Elf, who made him the gym leader?

Chapter 205 Gu Xin, I will let you know what power is!

"This guy should be struggling now." Meiyue said with a smile.

"There is no way, Nut Dumbbell is too difficult to deal with. If you want to defeat my brother's Nut Dumbbell, using the fire element is the best choice, but it looks like he only brought a Wind Speed ​​Dog."

"Either it's a Pokémon that uses fire-type special moves, but now there's an invisible rock on the field."

Lillie analyzed that Nut Dumbbell's resistance was so good that even fighting-type Pokémon were not safe.

"Brother's grass-type team is really different from the leader Li Jia."

Lillie thought of Rika. After all, Rika also came to challenge Lota Gym last time, but the way they used grass elements was completely different.

On the field.


After hesitating for a while, Qinglu threw Blastoise's Poké Ball.

"Spin at high speed!"

White light flashed, and a water arrow turtle was ready to spin at high speed the moment it appeared, but...


An invisible rock appeared, and with a roar, the Blastoise was knocked back two steps. Fortunately, it was a water-type Blastoise.

If this was the crippled Wind Speed ​​Dog, his body would already be lying on the ground.

The next moment, the water arrow turtle retracted its limbs and head into its body and began to rotate at high speed to clear the invisible rocks.

"Substitute." Gu Xin took the opportunity to order.

A white light appeared on the Nut Dumbbell, another Nut Dumbbell appeared in front of him, and the Nut Dumbbell disappeared in place.

A general-type stand uses part of one's physical strength to create a clone of oneself.

"Damn it!" Qinglu frowned when he saw this, and couldn't help but cursed secretly in his heart. He actually used a substitute, which really didn't give him any chance of survival.

At this moment, the Water Arrow Turtle has also cleared the invisible rocks on the field, and Qinglu immediately took back the Water Arrow Turtle.


Qinglu decisively threw Nidoking's elf ball, and Nidoking landed heavily in front of Qinglu.

"It seems that he can use fire-based tricks."

Guxin raised his eyebrows, but that's right. If an elf like Nidoking doesn't learn more moves to expand its strike surface, it would be a waste of its talents.

A powerful Nidoking never lacks striking potential, because it can learn so many moves.

"Nidoking, rush over and use the flame fist!" Qinglu waved his arms and shouted without hesitation.

Nidoking roared and charged towards Nut Dumbbell with a very strong momentum.

"Parasite seeds." The corners of Gu Xin's lips rose.

Nut Dumbbell's stand-in kept retreating, and at the same time, the main body appeared behind the stand-in, throwing green seeds at Nidoking who charged in front of him.

Nidoking has a ferocious appearance, his giant claws are burning with flames, and he uses fire-type flaming fists!

The flame fist was swung, and the scorching flames burned away all the parasitic seeds in front of it, and heavily bombarded Nut Dumbbell's substitute body.

With a bang, flames burst out, and Nut Dumbbell's substitute was blown away and disappeared, and Nut Dumbbell's real body appeared.

But when Nidoking hit the Nut Dumbbell, the iron thorns on his body also extended and stabbed Nidoking. This is the characteristic iron thorn of the Nut Dumbbell!

Nidoking roared in pain, and the damage caused by the iron thorn characteristic was not low.

And at the same time, the parasitic seeds have also fallen on Nidoking and at his feet.

The parasitic seeds took root in Nidoking's body. The parasitic seeds on the ground sprouted and grew rapidly. Long green plants wrapped around Nidoking's lower body.

Dots of green light kept floating out of Nidoking's body, sinking into Nut Dumbbell's body to restore its physical strength. This was the effect of a parasitic seed.

"King Nido, burn them with the flame fist!" Qinglu shouted.

"Sa Ling."

Gu Xin took the opportunity to give an order.

Nut Dumbbell 'quickly' retreated, and luminous sharp diamonds appeared in all directions, scattering over the entire battle field.

Ground type Saling!

Nidoking kept swinging his flame fist, destroying all the plant vines wrapped around his body, but Qinglu couldn't be happy at the moment.

"Gu Xin!!" Qinglu's face looked ugly, Gu Xin! !

A small part of the parasitic seeds are still parasitic on Nidoking, and the ground has been sprinkled with sharp water chestnuts. Qinglu has no doubt that if Nido King takes two steps, he will probably step on the water chestnuts and scream in pain.

Unless Nidoking doesn't move a step, this will definitely not trigger Saling, but this is a battle, and the opponent is still not weak Nut Dumbbell. How can this be done?

Replace Nidoking? It is feasible to replace Nidoking and use Water Arrow Turtle to clear out Salim.

But what happens next? The Blastoise is not suitable for fighting Nut Dumbbell. After all, it is restrained. Then replace the Blastoise with Nidoking?

Not to mention that the constant rotation of symbols in such a small battle was not in compliance with the rules of the battle, and Qinglu couldn't afford to be embarrassed.

Originally, the rules of the gym challenge were completely biased in favor of the challenger. Why should we continue to rotate the battle like this?

Qinglu still wanted to be embarrassed, and his pride did not allow him to do this. If it was such a shameless battle, he might as well just admit defeat.

"Nidoking! Spray flames!"

Qinglu launched the attack without hesitation. Since there was Saling on the ground, he would directly attack from a distance.

Nidoking's mouth was filled with hot crimson flames.

"Shadow Claw."

The two vine tentacles on top of Nut Dumbbell flickered with ghostly shadow claws.

The two shadow claws swung directly at the incoming jet flames, tearing them apart hard. Nut Dumbbell's physical attack was not low!

The green Nidoking obviously does not have a strong characteristic, and its special attack is not very powerful.

"As expected."

Seeing this scene, Qinglu frowned, which was a bit difficult to handle.

"Nut dumbbells, hard whipping."

Guxin finally launched an attack, and it was easy to attack and defend.

Nut Dumbbell took the initiative to approach Nidoking, and vines grew out to form a huge vine, tearing open the air and swinging down towards Nidoking.

Powerful whipping of the grass type!

"The flame fist is next!" Qinglu didn't hesitate.

Nidoking roared, his claws ignited with flames and he swung at the powerful whip that came at him.

The powerful whip struck hard, hitting Nido King's flaming fist.


There was a dull sound, and the huge force came causing Nidoking's feet to collapse into the ground. The powerful whip was heavy, but the flame fist did take the powerful whip.

"Parasite seeds."

Seeing this, Gu Xin ordered again.

The vine tentacles above Nut Dumbbell waved, and green seeds quickly fell down, landing on Nidoking and around him.

The parasitic seeds on the ground quickly sprouted, grew and entangled Nidoking, and the parasitic seeds on his body also successfully parasitized.

Dots of green light continued to float out of Nidoking's body and into Nut Dumbbell's body, but Nidoking growled in discomfort. Under the continuous consumption, Nidoking's condition was actually worse than Nut Dumbbell's now.

"Hi~! It's so uncomfortable."

The eldest sister took a breath, this Nidoking was completely manipulated by Nut Dumbbell.

"It's Master Gu Xin who directed it so well. This challenger probably doesn't want to put down his pride and replace himself with the Water Arrow Turtle and then replace him again."

The birdkeeper spoke in a low voice. In fact, it would be the same for him. After all, it is too embarrassing to keep rotating like this. He would rather lose.

Anyway, it wasn’t the first time he lost to Gu Xin.

"With Saling on the field, Nidoking must not move around. But if we continue like this, we are actually waiting for death. It's better to give it a try."

The superpower frowned and analyzed,

"If the wind speed dog is in good condition, this nut dumbbell won't be so difficult to deal with."

Both the eldest sister and the birdkeeper agree very much. The Wind Speed ​​Dog has a magical speed that can get close quickly, and it is very strong in both physical attack and special attack.

Even if the defense of this Nut Dumbbell is very high under Wind Speed ​​Dog's fire attack, it will be difficult to withstand two fire attacks, and it will definitely not be able to withstand three attacks at most.

But the key is that the wind speed dog has been severely disabled by the wind fairy.

"Spray flames!"

The green face looked ugly, but he could only give orders to Nidoking.

Nidoking opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of flames below him. These parasitic seeds entangled in his body must be eliminated.

"Gyro ball." Gu Xin chuckled.

The body of the nut dumbbell rotates, the metallic luster lingers on the body, and the steel gyro ball.

"Nidoking!" Qinglu immediately reminded Nidoking.

Nidoking's flames burned away the parasitic seeds on his body, and as soon as he raised his head, what he saw was the gyro ball rotating at high speed.


A huge force came, and Nidoking roared in pain. His whole body was knocked out by the gyro ball, and he fell heavily to the ground.

But as soon as he hit the ground, the sharp water chestnut on the ground stabbed Nidoking, causing Nidoking to suffer so much that he could only moan in pain.

Seeing this green face turned livid, this was bad.

Although the steel-type gyro ball cannot restrain Nidoking, the power of the gyro ball is determined by its speed. The speed of Nut Dumbbell is very slow, so the damage of this gyro ball is definitely good.

There was also Saling's additional damage, and Nidoking was seriously injured this time.

"Strong whipping."

Gusin didn't give a chance and immediately ordered the nut dumbbells.

Nut Dumbbell let out a low cry, and the vines gathered together and turned into a huge thick vine whip, which he whipped hard at Nidoking.

"Nidoking, hold on!" Qinglu did not give up.

Nidoking tried hard to use Guard, and the green Guard barrier began to gradually light up, but the speed of condensation was a bit slow.


The strong whip fell, but the defense was still not completed after all, and the strong whip hit Nidoking hard.

There was a roar and smoke and dust filled the air.

"Nidoking loses the ability to fight and Nut Dumbbell wins."

The referee uncle came into the field again and announced the result of the battle.

Looking at Nidoking who had lost the ability to fight, his green face was now full of solemnity.

In the blink of an eye, his situation took a turn for the worse.

Winddog is severely disabled, Tabby and Nidoking have lost their ability to fight, Blastoise has poor attributes, and he is the last Pokémon left.

"Mr. Green, if you don't think of a way, you can't beat my nut dumbbells."

Guxin smiled and spoke in caution.

Just thinking about using fire-type special moves to be reckless is fine, but at least you have to be someone with super mobility like Wind Speed ​​Dog to be reckless.

"Let you be proud first, Gu Xin, the battle is not over yet!"

Green is still tough-talking. As long as he still has one Pokémon, he is not defeated yet!

As long as he still loses, he has a chance to make a comeback! It's just a nut dumbbell, there's no way he can't pass it!

"Oh?" Gu Xin raised his eyebrows.

"Blastoise! ​​Spin at high speed!"

Qinglu threw out the water arrow turtle without hesitation and used high-speed rotation to clear away the squid on the ground.

This disgusting nail must be cleared away, otherwise it will affect the next elves too much.

"Substitute." Gu Xin ordered with a slight smile.

Nut Dumbbell once again created a substitute, and the main body disappeared. The substitute is actually very useful for Nut Dumbbell.

After all, Nut Dumbbell is four times weaker than the fire type. Although the stand-in will consume some of the physical strength, when faced with those fire-based moves, the stand-in can block a blow.

"Next, I'll show you Gu Xin the biggest achievement I got in Baiyin Mountain!"

Qinglu took back the water arrow turtle and took out a poke ball, and the expression on his face returned to his unruly expression.

"I'm looking forward to it." Gu Xin said with a chuckle, he could probably guess it.

"Gu Xin, watch out! Next, I will start to counterattack to reverse the situation of the battle!"

Qinglu raised his chin, he was very confident in his new ace.

Well, originally what he wanted to say was to turn defeat into victory without losing, but it seemed that this was too crazy.

When facing Gu Xin, after two battles, Qinglu felt that he needed to be more reserved.

"Up! Bankiras!"

With a violent roar, a huge green-armored monster landed heavily in front of Qinglu, with an astonishing aura.

This is none other than the quasi-god Bankelas!

"It seems that Qinglu's harvest in Silver Mountain was indeed very great, and he actually conquered a Bankilas."

"Humph~ Of course! Gu Xin, let you experience the power of my Bankilas!"

Qinglu grinned, and all his pride seemed to have returned at this moment.

"But Qinglu, Bankilas is weak in the grass type. You can fight me with this, is that okay?"

Gu Xin raised his eyebrows and reminded him kindly, although it seemed that this Bankilas should be very strong.

But this time Gu Xin used a grass-type team, and Bankilas was weak in grass attributes. Qinglu actively chose to fight with weak attributes, and this was even after using a Blastoise.

"No road race! (long-winded)"

"Strength is everything! Attributes are just an excuse for the weak! Guxin, I will show you what strength is!"

It's just twice the weak grass, not worth mentioning!

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