Beep beep~

As the clear whistle sounded in the midfield.

At the referee's order, the battle officially begins

"Use the rock to grind the small fist stone, then use the roll."

At this time, Xiaogang didn't, because the young man in front of him was just a new trainer and he looked down upon it.

It was obvious that the opponent's two Pokémon were well-trained.

If he was careful and underestimated the enemy, he would probably lose.

Because of this, Xiaogang put all his energy into this battle.

He always let the challenger attack first, and this time he was obviously very familiar with this strategy. The fists of the small fist stones opened up and hit the rocky skin on his body, which made his originally rough body become more rounded and reduced the resistance when rolling..

The movement speed will also increase. Boom!

After finishing the rock grinding, Xiaoquan Shi immediately held his hands in front of his chest and rolled forward quickly. The mountain rat was still indifferent.

It was as if he didn't see the opponent's attack at all. Xiaogang looked at Xiaofeng with a wary expression... but the corners of his mouth were still expressionless. Ruoyouruowuo's smile made him very uneasy

"How dare you use such a trick in a ground-based civil war? Mountain Rat uses Quicksand Hell!"


Facing the opponent so close at hand, Xiaofeng immediately issued an order.

The pangolin rat, which had already tensed up its nerves, quickly inserted its claws into the ground beneath it.

Just as the small fist stone was about to roll, it would hit the pangolin. In an instant, the powerful impact of the rat's body was suddenly resolved.

Xiaoquanshi was shocked to find that his body began to sink.

After releasing the move, the mountain rat stepped back from the quicksand hell. The core area. Watching Xiao Quan Shi's current situation, Xiao Gang's expression changed drastically. He was indeed right about the rhythm of the battle. The control is extremely powerful. They are not ordinary new trainers. There are so many talented people in Zhenxin Town this year! After sighing in his heart, Xiaogang's eyes became more serious!

"If you think you can trap the little fist stone in this way, it's too simple"

"Xiaoquanshi uses mud to isolate the surrounding quicksand!"


After hearing Xiaogang's command,

Xiaofeng watched the movements of the little fist stone with surprise.

He saw its hands directly inserted into the quicksand around its body.

Then a large amount of quicksand spread around. Open, in the blink of an eye, the small fist stone completely hollowed out the space under him.

"There is also this kind of operation! ? As expected of Xiaogang, he has a deep understanding of the fighting methods of rock-type Pokémon."

"Between each other, you are just the first round of confrontation that has put me in such an embarrassing situation. It is hard to imagine that you are an ordinary new trainer."

After a round of commercial exchanges between the two, the horn sounded again for the second round of battle.

"Small fist stone, use heavy step after jumping out of the hole."

At this time, the distance between the two is extremely close.

Little Congo constantly lets Little Fist Stone release stomping moves.

If this move successfully hits the opponent, there is a certain chance that it can slow down the opponent's movement speed.

You must know that as a rock type Pokémon, their movement speed is not very fast.

Once it is reduced to a certain level, it almost becomes a living target.

But unfortunately, the protagonist and the mountain rat are too familiar with this trick.

"It’s this trick again!"

"Mountain rat!"

Thanks to the one-horned rhinoceros, at this time, the pangolin has formed a muscle memory on how to avoid the heavy stepping move and counterattack at the same time.

Almost at the moment when the small fist stone jumped up, the pangolin also rotated itself at the same time The body rotated directly into the air at high speed.

At the moment when the small fist stone fell to the ground , the pangolin rat in the air instantly released itself, taking a deep breath with its spherical body.


Amidst the hail of bullets, a large number of yellow stars formed a barrage of fire, directly hitting the small fist stone.

Such an attack was enough to shake the small fist stone.

When the high-speed star's attack came to an end, the small fist stone had been pushed back several meters.

"Not bad, the continuous attacks also show the tacit understanding between you and this pangolin."

"But as a ground-type Pokémon, if it flies into the air, it will become very dangerous!"

Xiao Fist Stone uses Knock Down!

The pangolin rotates at high speed! Prepare for evasive actions!

Seeing Xiaogang's confident look at this time.

Xiaofeng immediately asked the pangolin to dodge.

However, the pangolin in the air cannot bear the force so well..

Just when it was about to turn and move to the side, a strong blast of wind struck it, and a stone the size of a millstone hit the mountain rat directly, knocking it to the ground..

The mountain rat on the ground shook off the gravel on his body, and then trampled it into pieces.

The damage caused by the rock type's ground type was only 1/2, not to mention the mountain rat's. The physical defense and racial value are quite high, so in the face of this extremely dangerous attack, the mountain rat did not suffer much damage after being frightened by the one-horned rhinoceros.

It’s true for any rock-type Pokémon.

PS: Warm reminder, the strength of some characters will be slightly higher in this book. Of course, everything has a reasonable plot, that’s it.

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