Elf, who made him the gym leader?

Chapter 272 Artistic photos of Zhulan and Yeci. Where is your Dragonite Mega Evolution?

On the broken ground.

Yulongdu's expression was gloomy and cold, looking at the fat middle-aged man opposite who was wearing a black coat and a gentleman's hat.

In front of Yulongdu, his ace Kuailong had many scars on his body. It was obvious that he did not take advantage in the battle just now.

In other words, he is at a disadvantage!

"Hehehe... It seems that you are only at this level at Yulongdu." Sakaki smiled lowly, with a deep sense of ridicule.

Yulongdu's face kept twitching and twisting, and the corners of his mouth kept curling up and then lowering them, which was weird and terrifying.

"I see, are you so complacent after having a slight advantage? You're just a stinky rat of the Rockets."

Yulongdu's expression became more and more ferocious, and the eyes under his bloody hair were heart-stopping and frightening.

Yes, this Pokémon named Mewtwo was indeed stronger than he expected. Even his ace Dragonite was at a disadvantage and was suppressed.

And this is exactly what Yulongdu cannot accept!

"Do you think you've won? Don't be too arrogant!"

Yulongdu took out two more elf balls and opened them, and two Hack Dragons appeared above Yulongdu.

This is one of his veterans. Although the combat power of a single Harker Dragon is not comparable to that of his other first-line main forces, the combined attack power of two Harker Dragons is comparable to his ace Kuailong.

"Huck Dragon! Dragon Wave!"

"Kuailong, great speed!"

The two Harker dragons entwined each other and rose vertically into the air. At the same time, they accumulated cyan dragon energy in their mouths. The two dragon waves condensed and merged, turning into a huge dragon-shaped wave and shooting towards Chaomeng.

The white light on Kuailong's body flashed and he rushed towards Sakaki at high speed.

The deep blue light in Chaomeng's eyes flashed, he raised his arms, and the invisible and majestic super power turned into a blue barrier.


The dragon's waves hit Chaomeng's barrier heavily, violent explosions sounded, and thick smoke filled the air.

But the Godly Speed ​​Dragon shot directly at Sakaki himself.

This is not a formal battle. In Yulongdu's view, as long as the leader of Team Rocket can be eliminated, any method is worthwhile.



A needle gun appeared and stabbed straight out of a giant needle bee. It collided head-on with the incoming dragon. It hit the double needles of the giant needle bee quickly and heavily, and a surging air wave swept across it.

"The champion of Kanto, Yuryuto, is already so angry when he knows that he is not his opponent? Haha~"

Sakaki raised his right hand indifferently, a key stone flashing with light, and looked mockingly at the expressionless Yuryu Du.

"I have already said that your dragon is nothing more than this."

The brilliance of super evolution began to surround the giant needle bee. In the blink of an eye, a super giant needle wasp with four stings appeared in front of Sakaki, and its legs turned into huge poisonous needles.

A'Du's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of gray as he looked at this super giant sting bee that was even more imposing.

"Mega evolution, this is an evolution beyond evolution. Yulongdu, why doesn't your Kuailong super evolve?"

As if he was doubting or mocking, the corners of Sakaki's lips raised slightly.

Adu's expression became even colder. As time went by, mega evolution had gradually spread to other areas.

As the champion of Kanto, Adu immediately used his own resources to search for Kuailong's evolution stone as soon as he learned this.

But there has been no whereabouts so far. Yes, there is no information about the Kuailong super evolution stone at all, as if it does not exist.

"Shut up, you stinky rat."

The corners of A'Du's mouth slowly curled up, and his white teeth were heart-stopping.

"Even without the super evolution stone, you will still be completely defeated today!"

A super-heavy ball at A'Du's fingertips was enlarged and opened, and white light fell in front of A'Du.

A huge Pokémon landed heavily, and after seeing the Pokémon clearly, even Sakaki raised his eyebrows in surprise.

The orange-yellow dragon body looks very familiar. It is exactly a fast dragon, but the difference is that this fast dragon is really too big!

Ordinary dragons are no more than two meters tall, but this dragon is at least ten meters tall based on visual inspection alone! This cannot be explained by good development at all.

This is the giant dragon that Adu conquered in the waters of Hualan City before!

"It's interesting."

Sakaki narrowed his eyes slightly, and he really didn't expect that A'Du would actually hide such a trump card and not expose it.

Kuailong's power is already powerful, and if this huge dragon wasn't a good one, its power might even surpass A'du's ace Kuailong.

Although due to its huge size, its body will inevitably be a little less flexible than a regular Velociraptor, the increase in strength brought by such a huge size is also extremely high.

"Kuailong! Crush him!"

A'Du's blood boiled and a gloomy and cold voice sounded.

No matter what, he must kill the leader of Team Rocket today!

The temporary command location of the Kanto Alliance.

"King Juzi, the Western District Rockets have basically finished their elimination."

"Very good, send people to transport all the captured Team Rocket members and imprison them, and then allocate some manpower to support other areas."

Juzi nodded, her eyes still fixed on the map.

She didn't take those ordinary Team Rocket members too seriously.

"Are there still not enough manpower?"

Juzi frowned slightly, and her cloudy eyes showed a thoughtful look. She really didn't expect this.

The Rocket team only has four high-end fighters. Adu went to the Rocket team leader Huangcheng for a PK at the beginning, but the current situation is not very optimistic and the battle is very fierce.

According to the report of the alliance personnel who watched the game, Kona has been suppressed by Lihua. If this continues, Kona may lose.

This really surprised Kikuko. She has asked Xiba to go to support Kona.

The situation on Shijiana's side is also deadlocked. Daigo and Mikoli can't take down Shijiana, and they are even slightly at a disadvantage.

This is something Kikuko can't think of. Daigo and Mikoli are both people who have served as champions of Hoenn. These two people can't solve the trainers in their own area?

And Aizen's side, Kikuko is most worried about this. Zhulan and Yeci have already asked her for help because her situation is not optimistic and Aizen's strength is too strong.

It can be said that none of the four most important battlefields has good news.

"Rin, where is Guxin?" Kikuko asked her subordinates. Why is Guxin not moving at all?

"We have already contacted them and got their response." Miss Junsha Lin, the general commander of Junsha, replied immediately?

"Guxin, you go to the 39th floor immediately to support Zhulan and the others. They are in a critical situation now."

Kikuko spoke to the communicator.

"OK." After receiving the reply from 'Guxin', Kikuko frowned and looked at the regional map. This was very different from what she had expected at the beginning.

"I didn't expect that I would have to go to the battlefield at my old age." Kikuko stood up with a cane. She couldn't continue to sit here in this situation.

"Lin, the next command is up to you." Kikuko walked outside.

"Yes!" Junsha Lin said solemnly.

"Go help Adu first. If you take down the leader of Team Rocket... huh?"

Kikuko walked in the expected direction, but she noticed two teenagers not far away from the corner of her eye.

It was Red and Green.

"King Kikuko, those two are from Pallet Town. I heard from the president that they were recommended by Professor Oak to join the battle."

"Two guys from Pallet Town."

Kikuko looked at the unruly young man Qinglu with a slight flicker in her eyes.

"Will you let us in? If you don't need us, just tell me. I don't have time to waste time here."

Qinglu frowned in dissatisfaction. If it wasn't for Oak Yukinari asking him to come, Qinglu would not be interested in participating in such things.

In his opinion, Team Rocket has nothing to do with him, and Qinglu is a more self-centered person. Team Rocket's troubles are nothing to Qinglu. Anyway, the alliance will definitely solve it.

"..."Red pressed the brim of his hat without speaking.

"Sorry, you two, we have sent someone to apply. Team Rocket is extremely vicious and dangerous, and it is also for your sake."

The police officer said helplessly.

"Tsk~!" Qinglu put one hand in his pocket and was speechless.

"Hehe~ Since they were recommended by old man Oak, let them in." A low and hoarse laugh came, and Grandma Kikuko came over and said with a smile.

"Four Heavenly Kings Kikuko?"

Qinglu raised his eyebrows and instantly recognized this gloomy old woman. After all, his goal was to be the champion of Kanto. Of course, he had looked up information about the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto.

"Impolite little guy, I had some friendship with your grandfather when we were young, you should call me grandma."

Kikuko said with a smile. Although Qinglu felt that Kikuko looked at him strangely, in theory he should respectfully call Kikuko grandma.

Red: "..."

"Since you were all recommended by Oak, you should have some skills."

"This guy and I are both champions!" Qinglu raised the corners of his mouth and said proudly.

Of course he deserves to be proud, because he is a newcomer who just started traveling this year, but he is now a champion trainer!

And Qinglu thinks that he is not an ordinary champion now!

"Oh?" Kikuko smiled with satisfaction.

"Very good, Red, right? Red, you and the old woman should go together, and Green, you should go to the 39th floor of the Silver Building to support Champion Zhulan and the others."

Kikuko said with a smile. Although she still looked a little gloomy due to her temperament, her tone was still very kind.

"Be careful, the opponent on the 39th floor is very strong."

"Heh~ just Team Rocket." Green sneered. He is a champion-level trainer, a strong man personally certified by Gu Xin!

Just Team Rocket, isn't it easy for him, Green?

"Let's go."


39th floor of the Silver Building.

"Not bad, not bad, the two teachers are really talented, and they are really beautiful~!"

Aizan looked at the photos in the camera in his hand with satisfaction.

Zhulan, wearing a black peony cheongsam and with her long hair tied up, sat diagonally on the table, while Yeci, who was also wearing a black cheongsam and tall, lifted Zhulan's chin and moved his face closer to Zhulan.

The distance was only about 0.01 centimeters! The ambiguous and charming atmosphere is so strong.

The fragrance of lilies, this artistic atmosphere is at least ten stories high!

If the fans of Zhulan and Yeci saw it, they would probably faint with excitement.

So beautiful!

In addition to this photo, Gu Xin also took several photos, even letting Yeci change into men's clothes and tie up his long hair, and do a photo of Zhulan against the wall.

Very accurate!

Zhulan and Yeci, who were still wearing cheongsam, had no expression on their faces. They had clearly realized how bad Aizen's temperament was.

When originally told that they were going to take this kind of "lily atmosphere" photo, she refused both of them. Zhulan and Yeci are both elegant people, and their sexual orientations are normal.

But this guy Aizen actually threatened them by biting the land shark and crystal light flower!

For the safety of their own Pokémon, Zhulan and Yeji had to succumb to Aizen's power.

"The figure, appearance, and temperament are all top-notch. The two teachers did not enter the entertainment industry. It is really a big loss to that industry!"

Aizen gave a thumbs up to the two teachers, Zhulan and Yaji, and expressed his regret.

"Return the biting land sharks to us."

Zhulan took a deep breath and tried her best to calm down the surging emotions in her heart. She considered herself to be an extremely rational and calm person.

This has been the case since she was a child. Except when fighting, she rarely has violent mood swings, but Zhulan broke the precept today.

"Aizen, according to the agreement, you cannot send out certain photos."

Yeci was helpless. She didn't expect that her innocence would be almost lost when she came to Guandu! !

She is the chief champion of the Padia region + president of the Padia alliance!

Mature, steady, kind and reliable, this is the impression that all Padians have on Yeci, but they didn't expect that she actually took a 'lily photo' with another woman today.

Although the photos they took were all relatively 'normal', and Aizen didn't make any particularly excessive demands, the two of them had just taken some 'marginal' photos with a rather charming atmosphere.

"Teachers, you can rest assured that although I am not a good person, I still have the ethics of an artist."

Aizen smiled and nodded.

Then Aizen got out of the way and let Gu Ledun release the biting land sharks who were seriously injured and could hardly move. Zhulan and Yeci immediately retracted the biting land sharks and others.

At this moment, the floor-to-ceiling window suddenly shattered, and a giant bird flew in.


Aizen was quite surprised, and so were Zhulan and Yeji.

"Is that you? The Rockets guy."

A handsome hedgehog-headed boy jumped off Bi Diao and looked at Aizen's lazy opening.

It's exactly green.

"That's right, your Excellency?" Aizen raised his eyebrows.

"My uncle's name is Qinglu. It's really troublesome. Let's get rid of you quickly and go find that guy Chi."

Qinglu glanced at Zhulan and Yeci who were wearing cheongsam, her eyes were a little surprised and weird.

A very beautiful woman, but it's a pity that Qinglu is not interested in women. He only has two strong rivals in his heart, Gu Xin and Chihong.

On the road to becoming the strongest trainer, there is no need for things like women to get in the way!

What Qinglu finds strange is that if that old woman Juzi is right, these two women are the champions of Sinnoh and Padia, right?

Wearing such nice clothes to play against the Rockets? Tsk~ It’s a bit abstract, forget it, it has nothing to do with me.

"Come on, don't say that I won't give you a chance. I'll give you a fair chance to fight against me."

Qinglu's thoughts flashed across her mind for a moment, but then she proudly raised her head and spoke to Aizen.

Fuck you, you're just a piece of trash from the Rockets. Didn't he, the green man, suppress him casually?

There's no way you can lose! Definitely win!

Hearing that Zhulan and Yeci looked strange, they wanted to warn this arrogant junior.

"Haha~ The young man is really high-spirited, I have decided."

Aizen pushed up his glasses and smiled very kindly. This kid Qinglu is really crazy.

But it doesn't matter, just give him a good beating.

"I'm going to put your chandelier up later and take some artistic photos, so just wear it."

Well, I'll find an opportunity to send it to Chihong after the photo shoot.

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