"He is worthy of being the strongest leader of our Rockets, and his Pokémon abilities are also outstanding."

The speaker is standing directly below the person who cultivates you.

He is a man in a brown and black dress, with short hair and a three-dimensional face. He has regular features and is very kind.

He looks like he is just an ordinary middle-aged uncle at home.

But the truth is not that simple...

The guy in front of him is the mastermind behind the Rockets - Banmu.

His friendly words are not a little bit disrespectful because of his status and the title of superior to Bishas.

This obviously made Bixias very satisfied.

"It seems that Mr. Itaki's experiment has achieved initial success?"

"That's right, even though it's not conscious yet"

"But its strength far exceeds other Pokémon"

"It is only one step away from God."

Under the guidance of Banmu,

Bixias stared at the huge petri dish in front of him, showing a curious expression.

This is the product of the experiment completed by the Rockets with huge manpower, financial and material resources. It is also called God-making. plan

"Hahaha, then I really have to look forward to it!"

With the opening of the experimental vessels, a creature wearing steel armor and connected to various nutrient solutions appeared in front of everyone.

The moment the other party appeared,

Biting Land Shark suddenly felt that his body was breathing. It seems to have become much slower.

This strange feeling makes Liebite Lu Shark feel this kind of fear in his heart, which he has not felt for many years.

Back to that time when I was attacked by Freeze Fist

"No, I am already the strongest Pokémon! No one can beat me!"

With this thought,

Liebite Land Shark didn't obey anyone's command at all. He directly released the Dragon God to dive towards the monster in front of him.

However, in an instant, a strong shock wave came from all directions..

It hit Lie Jie Lu Shark, causing it to hit the ground violently.

Then the air began to twist.

A strange force was tearing at it.

This unprecedented pain reawakened its gradually numb nerves, and the biting land shark let out a sad cry.

This sound was like a dream it had beaten over the years.

The Pokémon's crying voice was so similar to when he was brought to this place by Team Rocket.

At that moment, Biting Land Shark suddenly realized why.

Lost in strength.

And forgot about his original dream and what he was trying to survive!

But it was too late for this monster in front of him.

It was lifted into the air, and then it was hit hard on the ground.

A lot of blood spurted out from the bite land shark's mouth.

It felt like it could no longer breathe.


But they just stood aside and celebrated the birth of their so-called artificial god with fierce applause.

It was obvious that Liebite Lusha was just a victim, and the four cold characters were lingering again.

In Lie Bit Lu Shark's mind, just when it thought it was dead, Banmu stopped letting the monster continue to attack, but it saw something that it would never forget.

one thing

"Mr. Itaki, I think it is perfect now. After all, all we need is a weapon."

There is absolutely no need to make it conscious.

Bishas glanced at the biting land shark lying on the ground with some disgust.

He stared at the monster in front of him with crazy eyes.

As the strongest Team Rocket cadre, if he If he could control this Pokémon, even the four kings of the alliance would be like ants in front of him.

"Haha...your suggestion certainly makes sense"

"But don't forget"

"Our ultimate goal is to create a perfect Pokémon"

"How can a Pokémon without a soul be considered a perfect being?"

"But Bishas! Your idea is also correct"

"If this weapon could become stronger without a soul"

"I don’t mind letting Mewtwo transform into that kind of existence!"

"But it all requires experimentation."

Baimu is obviously very satisfied with Chaomeng's performance, and the smile on his face can't help but burst out.

That's right!

From Banmu's mouth, Xiaofeng has determined the true identity of the guy in front of him.

It is Rocket The team used Mew's genes to artificially clone the Pokémon.

They didn't expect that the opponent's experiment had progressed so quickly.

Although the subconscious mind had not yet awakened.

The super power had reached such a terrifying level.

However, what shocked Xiaofeng even more was... the next second... a team of scientific researchers in white clothes walked out of a side door..

Directly throw out the elf ball in his hand, and the familiar purple-blue lightning gradually takes shape on the ground.

That's right!

A dark ball.

Xiaofeng estimated that this was the first batch of dark balls that had been successfully created.

But as the light disappeared, another extremely tall one appeared in front of Liebite Lusha.

Strong blackened land shark biting fiercely

"Dear Mr. Banmu! Please take a look!"

"This is our most genius invention"

"As long as you have this Pokmon Ball"

"You can perfectly develop the strongest power limit of Pokémon."

And as the doctor's speech ended, a brand new battle broke out again.

After the blackened Biting Land Shark, he rushed directly towards Chaomeng.

The familiar sense of oppression in the air arose again.

However, in the face of The blackened Liejie Lusha was completely fearless.

It easily broke through the pressure of the surrounding telepathy, and then hit Chaomeng with an unavoidable dragon claw.

Chaomeng was hit hard on the ground by Liebite Lu Shark's attack.

The original appearance of Chaomeng was instantly shattered by this attack.

He was instantly exposed in front of everyone.

But the most surprising thing was that at this moment , the alarm in the laboratory suddenly sounded.

In the air.

Faced with the situation in front of them, Banmu and Bishas immediately put on special clothes, and then hid in a safe place and continued to observe.

In this state, Chaomeng completely becomes a being that kills people and kills Buddhas.

Under the control of its super powers, everything around it becomes spears and shields, which are bombarded from all directions.

The weapon came and hit the blackened Liebite Land Shark.

Although anyone with a clear eye could see that Liebite Land Shark's physical strength was severely exhausted at this time, it was not fully stamina in its blackened state.

You will never give up before you run out.

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