it as soon as possible."

Zhao Yi said with a smile

"Of course, please wait a moment."

The clerk didn't ask Zhao Yi how he knew the information about the batch of elf eggs. In her opinion, it would be abnormal if Zhao Yi didn't know, because he was the king of heaven.

She made a phone call quickly, and soon, accompanied by hurried footsteps, a middle-aged woman in a dress walked out quickly, and she was dressed as if she was going out to attend a banquet.

""King Zhao, it's been a long time since we last met. My name is Ke Mengyu, and I'm the owner of this store. I saw you on the city wall the last time you came back from the wild with the Land Shark and the Dragon Ball. Thanks to your guidance, I was able to buy the quasi-god cub."

Ke Mengyu rushed into the store and looked around. When she saw Zhao Yi, her eyes lit up and she walked over with a smile.

While she was talking, a brightly colored Dragon Ball suddenly rose from the shadow behind her. It looked well-trained.

"Haha, it's Ms. Ke, long time no see."

To be honest, Zhao Yi really couldn't remember who she was. There were so many people there that time that he didn't remember a few of them.

"I have heard about your story from Xiao Wang. Please follow me."

After saying that, Ke Mengyu and his son led Zhao Yi to the backyard of the store.

At this time, a large number of elf eggs were placed on the open space in the backyard. Several people were holding magnifying glasses and carefully identifying their patterns on the elf eggs.

""King Zhao Yi, these are all the elf eggs from yesterday. Take a look and pick whichever one you want. You don't have to pay. This is my reward to you."

After Ke Mengyu finished speaking, she looked at Zhao Yi nervously, fearing that Zhao Yi would refuse.

"Okay, thank you very much, Ms. Ke."

Zhao Yi said with a smile. The moment he came here, his waveguide locked onto one of the eggs.

That was the tooth he was looking for.

"This is it. By the way, Ms. Ke, do you have an incubator here?"

Picking up the elf egg, Zhao Yi turned his head and looked at Ke Mengyu and asked

"Of course, it's right here."

Ke Mengyu personally pushed out an incubator from the house.


These elf eggs were already on the verge of hatching when they were delivered. If there was no incubator, it would take about five to ten days to hatch.

With an incubator, the time can be shortened to ten minutes.

During this period, if this elf egg is not sold, it can only be used to sell elf cubs.

The qualifications of the elf egg are not certain, and the price will be higher. Once it becomes an elf cub, everything is set in stone, and the price is what it should be.

After putting Yaya's elf egg into the incubator, Zhao Yi did not hide from people and waited here.

""Zhao Tianwang, what kind of spirit is this? Is it a quasi-god?"

During this time, Ke Mengyu came up to Zhao Yi and tried to chat with him.

"No, it's just a tooth."

Zhao Yi replied with a smile, and the two chatted casually.

Soon, accompanied by a crisp cracking sound, the chat stopped abruptly. Ke Mengyu stepped back a few steps and hid behind Zhao Yi, so that she could see Zhao Yi first after the tooth was born.

At this time, Liebite Garchomp couldn't help but jump out of the Poké Ball, and stared at the Pokémon egg with Zhao Yi.

She still liked the Pokémon cub so much. At this time, the grown-up Swampert had lost the favor of Liebite Garchomp.

A small black hand suddenly broke the eggshell and touched the air.

"Black? Flash!"

Zhao Yi's eyes lit up. The flashing double-axe dragon was black, much more handsome than the normal green double-axe dragon.

He didn't expect that he was so lucky that he could draw the flash elf in one go.

At this time, Ke Mengyu, who was standing behind Zhao Yi, also realized that this was normal. Only the flashing tooth could make Zhao Yi come here in person.

If it was a normal tooth, she didn't believe that Zhao Yi would have such a refined taste.

At this time, the flashing tooth had already crawled out of the eggshell and began to break the eggshell with his little hands and put it in his mouth.

At the same time, the attributes of this tooth also appeared in front of Zhao Yi.

【Tooth (Flash)】

【Attribute: Dragon】

【Qualification: Gold】

【Grade 1】

【Features: Breaking the rules (can use skills on opponents without being affected by their characteristics) Fighting spirit (facing opponents of the same gender, the fighting spirit will be ignited and become stronger, facing opponents of different genders, it will become weaker)】

【A tooth Pokémon that crushes fruit with its teeth and eats it. Its teeth will regenerate multiple times and become extremely strong and sharp.】

【Skills: Grab, Stare, Reckless]

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