After feeling the pain gradually ease.

The fiery monkey's originally crazy movements gradually calmed down.

Its fists were still clenched, and it was obvious that it didn't want this battle to end like this.

Woof~ accompanied by the scream of the wind speed dog.

At this time, Regice stood up again and struck an arm hammer.

Directly knock the Wind Speed Dog away.

The wind speed dog was hit on the ice wall and fell down.

He shook his head and looked seriously injured.


Feel the super evolution energy steaming from other Pokémon around you.

At this time, Xiaofeng, who was leaning next to the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, frowned.

Xiaofeng knew that they wanted to swarm up and kill Regice directly. but……

"I have handed over this battle to the fiery monkey. No one is allowed to interfere in this battle until it admits defeat."

Xiao Feng said lightly.

All the other Pokémon around him stopped what they were doing and turned their heads to look at Explosive Monkey, who was lying on the ground.

Explosive Monkey raised his head hesitantly.

He looked at Xiaofeng...

His eyes were now frostbitten and he couldn't see anything for a short period of time.

For a fighter, he couldn't even move the fist in his hand. It takes courage.

However, for the fiery monkey at this moment, it does not lack the courage to punch. But Xiaofeng's words are like a shot in the arm. The monkey's heart. At this moment, the fiery monkey felt an extremely domineering wave of energy condense in its fists.

"Hot monkey you……"

Just when Xiaofeng wanted to ask Fiery Monkey if he had also continued fighting.

He felt a strong force and directly grabbed his hands, which were the fists of the Fiery Monkey.

Obviously the current hot monkey has made his attitude clear

"Now that everyone is out, let’s cheer for the Hot Monkey! The intermission of round 2 is over!"

Xiao Feng took off the bandage on the fiery monkey's hand at this moment.

Then he tied the bandage around the fiery monkey's eyes to prevent secondary damage to its eyes in the subsequent battle.


Xiao Feng

Snapping his fingers, the

Fiery Monkey rushed forward with an even more terrifying momentum, looking at Xiaofeng's embarrassment and biting Lu Shark's eyes. Shine a different kind of light

"Xiao Feng, you have become stronger, so is the Fiery Monkey.……"

He heard the sound of a land shark biting loudly in his mind.

A smile appeared on Xiaofeng's lips.

Turning around and looking at Xiaofeng, half of Xiaofeng's chin was completely covered in blood.

Coupled with the cold ice, its entire face looked extremely scary.

But for these Pokémon.

This look of Xiaofeng is the most handsome one

"Because I was injured, I became stronger, because it was injured, so it became stronger, because you were injured, so you also became stronger, we are really a difficult team~" said this sentence After the self-deprecating words,

Xiaofeng spit out the frozen blood in his mouth, and then suddenly started laughing.

This smile of unknown meaning suddenly began to spread quickly among Xiaofeng's team. The walking grass in the team also laughed heartily.

This was the happiest time it had ever laughed.

It understood a certain meaning, the meaning of surviving in this special team.


The fiery monkey shot forward quickly in the air. He controlled his body to fall. At this moment , he squatted directly on the ground... and listened to the changes around him.

At this moment, he could not see anything at all, but he could use the movement around him to analyze the opponent's position.

Regice is a tall guy who walks like a machine, so his position is very obvious.

Every time he touches his toes, he makes a sound like typing on a keyboard. Loud.

Now that he lost his eyesight,

Fiery Monkey suddenly discovered that his hearing was so sharp that he could clearly distinguish the frequency of falling snow.

The wind speed dog was hit by the arm hammer.

On top of the wall, it fell to the ground.

It grinned and curled up together, trembling violently.

The belly of the wind speed dog was attacked by the other party.

This is a common problem among canines.

For them , the unprotected abdomen is the door to death.

After being attacked in this area, they will instantly lose their ability to fight.

But they are not willing to lose like this....

It wants to buy time for Xiaofeng and Hot Monkey.

Even if it is not the opponent of this guy...

it will take time to deal with this guy, so it will have to wait long enough to die like this!

Feng Su Dog endured the pain, his claws dug into the ground, his pupils instantly opened, and his gums broke through the restraints of his lips and teeth, and he pushed his head up with his weakest nose.

After taking a breath, the wind speed dog directly sprayed out the last jet of flames from its mouth.

The funny thing is that the fire dragon it has always been proud of can't stop its progress in the face of this iceberg-like monster....

Kuang Kuang~ ahhhh~ looked at the opponent's slow approach.

The pressure released all the time made the Fengsu Dog's attacks appear weaker, but the pride in his heart made the Fengsu Dog unwilling to lower his head.

It stared at the opponent's progress.

Even though his throat was no longer feeling the burning temperature, and his face was completely frozen, he still used all his strength to spit out the last flame.

, Regice suddenly stopped moving forward, and then...

Facing the other party's behavior, the Wind Speed Dog experienced the despair of falling from heaven to hell!

Regice did stop and continued to move forward, but it The attack did not stop, and Regice put his hands on his chest.

A blue light condensed between its hands.

This move is just after successfully hitting the fiery monkey.

The freezing light hit its eyes directly.

Ordinary Pokémon may have a chance of freezing when releasing such a move.

But for these mythical beasts that have a more essential grasp of the power of attributes.

Nine times out of ten, their attacks will cause a certain degree of status damage to the Pokémon's body.

Just when the wind speed dog closed his eyes tightly, preparing to welcome the cold wave.

A silhouette suddenly widened the pupils that Wind Speed Dog was about to close.

Boom, boom~ Use the most perfect move at the perfect time.

Use the oscillation of airflow to judge the opponent's movements.

The fiery monkey who quickly mastered this method.

The flying knee kick landed directly on the head of Regice with great accuracy.

This kick...

directly kicked Regice away.

Under Xiaofeng's attention.

After the opponent flew more than ten meters close to the ground, it was directly embedded in the ice wall.

On the other hand, after the fiery monkey landed on the ground, he let out a sigh of relief.

The physical discomfort was immediately relieved.

And as a first-person observer.

At this moment, Feng Su Gou's mouth opened in shock.

It never closed.

Until the fiery monkey beside him reminded it to evacuate the battlefield.

This guy was just brought back by the giant needle wasp

"Thank you for your hard work, Wind Speed Dog...your strength is still growing, as long as you stick to this brave heart"

"I believe that the next time you have the opportunity to fight against a mythical beast, you will definitely be able to win."

After hearing Xiaofeng's words, Wind Speed Dog stuck out his tongue and showed a wry smile.

It knew that the opponent it faced this time was a divine beast.

But it really didn't expect that the divine beast was so powerful.

To be honest, this time At this point in the battle,

Xiaofeng has almost given up.

Among the sacred beasts

, their attack methods are more defensive and counterattacking. It can be imagined that the power of Mewtwo created by Itaki is actually... At this moment, Regice has not lost yet with a flying knee kick.

The guy lost the ability to fight.

But Xiaofeng

's words about the Fiery Monkey's victory were not groundless, because Regice, who was embedded in the wall, had surrendered.

"Only the true brave can experience the test of ice. If you surpass the power of ice, you will receive the protection of the gods."

Although Regice's way of speaking is completely from a God's perspective, which makes people a little confused.

But Xiaofeng can feel that the other party is almost exhausted.

In other words, the Fiery Monkey Challenge Success.

But this sound is transmitted through brain waves, so Xiaofeng is the first to know.

The purpose of the other party telling Xiaofeng not to let the hot monkey continue to attack.

It had given up.

After hearing Xiaofeng's feedback, the fiery monkey let out a sigh of relief and fell to the ground.

He then told the rest of the team the news. After that, cheers like a tsunami surged among the Pokémon team.

These guys rushed in front of the Explosive Monkey and kept raising it high, but Xiao Feng and the dying one fell to the ground. The wind speed dog was forgotten

"You guys... tsk tsk, the birth of the first God-Slayer!"

Looking helplessly at the happy appearance of the group of Pokmon in front of him. Xiaofeng remembered the words that the Stylibee said when he had a heart-to-heart talk with him.

"For every Pokémon who wants to become stronger"

"They have only one goal from birth. Rely on your own strength to pull down the gods above the clouds."

It was this sentence that made Xiaofeng firm in his dream of making his Pokémon stronger.

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