Elf, who made him the gym leader?

Chapter 196 Ancient Future, in front of my legend!

Gusin agreed to their request, but in order to turn off the time machine, he still needed a prop, which was the Book of Purple with the IDs of the two doctors Olinfortu in Pipa's hand.

This requires Gu Xin to go there personally. After all, Olin AI and Fotu AI cannot leave the Zero Zone Research Institute.

However, this is actually not difficult.

Taking Reshiram, Gu Xin and the others quickly flew to Desitai City and contacted Paipa through the phone number provided by Olin AI.

Pipa is a young man with brown-grey hair and a rather stern face, but he is actually a very gentle and kind person.

"You said you could take me to find my parents?" Pipa came to Gu Xin and said solemnly. He was the son of Dr. Olin and Dr. Fotu.

"My parents are here..."

"In Area Zero, right? I know, because I just came out of Area Zero."

Gusin interrupted Pipa with a warm smile. He actually found that the situation on Padia's side was different from the game in his memory.

In fact, depending on the corresponding version of the game, the protagonist will encounter different park guardian dragons at the beginning.

For example, Zhu Ban will encounter the Guluton individual who is seriously injured and dying. Why?

Because the time machine that kept running transmitted another more ferocious and wild Gullton Individual 2.

The two Gulutons fought over the territory, and the result was predictable. Guluton Individual 1 was defeated and was expelled from Area Zero by Individual 2.

Because the injuries from being beaten by the individual were extremely serious, so severe that they almost died, the Luton individual could only maintain his life safety by changing himself into a restricted form after meeting the protagonist.

The plot of Purple is the same, but the plot is replaced by Millerton.

But this world is different. Gu Xin asked Olin AI and the others, and the time machine did indeed transmit the old individual 2 and Milton individual 2, but in order to avoid the old and Milton individuals 1 and 2 from intersecting with each other. Massacre, so the two AIs have released the individuals of Milton and Milton from Area Zero, and they don't know where they went.

Is there still Xiaochun/Xiaoqing in Padiya? Guxin was so curious that he forgot to ask Nemo at the time.


Pipa looked at Gu Xin with some suspicion. He once secretly entered Area Zero in order to find his parents, but he was attacked by Paradox Pokémon.

In order to protect Pipa, Pipa's mastiff godfather was seriously injured.

"Don't worry, I'm very strong. I can protect you to go to Area Zero, but Pipa, the truth may be a bit heavy for you. If you really have to face it, you have to be prepared."

Guxin pondered for a moment and spoke to Pipa.

"I know, but I have to go see them no matter what, they..."

Pipa had a bad feeling when he heard this, but he gritted his teeth and spoke anyway.

Gurton and Milton were the first Paradox Pokémon to be transported to modern times, but because of their hidden wildness and fighting spirit, Gurton and Milton would attack other Pokémon. .

In order to prevent Gulton and Milton from being discovered and to prevent more Pokémon from being harmed by Gulton and Milton, the two Olinfortu had no choice but to bring Gulton and Milton back to Pagoda. The Great Pit of Dia, and has lived in Area Zero ever since.

The consequence of this is that Pipa was "abandoned". Pipa was angry that Leton and Milton had "taken away" his parents. For the sake of their dreams, Orin and Foto did indeed ignore Pipa.

This made Pipa very disgusted and angry, but as he grew up, Pipa also discovered that he had not contacted Olinfutu for many years without realizing it.

He hated them, but he also wanted to know why? Why can they forget themselves so indifferently.

"Then come on, I'll take you to Area Zero. I'll need to use your Zhu Book and Purple Book then."

Guxin threw Kuailong's elf ball and let Pipa ride on Kuailong. Reshiram and Kuailong flew towards the zero area.

On the bottom floor of Area Zero, it took some time for the four Gu Xin to come here again and re-enter the Area Zero Research Institute.

"So...they are actually already dead?"

Looking at Olinai and Futuai in front of him, Pipa's face turned a little pale after getting the truth from them.

"Sorry, I haven't contacted you yet. I think this result must be difficult for you to accept."

Olinai's originally empty and emotionless tone changed slightly.

"I have inherited all the emotions of the doctor herself and completely understand her mood."

"Pipa, your mother really has always loved you."

Aulinai's words made Pipa's eyes instantly turn red and moist, but she still lowered her head stubbornly.

Seeing this scene, Lillie and Irene couldn't help but remain silent. Girls are always emotional.

Piper has been trying to find his parents and ask them why they 'abandoned' him all these years.

But now he has learned the truth that his real parents are dead. This...

"So you need these two books to turn off the time machine, right?"

The atmosphere was silent for a while, then Pipa took out the Zhu Book and the Purple Book from his backpack and handed them to Gu Xin.

"Please be sure to turn off this evil machine!" Pipa solemnly requested Gu Xin.

He knew that this was his parents' dream, but after knowing the whole story, he didn't want to admit it!

"I will."

Guxin took the two strange books and assured Pipa.

"Then come with us."

Olinai and Futuai took Guxin and the four of them into the elevator.

The elevator went all the way down, and finally reached the bottom floor of the institute. After stepping out of the elevator, a crystal clear space came into view.


Lillie looked around with wide eyes. All the walls were made of crystal-like crystals, which were very gorgeous and dreamy.

The ground is black, and there is a small black platform in front.

"Look, this is the time machine created using the power of Tai Jing."

Dr. Fotu stepped forward and stopped in front of the black platform.

"If you want to turn off the time machine, you need to use the Zhu Book and the Purple Book equipped with the Doctor's ID. Putting the final key in the book that you have loved since childhood is really the Doctor's style."

Olinai gently stroked the black platform, then turned around and looked at Gu Xin.

"Guxin, if you are ready, put the book on the pedestal."


Gu Xin nodded and placed the Zhu Book and the Purple Book on the pedestal.

‘Olin and Futu’s personal ID, confirm the connection. ’

A hollow mechanical sound suddenly sounded throughout the space. This was the center of the time machine.

Guxin slowly retreated to the front of Lillie and the others, looking at Orinai and Futuai who were slowly squatting down.

'The time machine is about to be shut down urgently, we are preparing... we are preparing...'

The mechanical sound continued.

'Connection blocked, emergency shutdown interrupted, time machine restarted. ’

"Please, Gusin."

Olin AI's voice suddenly came over.

‘Olin ai and Futu ai switch to sleep mode and start the battle program! ’

"Please be sure to defeat us and let us have our dreams..."

Boom! !

Before Futuai finished speaking, the entire underground space began to tremble violently, and the sound of mechanical operation roared.

The pedestal at the feet of Olin AI and Fitu AI and the surroundings suddenly rose high, and the black machinery on the top ceiling suddenly unfolded and bloomed like a flower, with a mysterious light lingering in the center of the 'flower'.

That is the essence of the time machine!

"Who is looking for my business... I, Jingyou, ask anyone to quit!"

Olinai and Futuai spoke at the same time, the pupils in their eyes were covered by a strange light, and their aura was extremely terrifying.

The halo of the time machine above circulated, and two dark red precious balls, one on the left and one on the right, fell, and were caught by Olin AI and Futu AI.

The two of them stepped forward holding the precious ball and came to the edge of the black platform, overlooking Gu Xin and others below.

The precious ball opened and two rays of light fell to the ground.

The one on the left is Groundwing, and the one on the right is the same Pokémon with similar characteristics to Vulcan Moth.

The appearance is very similar, but the mechanical style on its body is very conspicuous, with three pairs of orange wings floating behind it.

It's the iron poisonous moth!

‘Drip~ Iron Poison Moth, fire and poison attribute, paradoxical Pokémon

Traits: Quark Charge

Special moves: Storm, Morning Light, Dance of Fire, Sludge Wave, Electric Discharge, Harsh Sound, Air Blade...

Introduction: It is very similar to the unknown UFO that monitors humans introduced in supernatural magazines. ’

The Rotom illustrated book very consciously introduces the information about the iron poisonous moth.

"It's really a doubles match."

Guxin raised his eyebrows, and he guessed that he might have to face Olinai and Futuai at the same time.

"elder brother……"

"Leave it to me."

Gu Xin took two steps forward and threw two elf balls with his backhand.

"Reshiram, Lunayala."

White light flashed, and Reshiram and Lunayara appeared in front of Gu Xin.

The true dragon god in the legend of Unova, the beast that invites the moon in the legend of Alola.

"Two vs two, fair, right?"

Guxin looked up at Olinai and Futuai on the black stage, with a bright smile on his face.

A majestic and heavy pressure filled the air, Reshiram stood on the ground, and Lunayara floated in the air.

The overwhelming sense of oppression made both the crawling wings and the iron poisonous moths moan restlessly at this moment. Although their personalities are ferocious and indifferent, their instincts from biological genes are warning them frantically at this moment. They are very dangerous!

"Who are these two Pokémon?"

Piper was stunned.


‘Dip~ Lunayala, super power, ghost attribute, Moon Pokémon

Traits: Phantom Defense

Special moves: Shadow Light, Submerged Surprise Attack, Mental Power, Dark Explosion, Shadow Ball, Hypnosis, Dream Eater...

Introduction: Known as the beast that attracts the moon, it maintains life by converting all light into energy. ’

What a great batch!

Pipa was shocked. These two elves were so impressive just after hearing the introduction!

"I don't know who is coming, but I will expel anyone who is in the way!"

Olinai's momentum was astonishingly wild, and she waved her arms heavily and shouted to the crawling wings below.

"Earth-crawling wing! Strike head-on!"

"Iron poisonous moth, storm!"

Compared to Olin AI, Fotu AI at this moment is as cold as a machine.

The crawling wing kept restless, but under the command of the trainer, wildness prevailed over rationality. It glowed with light blue light and rushed towards Lunayara at high speed.

The iron moth's three pairs of iron wings waved, and a manic hurricane began to sweep across.

"Dark Explosion."

"Spray flames."

Gu Xin smiled lightly.

Lunala's wings were closed, and the black energy was as dark as the night.

Reshiram's mouth lit up with red flames.

Accompanied by a shriek, the black shockwave of the dark explosion swept out, and at the same time, Reshiram's flames also shot towards the creeping wing.


With two violent explosions, the creeping wing and the iron poison moth were directly blown away by the two attacks and fell to the ground motionless.

Directly killed in seconds!

Orin AI and Futu AI seemed to freeze for a second when they saw the directly defeated creeping wing and iron poison moth, and then slowly tilted their heads.


A question mark seemed to float from the heads of the two AI.

"Handsome! Lunayara is so handsome!"

Lilia looked at Lunayara with surprise, she liked Lunayara very much.

"Isn't this too strong?" Papa was shocked.

"Nothing more."

Guxin elegantly adjusted the collar of his shirt.

"Come on, continue~ Let me continue to see your power, the power of the ancient and the future, in front of my legend."

"How far can you dance?"

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