According to Xiao Cui's explanation, this little guy, Walking Grass, has successfully relied on Xiao Feng.

This little guy is separated from the ethnic group, so he naturally lacks a sense of security.

But his mischievous personality makes him always like to venture into the outside world.

This contradictory personality causes Bulbasaur to be busy every day for its safety.

And now after seeing Bulbasaur find its owner.

This little guy also successfully hugged Xiaofeng's lap.

However, Xiaofeng once again welcomed a new child into the team.

I don’t have any special ideas.

After all, there is already a lesson learned from Kati Dog.

You can also have a dog companion.

What's more, he also lacks a grass-type Pokémon in his team.

After asking Lucao if he was willing to train hard to become stronger.

Got a strong response.

Xiaofeng knew that this little walking grass also wanted to become stronger.

It's just a place like a sanatorium.

It doesn't get that chance to grow.

That's why it seems very fragile.

The fiercely burning bonfire made everyone feel a little tired after traveling all day.

At this time, Xiaogang and Xiaoxia, who had already placed their tents and sleeping bags, fell into each other's sleeping bags.

The crouched body looked at the two trainers in front of the bonfire with high spirits.

The initiator of this battle was of course Xiaozhi.

Its name is to carry out a digestion exercise after meals.

The two sides in the battle are Walking Grass and Bulbasaur who have just joined the team.

The two Pokémon present at this time looked at each other.

They all looked very embarrassed.

There was more fear in Lu Cao's expression.

After all, it's not very good at fighting.

And this time, he will directly challenge the bodyguards in the sanatorium.

Although with Xiaofeng's help and after eating the super evolutionary stone, its body has undergone tremendous changes.

But I have to say it was still stressful.

As for Bulbasaur.

Then you just can't let go of your hands and feet to fight.

After all, this little guy in front of me.

But I have always grown up under its protection.


Under such circumstances, it cannot use its full strength.

However, who said that the trainers on both sides of the battle were not human beings?

Xiaofeng, is it really okay for you to let the newly promoted walking grass carry out this battle? Or forget it?

At this time, Xiaozhi also looked embarrassed.

Because his original intention was to let his Bulbasaur fight against one of Xiaofeng's Pokémon.

Let’s see how far Bulbasaur’s strength has reached.

But he didn't expect Xiaofeng to play tricks with him.

He also used the walking grass that just joined the team today.

Facing this little guy, he was knocked unconscious by Xiaoxia's starfish move.

Xiaozhi now has no interest in fighting at all.

However, the expression on Xiaofeng's face did not change at all.

He just shook his head slowly.

It means everything is still under control.

The battle continues, tell Xiaozhi not to panic.

At this time, it was accompanied by Xiaogang's referee's judgment.

The battle officially begins!

"Since you must let walking grass participate in this battle!"

"Then I'm not welcome, Bulbasaur uses the vine whip to attack the walking grass!"

"Damn it!"

Although I couldn't bear it in my heart.

But Bulbasaur struggled for a moment, and apparently attacked with the intention of taking the battle seriously.

Susu ~

I saw its body sinking down.

Two dark green vines were like winding Like a long snake, the vines flew out from both sides of its body in an irregular motion and hit the walking grass without any resistance.

"The walking grass can withstand the opponent's attack! We use a dissolving solution."

Facing the opponent's preemptive strike.

Looking at the panic on the walking grass and the body shaking violently.

Xiaofeng knew that in this situation, if the walking grass was allowed to dodge, it would have no way to react.

After all, the vine There are two whips.

If one misses, the other one can quickly capture its body, but once it is restrained,

Bulbasaur's rhythm will be firmly fixed. Because of this, Xiaofeng simply let Lucao choose to trade injuries.

Anyway, the dissolving liquid can cause double damage to Bulbasaur.

Bian was right.

The attacks from both sides were almost at the same time.

The moment the vine whip was about to hit him

, Zucao suppressed the fear in his heart and sprayed a large jar of purple liquid from his mouth. Solution.

After the solution drew a parabola in the air, it hit Bulbasaur directly on the face.

Wow~ The walking grass was directly hit by the two sides after releasing the solution.

The vine whip hit the body, and the strong impact knocked it to the ground.

But the next second...

the little guy stood up stubbornly because he wanted to maintain the accuracy of the vine whip.

Bulbasaur had no way to avoid it.

The liquid covered its body.

As Xiaozhi watched in shock, Bulbasaur kept roaring in pain as his limbs and hands shook violently.

The reason is short.

It can't even clean up the dissolving liquid on its face.

It can only shake its head against the grass and summon two sides to quickly wipe it on its head.

Scratching, hoping to wipe away the solution.

But it is obvious that this situation will not help.

For a moment, Bulbasaur can't open his eyes except for the battle between moves..

Pokmon 's physical fitness will also become an important factor in the battle.

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