"Phoenix pear and lemon fruit increase strength, the specially processed cashew fruit increases ground energy, the specially processed pomegranate fruit increases dragon energy, the lychee fruit increases attack, oh, and I can also give you some corn fruit that will make your scales look better."

Put the raw materials into the instrument in order according to what the book said. This time, having learned from the lessons of hundreds of previous failures, he had enough confidence to make intermediate energy blocks.

Compared with the simple and crude primary energy blocks, the intermediate energy blocks have already added changes in attributes.

In other words, they are customized according to the elves, and the intermediate energy blocks required by different elves are also different. What he is making now is the energy block of the earth dragon system, which is suitable for the fierce biting land shark, the desert dragonfly or the god of nature Zygarde.

Of course, Zygarde probably doesn't need to eat energy blocks.

Looking at the juice being put into the mold, Zhao Yi and the sharp-toothed land shark both held their breath.

With a slight sound, the time was up, and the mold was taken out and turned upside down on the plate.

The orange energy block poured into the plate, trembling and looking extremely tempting.

"Try it?"

Zhao Yi and Land Shark looked at the energy cubes on the plate and exchanged a glance. Finally, Zhao Yi looked at her and asked.

""Try it!"

The sharp-toothed land shark didn't hesitate, picked up a piece and put it directly into her mouth.

Under Zhao Yi's nervous gaze, she chewed it twice and swallowed it.

After thinking carefully for a moment, she slowly spoke.

"The energy is much stronger than the primary giant force, and the effect of increasing strength is also much stronger."

"So...it worked?"

Zhao Yi widened his eyes and asked in surprise.

"Well, it should be done!"

After thinking about it carefully, Fanged Land Shark immediately nodded.


Zhao Yi slapped the table excitedly, and then immediately took out his notebook to record the process just now.

He decided to hide all these notes somewhere when he was about to die, and then hold a press conference to say that he hid all his knowledge and wealth in one place, and go find it if you want.

After recording, Zhao Yi customized energy blocks for his other elves that matched their respective attributes. He was busy until the evening, and finally finished making the energy blocks for the other elves. This was only the heroic branch of the intermediate energy block, and there were other energy blocks representing their respective attributes that had not yet been made.

"Phew, finally done, I'm so tired, let's go, let's go out and celebrate the joining of the Staff-tailed Squamata."

After asking the sharp-toothed land shark to help hammer his aching waist, Zhao Yi went out.

At this time, all the elves in his mansion gathered in the yard, even the tribe of colt-blade soldiers who were responsible for helping him protect his home and the walking grass who helped him manage the medicine garden.

When he subdued those colt-blade soldiers, Zhao Yi originally planned to sell them after his colt-blade soldiers evolved into servant-blade generals.

But as his status continued to rise, Zhao Yi gave up this idea. He didn't lack this little money. The white vanilla on the Liu Group's side had already sprouted. After the harvest, the monthly share would be an astronomical figure. What's more, he also had a share of the secret realm.

Since he didn't have to sell them, he might as well let these colt-blade soldiers help him guard his home. The Tianwang Mansion is so big that it must need people to manage and look after it.

The protagonist of this banquet, the staff-tailed scale-armored dragon, watched this scene quietly.

Being surrounded by elves is almost a daily thing, and there is nothing surprising about it, but this world full of colors makes her a little fascinated

"Come and try this."

When Zhao Yi walked out, he saw the staff-tailed scaly dragon sitting in the middle of the yard, staring at the surrounding scene.

Zhao Yi knew what this guy was thinking and smiled as he walked over and handed over the intermediate energy cube customized for the staff-tailed scaly dragon.

"What is this?"

The staff-tailed scaly dragon, who had never seen this kind of food before, asked curiously as he took it in his hand, and then threw it into his mouth. Since he had promised Zhao Yi to follow him until he died, the staff-tailed scaly dragon naturally chose to trust Zhao Yi. As soon as the energy cube entered his mouth, the terrifying energy and the increase in strength immediately made the staff-tailed scaly dragon's eyes widen.

"What abundant energy."

She said in amazement as she looked at the other energy cubes in her hand, and then she didn't say anything else.

Her obsession with becoming stronger was not as strong as that of Land Shark and Dragon Baruto. Instead, she wanted to see all kinds of magnificent scenery and enjoy life.

This was also a change in her living environment since she was a child.

· ·····Request flowers··· ·····

The party lasted until late at night, and then the fun stopped.

"It's already twelve o'clock……"

Zhao Yi opened his eyes from the bed. The sun was shining brightly outside the window. He picked up his phone and saw that it was already twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

Fanged Land Shark was sleeping on the floor of his room and had not yet woken up.

"Take today's chance."

He jumped down, walked to the side of the sharp-toothed land shark, put his hand on her head and whispered.

At this time, he had already become a little superstitious about the luck of the shark treasure. As soon as the voice fell, a green light flashed in front of his eyes.

"Alas, how can someone be so lucky?"

Looking down at the still sleeping fanged land shark, Zhao Yi sighed.


【Opportunity (Green): In the Dragon King's Palace in Lian City, a staff-tailed scaly-armored dragon carries the exclusive Z-crystal of the staff-tailed scaly-armored dragon.

After seeing this opportunity, Zhao Yi slapped his forehead. He was so busy these past two days that he actually forgot such an important thing.

"The Overlord Pokémon must have Z-crystals, but I didn't expect that the Z-crystals of the Staff-tailed Scaled Armored Dragon were actually the exclusive Z of the Staff-tailed Scaled Armored Dragon.

This is really lucky.

"The power of Pokémon like the Staff-tailed Scaled Armored Dragon is largely due to their exclusive Z skill, the Blazing Soul Dance Fierce Sonic Boom.

It is a dragon-type AOE ultimate move with a power of 185.

After using it, it will also strengthen its attack, defense, special attack, special defense and speed by one level.

After losing its exclusive Z, the Staff-tailed Scaled Armored Dragon also has a dragon-type transformation skill called Soul Dance Fierce Sonic Boom, but it is still far inferior to the Blazing Soul Dance Fierce Sonic Boom.

In addition to having no damage, Soul Dance Fierce Sonic Boom also requires consuming one-third of its own maximum physical strength to enhance its attributes.

Zhao Yi pushed open the door and was about to look for the Staff-tailed Scaled Armored Dragon, but suddenly saw the butler walking towards him in a hurry. It seemed that he was here to find him.

""What's the matter?"

Zhao Yi asked in confusion. The housekeeper usually wouldn't bother him when he had nothing to do. He would take care of the affairs in the mansion in an orderly manner and wouldn't bother him. But why was he acting out of character today?

"Sir, the official has arrived and is in the living room."

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