"Do you feel it? The light of evolution is proof that power is condensing and firepower becomes stronger. This is why I love Pokémon Evolution so much."

At this moment, Ma Zhishi, who has completely escaped from the defeat, has completely transformed from a violent soldier and a tough guy into a simple and honest guy.

At this time, he told the wind speed dog in a very exaggerated tone. Despite the feat of the Dead Leaf Gym's evolution , everyone has not forgotten what he did when facing Ma Zhishi.

"Hey, as a gym trainer in Kuye City, you don’t know the rules of being a gym trainer, right?"

The first spokesperson came from Xiaoxia.

But after she said this, she was scratched by the other party's eyes and retreated directly to the back of the team.

Obviously, the momentum of the soldiers was not something ordinary people could resist.

"Although I can understand why your personality is a bit harsh after knowing your past identity."

"But as a gym trainer, don’t you think you’re a little too heavy-handed?"

"Those new trainers come to your gym to make progress."

"The responsibility of the gym trainer is to help them improve their personal strength, not to make them out of the game.……"

"As a former Nibi City gym trainer... I think your approach is inappropriate."

"Because of what you did, many trainers may be sad, and many Pokémon are facing pain."

Xiao Gang's attitude was very tough.

Although his words were not sharp, he had different opinions.

It made the whole meeting very awkward for a while. He quietly listened to the two colleagues in front of him. After learning about their understanding of this profession,

Ma Zhishi took a deep breath, turned back and took out a cigar from his pants pocket, but did not light it.

It's as if he wants to let the smell wake him up.

"You have no idea what the boss is thinking?"


At this time, Ma Zhishi did not refute Xiaogang's responsibilities.

However, the other followers who followed him were not happy.

It was obvious from their words that there was a hidden meaning in all this.

"If you don't mind, I would like to help Mr. Ma Zhishi clear up some misunderstandings."

After taking a photo with his Wind Speed Dog, Xiaofeng came to the center of the argument.

After seeing Xiaofeng's appearance,

Ma Zhishi paused.

How much has this guy in front of him investigated about himself?

In this situation Next, he wanted to say something again...

Even I was lost in this.

Ma Zhishi turned back and looked at the young man in front of him, with many thoughts flashing across his eyebrows.

"If you guessed it correctly, Master Ma Zhishi’s Raichu must have forced himself to complete the evolution under special circumstances!"

After hearing what Xiaofeng said,

Ma Zhishi narrowed his eyes slightly and was obviously deep in thought.

"Do you need to research so much information in order to challenge the gym? I'm quite curious, where did you get all this information?"

I heard what Ma Zhishi said.

People around knew that what Xiaofeng said should be true.


Faced with Ma Zhishi's inquiry.

Xiaofeng didn't answer.

Instead, he stretched out his hand and waved downward in advance.

Tell the other person not to get excited

"According to the information I know, the owner of Ma Zhishi Hall should have been in a fierce war at that time."

"In order to protect you, Raichu, who was originally just Pikachu, used the Thunder Stone without authorization and directly completed the evolution, thus saving the life of the owner of the Masashi Hall.……"

"That's why since then, the owner of the gym, Ma Zhishi, has been so obsessed with making every Pokémon in the hands of a trainer transform into its final evolutionary form."

"It is the hope that every trainer can face up to his bond with Pokémon."

After hearing Xiaofeng's explanation,

Ma Zhishi nodded helplessly.

"I don't know if what I'm doing is right or wrong."

"But I just want many trainers to recognize the fact"

"Battles between Pokémon are brutal"

"If there is no way to accept the courage of Pokémon to endure pain, injury, and even death in front of you,"

"Without such awareness, don’t choose to become a trainer"

"Because you don't have the power to protect it……"

"in the face of real danger"

"It's very possible that these kind little beings will give up everything for you……"

At the end of the day.

Ma Zhishi's eyes were already a little red.

As a soldier, if he wasn't really sad.

There would be no such big emotional swings.

He knew to save himself.

His most important partner has blocked his future.

In order to prevent Raichu from having too many thoughts.

Don’t feel like you’re holding yourself back.

So Ma Zhishi retreated from the battlefield.

Served as the trainer of Kuye City Gym.

Here, the opponents Raichu faced were not very strong.

Just live like this.

Ma Zhishi felt very happy

"So, the boy who wants to challenge me"

"Do you and your Pikachu have such an awareness?"

"if so! Let Raichu and I add another touch of brilliance to your journey to the top!"

Said what was in his heart.

Ma Zhishi pointed directly at Xiaozhi and Pikachu who were standing in the middle of the team.

Xiaozhi, who had been thinking about what the other party was thinking, looked unprecedentedly serious at this time.

He and Pikachu looked at each other. After one glance, he came directly in front of Ma Zhishi

"I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town! Bring your partner Pikachu to challenge Mr. Ma Zhishi!"

"Although I know that Mr. Ma Zhishi's Raichu is very powerful, and the tacit understanding between you is touching, I will try my best to win this badge."

After these words,

Xiaozhi bowed to Ma Zhishi.

This behavior not only represented his own teachings to Ma Zhishi.

It was also the touch that Ma Zhishi brought to him.

"Well done, boy! I look forward to your challenge tomorrow!"

"Brothers, step up the renovation work tonight. After watching the match with this boy with Pikachu tomorrow, we will go on vacation and rest for half a month!


When Xiaofeng and others left the Dead Leaf Gym, they heard the sonorous sound of Ma Zhishi and others working behind them.

They looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

For this Dead Leaf Gym Lord.

Everyone has a new understanding.

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