Elf, who made him the gym leader?

Chapter 209 Rota Gym is closed today, Team Rocket executive meeting

Time flies and it’s Friday, and it’s still the familiar golden city.

Guxin returned here with his dear sister Lillie.

"Hi~ Guxin, Lillie~"

Bi Lan, who was wearing a black skirt and showed off her curvy figure, happily came forward.

"Sister Xiao Lan, long time no see~" Lillie was also very happy. She liked Xiao Lan, a lively and cheerful sister.

"Actually, it's only more than half a month, not that long."

Xiao Lan smiled.

"I heard that you also went to Padea. It's true that Gu Xin went out to play not long after he left. It really makes me sad, Xiaolan."

Then Xiao Lan glanced at someone faintly. She had just left the gym before Gu Xin, Lillie and Irene went to Beishang Township.

"I didn't mean to make a temporary decision."

Guxin spread his hands to show his innocence.

"People also want to visit other areas."

Xiaolan was still resentful, like an abandoned little daughter-in-law.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to Alola with Lillie in a while, how about we go together?"

Gu Xin said in a dumbfounded voice, Xiao Lan was no longer implying this, she was making it clear.

Lillie covered her mouth and smiled, and the decision to go to Alola was also decided after Guxin and Lillie discussed it.

Although Lillie has almost put the "Alola that will never be forgotten" into the corner of her memory, Guxin has not forgotten it yet.

Speaking of which, Lillie and Hydrangea had agreed to stay in Kanto for another half to one month before returning to Alola, but in the blink of an eye it had already been two months.

There was no other way, Lillie thought the Lota Gym with her brother there was really delicious!


The little blue eyes lit up, the Alola region is a world-famous tourist resort!

"Definitely, but the time hasn't been determined yet. If you, Xiaolan, want to go too, we can go there together then."

Guxin said with a smile.

"Please take me with you! Boss!"

Xiao Lan said in a serious voice, this is a ‘publicly funded tour’! Yes, she is also half an employee of Lota Gym.

"Okay, come on, this is the fluttering elf ball."

Gu Xin nodded, and then handed a high-grade ball to Xiaolan, which contained the flapping hair.

"Flapping wings."

Xiao Lan took the Advanced Ball and turned it around curiously. She had never heard of the Paradox Pokémon.

"Conquer it first. After all, you are going to be its new trainer, and you need to get its approval again."

Gu Xin reminded Xiaolan.

"But be careful, this fluttering hair is not weak, and its temperament is quite ferocious."

"It's no problem. Although I'm not as good as you and Chihong, Xiaolan, I'm also very strong."

Xiao Lan smiled and reassured Gu Xin that she was hiding her clumsiness when she was usually so quiet. She was now a king-level trainer.

"Come out and flutter your hair."

Xiao Lan threw the advanced ball, white light flashed, and a Pokémon with very similar characteristics to Incubus but much larger than Incubus appeared in front of the three of them.


Flapping Hair let out a sharp and ear-piercing scream at the three of them, its long body hair was about to move, its blood-red eyes had golden pupils, and its beast-like black vertical pupils were terrifying.

Xiaolan looked at the fluttering hair curiously. It was really big, almost as tall as her. In comparison, Meng Yao was really just a mini cutie.

"Gu Xin, isn't this really another evolved form of the Dream Demon? This one looks too similar."

Xiao Lan took out the illustrated book, but found that it showed no information.

"No, Flapping Hair is a paradoxical Pokémon that is suspected to be the ancient species of Incubus. You can understand that this is what Incubi looked like in ancient times, although it is not yet confirmed."

Xiaolan couldn't understand. What did the Dream Demon look like in ancient times? How did flapping hair appear in modern times?

"The information on Flapping Wings cannot be found in the normal illustrated book, so please use my Rotom illustrated book."

Gusin motioned for Rotom's illustrated identification.

‘Dip~ Flapping Hair, ghost, fairy type, paradoxical Pokémon

Features: Ancient Activity

Special moves: Power Gem, Magic Flame, Shadow Ball, Magic Shine, Prayer, Black Gaze, Illusion Light...

Description: Only its characteristic features resemble the ghosts of pterosaurs reported in paranormal magazines. ’

I have never heard of ancient activity.

Xiao Lan became even more interested in Flapping Hair. She took out her elf ball and opened it. A strong water arrow turtle appeared in front of Xiao Lan.

"Flutter's special attack, special defense and speed are extremely good, so pay attention to this." Gu Xin reminded Xiaolan again with a smile.

"Okay~ Look at this girl."

Xiao Lan was eager to give it a try and was ready to show Gu Xin her strength on the spot.


"No, how can this be so strong?"

Xiao Lan was simply shocked, looking at the extremely weak Water Arrow Turtle in front of her. Because of the high speed of the flutter and the terrifying burst of damage, she almost failed to hit this wild flutter.

Fortunately, she adjusted in time and played steadily, and finally got close to seize the opportunity and defeated the fluttering hair.

"Paradox Pokémon are very powerful, and their levels are much higher than ordinary wild Pokémon."

Gu Xin laughed and said that the strength of Paradox Pokémon varies, but even the weaker ones are definitely elite level, and the very strong Paradox Pokémon even have championship level.

For example, Olimphui and the others hold hands like this, so they say they can't keep the time machine running, and they can't let the paradoxical Pokémon in the Padia Pit go to the outside world.

Because the Paradox Pokémon's habits are full of primitive wildness, its temperament is cruel and cruel, and its strength is far stronger than that of ordinary wild Pokémon.

Once they leave the Padia Crater, they will have a huge impact on the entire natural environment. The existing ecosystem will be completely destroyed, and the consequences will be too serious.

"That's it." Xiaolan's eyes flashed with brilliance as she played with the high-end ball in her hand.

"Hehe~ Thank you Gu Xin, I like this very much!"

Xiao Lan put away the elf ball that fluttered her hair, and said sweetly with her hands behind her back. She is indeed Gu Xin!

"Come on~ You haven't eaten yet, I'll take you to have a meal." Xiaolan smiled and greeted Gu Xin and the others into the Golden City.

The three of them went to a famous restaurant and ordered a private room.

"Guxin, I feel like the Rockets may be making big moves recently."

"How to say?"

"Team Rocket's actions recently have been very strange. Previously, the Yulongdu champions were frantically killing them, and they kept shrinking their heads and pretending to be dead."

Xiao Lan held up her fair chin, her big eyes twinkling.

Yulongdu is really a model worker in Kanto. In addition to cultivating his own dragons, he spends the rest of his time either cleaning up Team Rocket or on the road to cleaning up Team Rocket.

Especially after discovering that Ma Zhishi was actually a senior cadre of the Rockets some time ago, Yulongdu became even more aggressive as if he was stimulated, suppressing the Rockets' survival space to an extremely low level.

"But recently the Rockets have become active again, and they seem to be moving closer to the Golden City with a purpose."

Xiaolan lowered her voice and described to the two of them.

"Golden City is the largest and most developed modern metropolis in Kanto. It also has the largest high-speed rail station and airport in Kanto. Logically speaking, Rockets in such a big city should take the initiative to avoid it, especially when the champion is so crazy. now."

"But Team Rocket is actually actively gathering towards Golden City. Guxin, do you understand what I mean? This is really abnormal."

Xiaolan found it very strange. It was strange that an evil organization like Team Rocket kept gathering in one direction.

Doesn't this give the Kanto Alliance a chance to eliminate them all at once?

"Who knows, maybe the leader of Team Rocket has his own ideas." Guxin smiled and replied casually.

"Anyway, no matter what the purpose is, just take them all down."

"Hmm~ That's right."

Xiaolan tilted her head, as if there was nothing wrong with her.

It was two o'clock in the afternoon, and Jinhuang City was bustling. Ma Zhishi and others made disguises and came to a building in the west corner of Jinhuang City, and then entered the basement.

"No one is following you?"

In the basement, in the conference room, Apollo was dressed in white and stood straight at the front of the conference table, elegant and calm.

"Hey~ How is that possible? If I hadn't been caught by that guy Gu Xin, I wouldn't have had to make so many disguises."

Ma Zhishi walked in and sat down. He took off his sunglasses and smacked his lips. He was extremely confident in his anti-reconnaissance capabilities.

"Where's the boss?"

Lance sat next to Ma Zhishi. He and Ma Zhishi had been getting closer recently. Coupled with some empathy, the relationship between the two was not bad.

"The boss will take a while."

Apollo looked around at everyone present. This meeting was extremely important. Not only were their four generals and the newly promoted senior cadres Rika and Kazuki, but even the three major cadres had arrived.

"I don't know what the boss wants to do. It's really rare for so many cadres to gather together."

Lihua leaned lazily on the bench, curiously looking at the cold temperament Na Zi next to her and the middle-aged man standing behind the wall, hiding in the shadows.

These are the other two leaders. Lihua also found out today that the three leaders of Team Rocket are actually gym leaders from Kanto.

Good guy, this really makes my family laugh out loud. It turns out that the senior officials of the Rockets have been under the eyes of the Kanto Alliance.

"This is the first time. Apparently the boss has something important to announce." Apollo nodded. He didn't know what the boss wanted to do.

As Sakaki's confidant, this was the first time he had seen such a battle.

The three major cadres, the fourth general, and the newly promoted senior cadre Kazuki Rika, these are almost all the top leaders of Team Rocket in Kanto.

"Tsk~ It's rare for everyone to have time to get together today, but..."

Lance looked around, adjusted his hat, and spoke with a smile.

"Fortunately, today is Friday. If this is a weekend, if Gu Xin comes here, we really don't know how many we can run."

Lance thinks he is very humorous, which can be used to adjust the somewhat dull atmosphere.

Swish, brush, brush! !

But just after Lance finished speaking, several sharp eyes were instantly cast on this guy.

Lance's hand that wanted to pick up the teacup paused, and he looked at Apollo and others in confusion. Ma Zhishi beside him was a little farther away from him.

"This is what you are doing?"

"Oh my~ Senior, you are really witty, but this kind of joke is not suitable at this time, right?"

Lihua said slowly and with a smile, Qiao smiled sweetly, but Kazuki, who was familiar with Lihua, knew that Lihua was in a very unhappy mood at the moment.

And Kazuki himself was also very unhappy. It was not good to mention anyone but that guy? ?

"Lance, this isn't funny."

Apollo looked at Lance helplessly. Since meeting Gu Xin, he really felt that Lance was becoming more and more likely to become a comedy comedian.

Obviously he was not like this before. Although his personality was a bit cruel and his hobbies were a bit special, Lance had a strong ability to observe people's emotions and his IQ was not low.

But why are you so outspoken now and your emotional intelligence so low?

"Don't worry, you guys, the Lota Gym will be open as usual today, and that guy Gu Xin still has to go to work..."

"Lance, I have to remind you that the Rota Gym is not open today. Gym Leader Gu Xin is on leave."

Ah Jue, who was mostly hidden in the shadows, spoke in a low tone. He had just found out through his messages that Lota Gym was not open today.


Apollo and the others were startled, and then all turned their attention to Lance.

"?? Why are you looking at me?" Lance laughed angrily.

"Don't worry, even if Gu Xin is transferred, is it possible that it is such a coincidence that he happens to be in Jinhuang City? He just happened to come for us? I don't believe it."

Lance stood up and looked around, speaking loudly.

"I, Lance, will put it down right here! If Gusin now..."


Suddenly, the entire conference room began to shake violently, and dust splashed from the ceiling.

Is this an earthquake? No, how could there be an earthquake in Jinhuang City? It was obviously someone above deliberately shaking the ground!

"What's going on?"

Apollo quickly held the conference table and took out the walkie-talkie with an ugly expression, and said angrily to the members of Team Rocket who were watching from above.

"Oh no, Master Apollo! Someone is breaking into the base!!"

Apollo's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously felt nervous. It couldn't be that man, could it?

At this moment, the faces of Lihua and others present were also quite ugly.

"I think... is there a traitor among us?"

Lihua spoke quietly and glanced at Lance who looked aggrieved.

"I think this might be a coincidence..."

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