But the stubborn Pikachu did not give up, and used Iron Tail at a swift speed towards the head of Galagala, intending to use it to hit Galagala's vitals.

Seeing this, Galagala disdainfully did not choose to dodge, but directly used his skull to resist Pikachu's attack, and took the opportunity to grab Pikachu's tail with one hand, throwing it back and forth on the ground.

Galagala, who has the characteristics of combat armor, will never be hit by any moves, even moves that are sure to hit the vitals will not work

""Pikachu, am I qualified to be your trainer now?" Xiao Chi asked, signaling to Gallagher to let go.

As soon as he let go, Pikachu immediately used Iron Tail, trying to hit Gallagher's body, but Gallagher easily blocked it with his bone stick.

By leveraging the force, Pikachu successfully distanced himself from Gallagher, and his cautious eyes were locked on Gallagher who was about to attack.

"Pikachu, I want to know about your past, and I want to heal your inner trauma, so... join my team and travel with me!"

This time, Xiao Chi's words made Pikachu hesitate for a moment, because the power of Evergreen released by Xiao Chi can temporarily soothe Pikachu's heart and bring Pikachu a rare warmth, which is a treasure that Pikachu has never dared to ask for.

But Pikachu doesn't want to bow to Xiao Chi easily. This is Pikachu's pride, not just tsundere.

After noticing Pikachu's awkward thoughts, Xiao Chi decided to let Gala Gala and Pikachu have a final showdown.

""Garaka, use your headbutt!"

Garaka naturally knew what Xiao Chi was thinking. He threw away the bone stick in his hand and put it aside casually. Then he stretched out his head and charged straight towards Pikachu.


The smart Pikachu immediately understood Xiaochi's thoughts, smiled faintly and shook his head. He didn't expect that he would be treated so specially.

Pikachu also immediately rushed in front of Gala Gala, and swung its tail of silver light towards Gala. Lagala's head


After a short fight, with Pikachu's 'contemptuous' smile and Gallant's puzzled eyes,

Gallant headbutted Pikachu and sent him flying into the corner, creating a spider web-like pit.

Seeing Pikachu lying motionless on the ground, Xiao Chi silently threw out the Poké Ball to capture Pikachu. The

Poké Ball did not move at all and was perfectly captured by Xiao Chi.

"Come out, Pikachu."

The white light faded away, and Pikachu, who had just woken up, raised his head proudly, refusing to accept Xiao Chi's touch.

【Ding! Successfully added the Lightning Rod attribute to Pikachu!】

"Pokémon: Pikachu Partner

Attribute: Electricity Type

First Ability: Static Electricity (When using contact-type moves to attack a Pokémon with this ability, there is a 30% chance of paralysis.)

Second Ability: Lightning Rod

Moves: Lightning Flash, Lightning Ball, Lightning Light, High-Speed Movement, Slam, 100,000 Volts, Thunder, Iron Tail, Volt Attack...

Personality: Loves freedom, likes sweets, and has a painful past

Experience Introduction: Pikachu, the partner born in the Evergreen Forest, had to compete with many Bug-type and Flying-type Pokémon for tree fruits. He was always covered in wounds, but he fed the hard-earned tree fruits to his twin brother one bite at a time.

He himself had never eaten them many times, and almost caused stunted development.

On a rainy day when he was hungry, in order to survive, and because of the accumulated pain, he finally abandoned his unconscious twin brother cruelly, hoping that he could grow up independently.

But Pikachu soon regretted it, but because of the sudden battle, he was unable to return in time.

Until now, Pikachu has been struggling with his guilt and unable to extricate himself, using the pleasure of stealing to temporarily numb his heart every day."

"Pikachu, I want to heal the pain in your heart so that you will no longer paralyze your heart with these stolen pleasures."

Xiao Chi said softly. Regardless of Pikachu's apparent resistance, he forcefully pulled Pikachu into his arms and kept stroking Pikachu's hair that was shaking due to inner uneasiness.

"Did you know? My twin brother also has a Pikachu. I'd like to introduce him to you. Maybe it will make you feel better."


Pikachu looked up at Xiao Chi's gentle smile in astonishment. At this moment, Pikachu fell into panic and anxiety, because at this moment, Pikachu no longer had the courage to communicate with any of his own kind.

"It's okay, it will all pass. I believe that the guidance of fate allows me to meet you, and I also believe that fate can open up the knot in your heart."

After saying that, Xiao Chi looked up at the sky where the dark clouds gradually dispersed, and the moonlight fell on the ground, shining on the faces of Xiao Chi and Pikachu.

Gala Gala and Mini Dragon on the side stepped back knowingly. Side by side, no interruption.

Partnering with Pikachu is definitely not common. If Xiaochi’s guess is correct, Ash’s Pikachu is definitely a partnering Pikachu, otherwise it would not have a powerful electric current that surpasses ordinary Pikachu.

"Don't worry, I will definitely open up your heart.……"Xiao Chi said, letting Pikachu lean on his shoulder, soothing Pikachu's restless heart. next day

"What?! You said that such a cute Pikachu could be a city thief!"

After a happy sleep, Miss Junsha looked at the Pikachu on Xiaochi's shoulder with astonishment after hearing Xiaochi's explanation. Miss Junsha had bought some candies for the"cute and well-behaved" Pikachu in front of her not long ago out of kindness, but she never thought that the thief she had always wanted to catch would often appear in front of her.

Because Xiaochi had subdued Pikachu, Miss Junsha had no reason to take it away from Xiaochi by force, so she had to let Xiaochi take out his wallet and repay the losses of the merchants in Nibe City who had been stolen by Pikachu.

At this moment, Miss Junsha also witnessed Xiaochi's financial resources up close, and even repaid the merchants many times over. home, praising the merchant for his recent"care" for Pikachu.

At first, the merchant wanted to scold Pikachu, but after seeing the doubled return gift, he immediately raised his mouth to express his welcome, and wanted Pikachu, the god of wealth, to stay in the store for a while.

Pikachu couldn't help but snort, and felt disdain for these hypocritical guys in front of him. If it weren't for Xiao Chi paying off the debt, he might have asked someone to beat him up.

Although it was a bit funny, Xiao Chi still took the medal of honor from Miss Junsha to commend the good behavior of punishing evil and promoting good for the people of Nibi City.

Pikachu, who was just on Xiao Chi's shoulder, obviously felt unhappy and thought he was being mocked.

(I patronize your store because I think highly of you. I don't even patronize stores that have bad food. Be content, you stupid humans!)


Joban Forest is a forest located on Route 2 between Joban Forest and Nibi City.

A variety of densely packed trees form a natural maze, and many people have gotten lost in it. The leafy trees make it difficult for light to pass through, making the entire forest seem a bit dim.

Because of this, the most common Pokémon in the forest are insect- and flying-type Pokémon, and most of the trainers wandering here are insect-catching boys.

Therefore, before entering Viridian Forest, experienced trainers will advise passers-by to prepare some antidotes and anesthetics in case of accidents.


Although he had painful memories, Pikachu still smiled happily after returning to his hometown, because this time he was no longer alone.

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