"Now in the second game of this tournament, facing the confident Arms, what kind of Pokémon will our newcomer Ash come up with?" the announcer shouted.

"Infernape, it's you!"

Xiaozhi twisted his hat and threw the Poké Ball in his hand.

The white light faded away, and Infernape appeared on the ring. He looked at the wrist force in front of him with full confidence, waving his fists in protest.


The referee rings the bell to signal the start of the game.

The opponent's wrist was obviously an experienced guy. After the bell rang, before the hot monkey could react, he quickly rushed in front of the hot monkey and used his bare hands to chop him continuously.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Fiery Monkey wanted to use his fists to resist the attack. Due to the strength of his wrist, the bare-handed attack was so fierce that he was eventually pushed back to the corner and struggled to get up.

"It seems that in the fight between the wrist and the fiery monkey, the wrist has the upper hand. Although he is small, his wrist is very powerful."The announcer continued to explain.

The angry monkey, regardless of Xiaozhi's attempts to stop him, jumped into the air, intending to give Wrist a fatal blow, but unexpectedly, the experienced Wrist took the opportunity to grab his right foot and spin it wildly. Causing the Fiery Monkey to become dizzy by itself

"It was so strong that the wrist used its strange strength to grab the fiery monkey and throw it up!"

Seeing that Fiery Monkey could no longer stay awake, the arm in the ring, after receiving the trainer's order, threw Fiery Monkey violently outside the ring.

"Infernape!" Xiaozhi said anxiously upon seeing this, and quickly ran up to act as a human cushion for Infernape to prevent him from getting hurt by the collision with the ground.

Xiaozhi struggled to get up, not caring about the pain caused by the collision, and looked at Infernape distressedly,"Infernape, are you okay?"

Infernape was moved to look at Xiaozhi who was in front of him and paid for him, tears almost fell from his eyes, and then Infernape's eyes were filled with angry flames, and he was determined to win the game for Xiaozhi.

"Okay, now it's your turn to fight back. Be careful of the wrist strike, and strike first."Xiaozhi warned Infernape

""That's amazing~" Xiaoxia in the audience was surprised

"What happened?"Aimei said doubtfully.

"Infernape, who had never listened to Ash's orders, actually listened to Ash this time."Misty explained.

Although it was a fighting competition, the rules of the competition were still based on the theory of Pokémon duels. The winner was determined by whether the Pokémon fainted, so Infernape was thrown out of the arena by the wrist force, which did not count as a failure in the battle.

""Use the cross attack!"

Infernape took the initiative and rushed forward, crossing his arms and attacking with the cross attack before the wrist force could react. The powerful attack forced the wrist force to resist the attack with both hands. Infernape used his strength to push the wrist force to the position of the ring where the light was the most dazzling. Seeing this, Xiaozhi also realized the opportunity to attack.

"Infernape jumped up and used a million-ton kick!"

Taking advantage of the dazzling light, and taking advantage of the moment when Armstrong raised his arm to block the light, Infernape leaped into the air and defeated Armstrong with a fierce million-ton kick.

"The winner is decided. Armstrong can't stand up anymore. Xiaozhi's Infernape wins."The announcer announced the result of the game.

"That fiery monkey is pretty good at it."Anmu praised, but inevitably a little thought came into his mind.

"Xiaozhi's behavior of catching Hot Monkey with his body without fear of injury touched Hot Monkey's heart."Xiaoxia sighed with emotion.

"The third match is between Shawarang and Geodude. How will Geodude, who has a strong body, resist Shawarang's flying kick? Let's wait and see!"

"OK, the game begins!"


"Amy, I want to fight for you!"Xiao Gang confessed passionately, regardless of the embarrassment of others sweating.

"It's dangerous!" Ai Mei warned.

The little fist rock on the ring was kicked twice by Shawarang, and it flew cleanly to Xiaogang's head, severely injuring Xiaogang's head, which was also a good lesson for Xiaogang.

"Boy, being distracted during a duel is a taboo for fighters!"The giant shook his head and said disdainfully.

"It hurts so much~" Xiaogang touched the big 'red envelope' on his head and said to the Geodude beside him,"Geodude, let's fight back too!"

"Don't you want to give up? What a stupid boy, Shawarang continued to use two consecutive kicks!"

Savarang took the initiative in attacking. The small fist stone in the ring could only keep crossing its hands to resist Shavarang's attack.

"At this rate, Geodude will be kicked into pieces!" Xiaozhi said worriedly.

"Xiaogang, isn’t Xiaoquanshi your cherished partner?"

At this time, Xiaochi came to Xiaozhi and Xiaogang and went up to advise them.

"It's not like you to let your partner stay in the ring and get beaten. Although it was due to a moment of confusion, I believe you will not let Geodude get seriously injured."

Xiao Chi said this, and Xiao Gang also understood what Xiao Chi meant. He took the red cloth handed by Xiao Chi and threw it on the ring to indicate that he gave up the game.

"Xiaoquanshi abstained, and the winner is Shawarang!"

Xiao Gang nervously ran to the ring and picked up Xiao Quan Shi. He looked at Xiao Quan Shi guiltily and said,"I'm sorry, Xiao Quan Shi. It's all my fault for being confused for a moment. Please forgive me. I will polish the injured area until it shines for you"

"The rest, just leave it to me and my brother!" Xiaozhi said

"Then I'll leave it to you and Chi."

A series of matches started. With his superb boxing skills, Abby easily defeated countless enemies. Chi and Abby quickly entered the semi-finals. In the match between Anmu and the giant, Abby barely defeated the giant's Shawarang with his efforts, allowing Anmu to enter the semi-finals. Xiaozhi also came to the semi-finals with the help of Infernape, who became more and more courageous, and became the opponent of Anmu in the semi-finals.

"Now is the first match of the semi-finals of this conference. The two teams are the previous champion, Lord Xingdou, and the dark horse player Xiao Chi!"

"You are great, but my strange power is not that easy to deal with."

Xingdou took the initiative to shake hands with Xiaochi and praised Aibilang's superb boxing skills.

"I'm looking forward to the next games."Xiao Chi replied


At the beginning of the game, Abby Lang used the sonic punch first, and came to the front of the strange force, intending to give it a heavy blow.


Guai Li used his two hands to resist Abby Lang's sonic punch, and used his other free hands to perform a cross-handed chop on Abby Lang, knocking Abby Lang back several steps.

"Not bad, you are worthy of being the champion of the previous session."Xiao Chi nodded and looked at the injured Aibi Lang,"Don't let your guard down because of the previous winning streak."


After hearing this, Aibi Lang nodded calmly, took a deep breath slowly, and took the next duel seriously.

"With strange strength, use the cross-cutting attack! Seeing that

Aibi Lang had no intention of attacking, Xingdou ordered Wei Li to attack first.

The four arms of Wei Li released white light at the same time, approaching Aibi Lang fiercely.

"Continuous punches!"

Seeing that the monster had already entered his attack range, Abilang decisively used continuous punches. The speed of his two fists confronted the monster's double cross chop, constantly consuming the power of the cross chop.

"Double back!"

The power of the double cross chop had been consumed by more than half, and Abby gave up the idea of resistance and endured the attack of the strange force.

Then Abby's body radiated red, and his red right fist hit the strange force's abdomen fiercely, almost knocking the strange force to the ground.

"The power of double return cannot be underestimated.……"Xingdou frowned and said solemnly, thinking about how to resist Aibi Lang's offensive next.

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