Elf Invasion: I live broadcast popular science Pokémon

Chapter 512 Rumors about the barren mountains and the disappearing little magnet

The little Magnemite's single eye was half-closed like a crescent moon, and he was obviously smiling happily.

Not only it.

Thanks to William's funny appearance, the whole house was filled with joy.

Fern and Rena had uncontrollable smiles on their faces.

William rolled his eyes, put his hands on his face, pulled it, stuck out his tongue, and made a very happy face to match his current hairstyle.



The two little ones, Fern and Reina, suddenly smiled even more happily.

Feeling that his younger siblings were no longer as resistant to him as before, William glanced at the little Magneto beside him happily spinning in mid-air, and a heartfelt smile appeared on his face.

"By the way, little Magneto, do you want to eat something first?"

William asked the little magnet while adjusting his hair.

Since the Poke Ball was launched, it has been updated to several versions after continuous in-depth development by Zhuxia Countermeasures Bureau.

William, who is not short of money, uses the best and latest Poké Ball for his little Magnemite, which is currently available on the market. Its internal space will not only make the Elf feel more comfortable, but also reduce the Elf's energy. The role of consumption.

However, the effect of reducing the energy consumption of elves is relatively limited. In addition, since leaving Zhuxia, William has kept the little magnet in the elf ball. It must be time to eat normally.


Magneto nodded.

"Then I'll wait."

William took over the backpack he had put aside.

Although in William's live broadcast, he had seen the scene of William feeding Magneto, in reality, it was the first time to watch the elf eating with his own eyes, and the whole family couldn't help but gather around William and Magneto.

"Different from ordinary elves, Magnemite's recipe is relatively simple, which is electrical energy. The level of electrical energy is currently divided into five levels in the research of the Zhuxia Countermeasures Bureau, and the smallest..."

Seeing the curious eyes of his family members, William, who suffered from an occupational disease, was doing his usual science popularization while taking out the current power bank for Magnemite from his backpack.

Just when he stretched out his hand out of habit, ready to hand over the power bank.

The moment he touched the cold shell of the little magnet, another electric current suddenly spread throughout William's entire body from the contact position.

The hair that had just been smoothed stood up like a hedgehog again.

"Hiccup... Generally speaking, when the little magnet is eating, you won't touch it casually, otherwise it will easily be electrocuted..."

William is still popularizing science.


His eyes were extremely resentful.

It doesn't matter if you touch me and get shocked while absorbing electricity. You haven't even started yet, so why are you shocking me again! It was indeed my fault before, but is this revenge...eh?

The complaints in my heart suddenly stopped.

William, who was watching his elf, suddenly noticed that the little magnet was not looking at him at this moment, but turned slightly and looked in another direction.

"What's wrong, Magnemite?"

As William spoke out, the little Magneto, who had fallen into a trance, came back to his senses.

Immediately afterwards.

The little Magnemite turned his head and saw William's tall hair, and immediately realized that he seemed to have accidentally clicked on his trainer just now, so he quickly explained that he did not do it on purpose.

William didn't care either.

"I'm fine, but you are too tired from staying in the Poké Ball today?"


The little Magnemite shook his head, and then, while twisting his body and shouting, he tried to explain to his trainer.

Although they were far from being connected, William, who had lived together for so long and had a very good relationship with each other, quickly understood what the little magnet meant.

"You mean, someone seemed to be calling you somewhere just now?"


The little magnet nodded his head.

William frowned slightly.


Involuntarily, William looked in the direction where the little Magnemite had just been in a daze.

Through the glass window, you can see the backyard of your home, and further ahead, you can see the houses of similar shapes that are closely arranged outside.

Most of the houses here are empty. After leaving this remote town, many young people took their relatives to live in big cities with better conditions and better infrastructure.

At this moment, the surroundings seemed a little quiet.

William didn't hear any strange noises from beginning to end, and considering that there were troops stationed outside the town and patrolling 24 hours a day, he didn't think any elves could break into the town.

In doubt, William took a few steps forward.

The view becomes wider as it goes beyond the eaves.

The next second.

William stopped.

Stopping and looking away, I saw a part of the black mountains exposed under the distant sky, with the afterglow of the setting sun shining on them, giving it a rather eerie feeling.

"Little Magneto, that's not the place you mentioned, right?"


The little Magnemite who came to William looked at the blackened mountain with a confused expression.

William also shook his head when he saw Magnemite's expression.

But he was thinking too much.

The scorched mountain is at least several kilometers away from here. How could anyone call the little magnet in that scorched mountain?

This is so unrealistic.

"Speaking of which, I have heard some rumors."

The old father's voice suddenly sounded from the side.

William turned his head and looked over.

The old father pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at the black mountains in the distance, and said slowly.

"Just a week ago, someone seemed to see something shining brightly in the charred mountains at night. When he got closer, he seemed to be able to hear a strange sound, like laughter. Same."


William was slightly startled.

The old father smiled.

"They are just rumors. After receiving the news, the army personnel immediately went to the scorched mountains to investigate, but found nothing."

"Is this so..."

William frowned.

at this time.

Fern suddenly let out a yell.

"It's a ghost!"

Reina next to her also looked scared.

William, who was confused, was about to ask, but his mother shook her head first and whispered in William's ear.

After a while.

William understood.

The so-called ghosts are just that in order to calm down these two noisy little guys, my mother made up a story based on the rumors in the town, saying that the elves above who died because of human arson turned into ghosts with resentment. It has been waiting for opportunities to take revenge on humans. All those disobedient children will eventually be taken away and eaten by the terrifying ghosts.

The two little guys stood aside, looking at the black mountains tremblingly, as if they were worried that their performance today would cause ghosts to come to the town and take them away.

Good guy.

Twenty years later, this routine is still so familiar.

William couldn't help but smile.

But at the same time.

I feel completely relieved.

After all, the army has already inspected it. Furthermore, even if there is an extremely powerful, ghostly and elusive being lurking in that mountain, William can't figure out why the other party is looking for Magneto. His Magneto is not there. What a special place.

The family, including Magneto, quickly put the episode behind them.

Amid the commotion and laughter, the night slowly fell.

After the spirit was completely relaxed, fatigue came over quickly like a tide.

William was used to sleeping with the little magnet.


On the grounds that the magnet would probably leak electricity after sleeping at night, William finally took back his possession of the magnet from the two little ones.

"Little Magneto, you have scared away those two little devils!"

Just as William was preparing the good news to tell the little Magneto, who had been teased by the naughty children all night, the moment he opened the bedroom door, he didn't find that familiar figure.

"Stop hiding, they've gone back to their bedrooms."

William shouted while looking for traces of the little magnet monster everywhere in the room.


When William searched the entire room, he discovered that the little magnet was not there at all.

"It's strange, I clearly saw it coming in."

William frowned and returned to the living room again, searching for the little Magnemite in the whole room. The movement soon attracted the attention of other people in the family.

After learning about the situation, the father and mother, and even Fern and Lena, did not hesitate at all and began to help William, calling the little Magnemite's name while looking for the gray figure.


Nothing was found.

The little magnet seemed to evaporate suddenly in the room and disappeared without a trace.

"Where did you go..."

William looked helpless as he looked at the entire house that had been rummaged through.

"Why don't you go look outside?"

The old father suggested while already starting to put on his coat.

"I've obviously told him not to run around recently..."

William's face showed a slightly worried look.

The situation where the sun never sets is different from that of Zhuxia, especially Lanfries, which has just suffered a disaster, which makes William a little worried that if the little magnet monster stays outside, it will cause some unnecessary commotion.


During the journey home today, William placed the little magnet in the elf ball.

Logically speaking, given the character of my little magnet, as long as you give it a serious warning, it will generally not touch it intentionally.

When he was worried, William was about to close the bedroom door. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and suddenly saw a familiar mountain range with a hazy outline in the moonlight along the open window.

For a moment, the scene in the evening emerged in my mind.

William's expression changed.

"No way…"


The old father, who obviously didn't hear clearly, turned around and saw William's figure passing by like the wind, and the anxious voice also floated into his ears at this time.

"Is the bicycle at home still where it was?"


"I'm going out!"

When the words fell, William had already rushed out of the door.

As a mother, the middle-aged woman subconsciously wants to stop it.


The old father took the lead, took his wife's hand, and then shook his head.

"For William, Magneto is as important to him as we are, so let him go."


"Nothing to worry about."

The old father glanced in the direction of the scorched mountains, turned back to his wife and said again.

"Let's also try our best to help search for traces of the little magnet monster in the town."


Her face was full of worry, but listening to the sound of riding that was already fading away, she understood that she couldn't stop the middle-aged woman from nodding her head, but she couldn't help but complain.

"Really, just put on your pajamas and go out, at least put on an extra coat!"


The town of Custer is not a very big town, and residents basically rely on walking to travel. Therefore, William's family did not buy a car, leaving only a bicycle that his old father usually used for work.

For William's old father, the speed of the bicycle was more than enough to occasionally catch up on time.


At this moment, for the anxious William, this speed was far from enough.

He stepped on the pedals of his bicycle as hard as he could, accelerating through the streets.

December had already entered winter, and the cold wind became more rampant at night. It was like a knife scraping William's face, making him couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

"Little Magneto..."

William, who was thinking only of that gray figure, was accidentally nudged by those hard-to-find pebbles on the road at night. While his body was shaking, his foot slipped, causing the entire bicycle to lose its balance in an instant, and he fell down with a crash. He fell on the stone paved road.


Severe pain suddenly came from his feet, and William's face instantly became a little distorted.

He must have broken his skin.

For today's modern people's physique, even if the injury is more serious, it may not take a day or two to recover directly.


At this moment, William was indeed complaining to the extreme about his ride just now.

He doesn't care about getting hurt.

The pain that continues to come will definitely affect his riding speed in the future.

"Damn it!"

William cursed, endured the pain, and slowly climbed up from the cold ground helplessly.

at this time.

A sound of footsteps suddenly came from the alley next to it, and occasionally a loud noise full of cheerful atmosphere could be heard.

The voice was a bit familiar, and William stopped subconsciously, stopped and looked into the alley.

Under the illumination of street lights, three young men in military uniforms slowly walked out.

"Hey! William, it's you! Do you want to come and have a drink with us? By the way, let's talk about Zhu Xia's stories with us, hahaha!"

A kind-faced young man who was obviously drunk and had a red face. He put one hand on his companion to keep his balance. He raised his other arm and greeted William.

It was the three people who met once when they went home during the day.

William, who saw the hope, did not hesitate at all and respectfully asked the three of them.

"Can you help me?"

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