Elf, who made him the gym leader?

Chapter 93 Brother Xiaomao, I think you are not as good as me

"Come on, come at me with all your strength." Gu Xin smiled and stretched out his hand to signal Qinglu to attack first.

"Fiery Roaring Tiger."

The Flame Roaring Tiger roared at the Super Armored Rhino, and its invisible majesty spread.

The Super Armored Rhino's body was covered with white light, and its physical attack was reduced by one level.

This is the intimidation characteristic of the Flame Roaring Tiger.

"Tsk~ intimidation?" Qinglu snorted, but the problem was not big. The Super Armored Rhino's physical attack was very high, and even if it was weakened once, it would not be a big deal.

"Super Armored Rhino! Use Earthquake!"

Qinglu moved his palms, then waved his hands heavily and shouted.

The Super Armored Rhino raised his right foot and then stepped down suddenly, and the entire battlefield began to shake violently.

Earthquake of the ground system! The Flame Roaring Tiger is weak to the ground attribute.

"High five surprise attack."

But before the shock wave of the earthquake could overflow, the Flame Roaring Tiger's eyes flashed with black light, and his figure shot towards the Super Armored Rhino at high speed like a ghost.


The Blazing Roaring Tiger slapped the Super Armored Rhino's face with one claw. The sudden blow made the Super Armored Rhino's head tilted to the side. He stared at the Blazing Roaring Tiger blankly, and the earthquake was also interrupted.

Qinglu smacked his tongue, a little unhappy.

The damage of the general system's high-five surprise attack to the Super Armored Rhino was not high. Not to mention that the Super Armored Rhino had resistance to the general system, even if it didn't, with the Super Armored Rhino's superior physical defense, the damage of this high-five surprise attack was not that great.

But it was a bit disgusting that the earthquake was interrupted. The high-five surprise attack was not very harmful but extremely insulting.

"Super Armored Rhino, drill straight!"

Qinglu continued to give orders.

At this moment, the Super Armored Rhino also reacted and roared at the Blazing Roaring Tiger. This damn thing actually dared to slap me, the rhino master!

The drill on the Super Armored Rhino's face rotated at high speed and glowed yellow, rushing towards the Blazing Roaring Tiger that had retreated and kept a distance.

This is the ground system's straight-forward drill!

"Throw down some harsh words." Gu Xin chuckled.

The Blazing Roaring Tiger put one hand on his waist and pointed at the charging Super Armored Rhino with the other hand, chattering eloquently. It was visible to the naked eye that the Super Armored Rhino was charging faster and roaring louder.

Obviously, the Blazing Roaring Tiger's harsh words might have a strong fragrance.

As the harsh words were finished, the Blazing Roaring Tiger turned into a white light and returned to Gu Xin's Poké Ball before the Super Armored Rhino rushed over.

This was a return of the move mechanism and did not violate the gym owner's rules.

The Blazing Roaring Tiger just disappeared in front of him, and the Super Armored Rhino was panting angrily, and the drill on his head was still spinning.

But the next second, another layer of white light dissipated from the Super Armored Rhino, and the effect of throwing harsh words reduced the Super Armored Rhino's first-level physical attack and first-level special attack.

"Hmph~ Is this the only trick you can play to avoid the frontal attack?"

Qinglu's handsome face frowned slightly. The battle had just begun, and the physical attack of the Super Armor Rhydon had been weakened twice? This gym leader is really something.

Although he thought so in his heart, it did not prevent Qinglu from being sarcastic verbally.

"Don't worry, Mr. Qinglu."

Guxin did not take Qinglu's sarcasm to heart and took out another Poké Ball and threw it.

"Soul Eye, prepare for battle!" Guxin threw the second Poké Ball with his backhand.

A white light flashed, and the strange-looking Soul Eye appeared in front of Guxin, staring at the Super Armor Rhydon with his sapphire-like eyes.

"Evil and ghost-attributed Soul Eye? The attribute combination is indeed excellent, but the strength is very low. Tsk~Gym Leader Guxin, this Pokémon can't defeat my Super Armor Rhydon."

Qinglu looked up and down at the Soul Eye, and the corner of his mouth curled up a mocking arc.

"That's not necessarily true, Mr. Qinglu, you may have fallen into a misunderstanding. Pokémon battles are not purely a competition of the strength and direct combat power of the Pokémon on both sides."

Guxin shook his head and said with a smile.

"Oh? I don't think so." Qinglu sneered.

Strong is strong, weak is weak, although Qinglu does not deny that even weak Pokémon can become stronger through cultivation.

But under the same conditions of cultivation, Pokémon with higher strength can be stronger, Qinglu is very clear about this.

So his main force is the Pokémon with high strength in each attribute that he carefully selected!

"I want to experience your strength, Gym Master Guxin. What can you do with just a small trick like avoiding battle and weakening?"

Qinglu looked arrogant.

"Super Armor Rhino! Earthquake!"

Even if the physical attack was reduced twice, Qinglu believed that his Super Armor Rhino could easily defeat the Soul-catching Eye.

"High five surprise attack."

The ghostly purple figure rushed to the front of the Super Armored Rhino like lightning, and the sharp claws fiercely tore the Super Armored Rhino's cheek.

A high five surprise attack from the general system!

After being hit by the high five surprise attack again, the Super Armored Rhino was not only stunned for a moment, but also stepped back two steps and fell into a state of shrinking.

"Tsk!" Qinglu frowned, very unhappy.

"Black eyes."

The strange black light flashed in the big eyes of the soul-catching eyes and stared at the Super Armored Rhino, and the shadow of the Super Armored Rhino was covered with a layer of black light.

The black eyes of the general system can make the opponent unable to take back the Pokémon unless they lose the ability to fight.

Qinglu's emotions began to fluctuate. If the Super Armored Rhino continued to be weakened, he could take it back into the Poké Ball, but now it was impossible.

"Super Armored Rhino, rock blast!"

The shrinking state ended, and Qinglu immediately let the Super Armored Rhino attack.

The Super Armored Rhino was also extremely angry at this moment. Since he came on the field, he has been defeated all the time! He was even slapped twice!

The Super Armored Rhino raised his right arm, and the hollow in his palm flashed with earth-yellow energy.


A black light flashed in the eyes of the Soul-Catching Eyes, and he jumped and babbled with his two small claws to clap humanely, and a mysterious wave spread to the Super Armored Rhino.

The evil-type praise, praise the opponent to confuse him, but it will increase the opponent's special attack.

The Soul-Catching Eyes has the characteristic of mischief, and its transformation-type special move can be released first, with a high priority.

The Super Armored Rhino only felt that his head began to feel dizzy, and his body began to sway from side to side, and his raised right arm unconsciously fell down.

"Super Armored Rhino! Interrupt it!" Seeing this, Qinglu's expression changed slightly. If he was confused, it would be troublesome.

But soon, Qinglu's heart was completely dead. Rhyno's footsteps were like drunk, and he even turned in circles on the spot.

Yeah, it was completely chaotic.

Qinglu's face was a little ugly. This state of confusion was very troublesome. After falling into confusion, whether the Pokémon could hear the trainer's command was really a matter of luck.

"Rhyno! Wake up!" Qinglu's tone was already a little agitated.

"Phosphorus." Gu Xin's smile was very gentle.

Fucking use phosphorus?

Qinglu's face twitched, and the fire-attributed phosphorus released a strange flame, which put the opponent into a burn state.

Rhyno's physical attack was already reduced by two levels. If it was burned again, what's the point of playing? ! !

Rhyno is a pure heavy-ton high-attack and high-defense Pokémon. Burns will directly weaken the physical attack of the elves by half, that is to say.

Rhyno will become a RBQ that is useless except for resisting!

Qinglu's face was dark, and he watched the soul-catching eyes release strange and indescribable blue ghost fires into the body of the super armored mad rhino.


The next second, a fierce flame ignited from the super armored mad rhino, and the super armored mad rhino screamed in pain.


Looking at the super armored mad rhino who was still doing drunken boxing and spinning in circles even though he was burned, Qinglu, with an ugly face, couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Can this round be ordered? It seems that there is no need to continue...

"Great~ In this way, the super armored mad rhino is completely non-threatening!"

"Great~ The owner brother is really awesome!"

In the audience, Miyuki and the younger sister clapped each other and were very happy and excited, and then they smiled and looked at Xiaomao not far away.

"Mr. Xiaomao, I feel that your brother doesn't seem to be very good, not as good as the second time you came to challenge."

The younger sister's smile was very sweet and pure, but the words were not like that.


Master Xiaomao's eyelids jumped, and he laughed dryly twice, but his toes couldn't help but dig into the ground.

Come on, dear brother! I've already said it, why are you not as good as me in the second challenge? You're not as good as me!

And at this moment on the field.

"Energy ball."

Following Gu Xin's command, the claws of the Soul-Snatching Eyes closed, and a green energy ball condensed.

Grass-type energy ball!

And the ground-type rock-type Super Armored Rhinoceros is four times weaker than water and grass. Even if there is a characteristic hard rock to reduce the restraint damage, the grass-type energy ball still hits the Super Armored Rhinoceros with three times the damage!

"Super Armored Rhinoceros, get out of the way." Qinglv shouted expressionlessly.

Of course, he actually didn't have much hope, because the Super Armored Rhinoceros, who was still confused at the moment, was having a lot of fun with his drunken punches.

But just when the energy ball was about to attack the Super Armored Rhinoceros, the Super Armored Rhinoceros suddenly stopped moving, raised his head and roared angrily at the Soul-Snatching Eyes.

Woke up!

Qinglu raised his eyebrows. As expected, he was the main force that he carefully selected. He woke up from the chaos so quickly!

But the roar of the super armored mad rhino did not last long. The energy ball hit the super armored mad rhino directly. The roar of the super armored mad rhino was heard in the roar. The energy ball caused great damage to it.

"Super armored mad rhino, earthquake!" But as long as he wakes up, it will be fine!

Qinglu shouted at the super armored mad rhino with full momentum. Even if he was burned, his super armored mad rhino was still strong!

The roar of the super armored mad rhino was loud again, and one foot was raised.

"This cry still sounds very energetic. In this case, the soul-catching eyes, please flatter again." Gu Xinhexi smiled.

"???" Qinglu's expression changed.

Watching the disgusting little thing (the soul-catching eyes) jumping again disgustingly, making disgusting hoarse sounds from its mouth, and clapping its two little paws disgustingly.

The flattery of the evil system.

So disgusting!


Then Super Armored Rhino started to perform the shaky drunken boxing dance again, and Gu Xin nodded in satisfaction.


Fuck you! Are you done yet? ? ! !

Qinglu couldn't stand it anymore, his face was ashen, if he wasn't raised as the grandson of Oki Yukinari, he really wanted to curse at this moment! !

How do you fight in a gym like this? Disgusting, right?

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