When Xiaozhi told Xiaogang and Xiaoxia the complete story, they immediately expressed their most"noble" contempt for that gentleman.

"I have to thank you this time, Xiaofeng. It’s all my fault that I didn’t understand anything and almost sent Bada Butterfly away~"

Mosuo flicked the pokeball in his hand.

It can be seen that Xiaozhi is very concerned about every magical thing he has. The baby loves it deeply.

What's more, this Pokmon is the first Pokémon that Xiaozhi has cultivated, starting from the green caterpillar and looking at

Xiaozhi's appearance at this moment.

Feeling lost.

He wanted to say something, but he suddenly stopped himself.

After this... Xiaozhi will experience the plot of letting Bada Butterfly go.

More He didn't understand.

But as Xiaofeng grew up, he could also feel Xiaozhi's mood.

Maybe for the green caterpillar, evolving into a big butterfly to face the dangerous struggle was not what it wanted.

It is more concerned about opening up its own home and expanding its own tribe with the people it likes.

From the beginning, Badahu and Xiaozhi were destined not to stay on the same path.

, Xiaozhi let it go and let it pursue its own happiness.

This is Xiaozhi's choice, and it is also Xiaozhi's charm.

Not all trainers can do such a thing~ This is right.

It is because of Xiaozhi's equal attitude towards Pokémon and his support for his companions' dreams that he gradually drifted away from the path of being a trainer.

It is probably for this reason that Xiaozhi later did not.

No longer obsessed with conquering Pokémon, but more willing to gather friends who share his goals and want to become stronger together until the end.

It is clear that reality does not give people time to be sentimental.

The whole ship suddenly shook violently.

At this moment, the dim lights and exciting music were turned off at the same time as everyone fell to the ground with groans of pain.

The environment instantly turned dark

"Ah, what happened?"

"Is there a power outage?"

The people who were panicking because of the sudden appearance of darkness let out frightened screams.

And this fear is contagious.

It directly caused more people to fall into panic.

Some trainers who were clinging to the outer wall wanted to escape quickly..

However, just when they were about to evacuate, a terrifying force kicked them back into the main hall

~ followed by a loud and complex sound of breaking the door, which attracted Xiaofeng's attention.

In an instant, a large group of men in black entered and exited the main hall and rushed out from the door of the ballroom. With the moonlight shining down, Xiaofeng could clearly see that some people were holding unknown firearms..


The sound of shaking at the front door was heard. As soon as the group of men in black entered, they immediately locked all the passages to prevent anyone from escaping.

If you look closely, you can see that they are wearing strange machines.

Uniform red R-shaped uniform

"They are Team Rocket! How did Team Rocket get on this ship?"

With the help of the faint light from the Elf Guide,

Xiaozhi and others saw Team Rocket surrounding an entire restaurant, and possibly even an entire ship.

"Team Rockets' line-up……"

Familiar lines and familiar searchlights come into view.

Xiaofeng looked at the botched appearance of the Rocket trio with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Listen to me! This ship has been completely hijacked by our rocket team"

"If you want to live, stop struggling and hand over your Pokémon and all your possessions!"

The person who came out with the microphone was tall and had long vermilion hair.

He was wearing white special clothes.

On both sides of this person, there was a meow and another purple-haired man with his face covered..

It was obvious that the trio had gathered together. This time they had the opportunity to lead this large-scale event, so the sudden appearance of Team Rocket shocked some of the celebrities present.

They chose to just surrender.

With the sound of the machine running, the Poke Balls in the hands of many people were sucked away by the machine like a vacuum cleaner.

"Damn Team Rocket, I will not let you succeed. As trainers, we cannot give in to these evil guys. We must protect our Pokémon!"

"Pikachu uses one hundred thousand volts!

Faced with the one-sided situation in front of us.

There was no way he could bear the fact that the Pokémon in front of him was taken away by Team Rocket.

Xiaozhi rushed out directly.

And ordered the Pikachu around him to attack the members of Team Rocket.

Obviously, everything can go on smoothly for these junior team members, but they never expected that such a lunatic would appear.

Accompanied by Pikachu's roar!

The golden current instantly turned into a lightning bolt and hit the Rockets' formation directly.

Accompanied by screams of bullying.

At least a dozen Team Rocket members were stunned directly.

Although Xiaozhi's behavior was very brave.

However, his and Pikachu's identities were exposed.

There were at least forty or fifty remaining members of Team Rocket.

They all threw the Poke Balls in their hands in unison.

The entire hall was filled with Arbor snakes, gas bombs or supersonic bats, making it even more crowded.

Xiaozhi's situation suddenly became extremely dangerous

"That’s right! How can we, as trainers, be so helpless?"

"We cannot just give Pokémon to these evil organizations, we must resist! Resist!"

Obviously everyone in Team Rocket has ignored the power of role models.

With Xiaozhi's words, many trainers who were struggling in their hearts were instantly ignited with the will to resist.

Young and frivolous, they knew that evil organizations are very dangerous.

But at this time.

They are willing to come forward. As more and more trainers appear

, the number of Pokémon released by the trainers is more than twice that of Team Rocket members!!?

"Little devil, how dare you ruin our good deeds!"

"How dare these people resist everyone and attack me! ~Meow!"

As the Pokmon on both sides started a fierce exchange of fire.

Various moves made the entire dark environment brightly lit.

Violent explosions sounded one after another.

The same Pokmon formed various formations. Faced with the challenge,

Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, Xiaoxia and others also threw their Pokémon to join the fight, while Xiaofeng just sat on the stool and chewed food slowly. Holding a vigorously shaking elf ball, he put it to his mouth and said something softly.

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