Elixir Supplier

Chapter 292 - Initial Clinical Assessment

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“You change so fast!” said Wang Mingbao.

He didn’t leave with the other guys. Comparing to those people, he was much closer to Wang Yao. They grew up together, like real brothers. He knew well what was on Wang Yao’s mind.

“God’s arrangement.” Wang Yao pointed to the sky with a smile.

He didn’t expect that he would get such a mission today. He couldn’t think of any better ways to complete the mission, so he asked his friends for help.

“Come in and sit with me for a while,” said Wang Yao.

He and Wang Mingbao went into the courtyard. Wang Mingbao didn’t go back to his grandparents’ house until it was dark outside.

It was gloomy the next morning. The weather forecast reported rainy weather in the next few days.

Wang Yao didn’t stay in the clinic. He went back to Nanshan hill.

What surprised him was a phone call from Tian Yuantu in the afternoon. Tian Yuantu told Wang Yao that one of his wife’s relatives, who lived in Zhu county was suffering from migraine. This relative had been to a number of hospitals but no doctor could cure him. Tian Yuantu wanted Wang Yao to see his person. Wang Yao agreed without hesitation. He arranged a time to meet with Tian Yuantu.

“Is he gonna see her?” asked Xu Jiahui at the other end of the phone.

“Yes, he will,” said Tian Yuantu.

“How come he’s willing to see patients suddenly?” asked Xu Jiahui.

“He wanted to have his own clinic a long time ago, but he was not ready. Now the clinic is ready to go, but he hasn’t got the medical certificate. So he can only see patients referred by reliable friends,” said Tian Yuantu.

“Given his medical skills, he should have difficulty passing the exam for the medical certificate,” said Xu Jiahui.

“You are right, and his social network is quite well built. He knows Guo Sirou and her family from Beijing, Sun Zhengrong from Dao, and Secretary Yang. All those people owe big favor to him, which is quite significant,” said Tian Yuantu.

“All those extraordinary Traditional Chinese Medical Practitioners were friendly with prestige families. This Dr. Wang is an exception, but he is so easy going. We don’t come across people like him often,” said Xu Jiahui.

Wang Yao was a person who was worth making friends with sincerely.

The next day, a black car went into the village. Three people got out of the car. They were Tian Yuantu, Xu Jiahui, and a lady in her 50’s. The lady looked decent, but her hair was almost white and her eyes were dark. She looked pretty tired.

The three of them went into Wang Yao’s clinic.

“Auntie, this is Dr. Wang.” Xu Jiahui introduced Wang Yao to her aunt.

“Him?” The lady looked at Wang Yao with surprise. He is so young, she thought.

“Please take a seat,” said Wang Yao.

“Okay.” The lady sat down.

Wang Yao could tell that the lady was short of breath, and her breath was slightly heated. Her eyes were dark, and she had damp heat inside her body.

Wang Yao then checked her pulse.

There were disorders in her organs. The cold energy went straight into her brain and had lingered there for a long time.

“Ma’am, do you often feel headache, and cold in your head, but hot in your body?” asked Wang Yao.

“Yes, exactly!” said the lady immediately.

“Well, let me give you a massage to relieve the headache, then prescribe a formula for you,” said Wang Yao.

“Okay,” said the woman.

Wang Yao started to massage her head and neck gently. He rubbed and pressed the muscles of her head and neck with gradual increasing strength.

The lady felt her head slightly swell up at the beginning, then gradually relaxed. After a while, her head was no longer aching. She felt much more comfortable.

“Your massage is so effective!” praised the lady.

She had someone massage her head and neck before coming to see Wang Yao, but she didn’t feel much difference after the massage. She didn’t expect the young doctor had such wonderful massage skills. She reckoned the trip was worthwhile even just for the massage.

After Wang Yao had finished massaging the lady, he prescribed her a formula, in which all the herbs were wild. He gave her instructions of how to brew the decoction out of the formula, dose and precautions when taking the decoction. He also wrote down the activities which could potentially exacerbate her headache.

“You take seven doses to start with. Come back one week later,” said Wang Yao.

He just charged the lady fees for herbs, all together over 500 yuan. It was really cheap.

“Okay, thank you,” said the lady.

Tian Yuantu also left after talking to Wang Yao for a few minutes.

“How do you feel, Auntie?” asked Xu Jiahui

“I feel good. Let alone the formula, my headache was much better after the massage,” said the lady.

“Would you like to try the formula?” asked Xu Jiahui.

“Okay,” said the lady.

She doubted Wang Yao’s ability when she initially saw him. She suspected such a young doctor would be as wonderful as she was told. After the massage she started to have high expectation to the formula Wang Yao prescribed.

After his patient had left, Wang Yao documented her symptoms, treatment and the formula he prescribed. These were valuable experiences which could be his reference in the future. As for the effect of the formula, he had to wait for a week to tell.

“This is a good sign,” said Wang Yao as he was drinking tea.

He had another good sign the next day. Wei Hai came to the clinic with his father. Wei Hai’s father was in his 70’s. He looked energetic and spoke loudly. He kept thanking Wang Yao after arriving at the clinic for saving his son.

“Mr. Wei, please sit down and tell me what’s wrong with you,” asked Wang Yao.

“I’m completely fine,” said Wei Hai’s father with a smile.

“Then what can I do for you?” said Wang Yao as he looked at Wei Hai.

“Well, my dad tends to have an upset stomach after drinking,” said Wei Hai immediately.

“I see, let me have a look.” Wang Yao checked Wei Hai’s father’s pulse.

Wei Hai’s father was generally healthy. He just had mild infection in his stomach, which was not hard to cure. Wang Yao just suggested him to buy some common medication to settle his stomach in the clinic.

“Western medicine? You are not prescribe a formula for him?” asked Wei Hai.

“No. Some diseases can be cured quickly by western medicine. You don’t have to take herbs for all the diseases,” said Wang Yao with a smile.

Fortunately the system didn’t ask him to prescribe herbal formula for all his patients.

Wang Yao watched Wei Hai and his father leave the clinic with a smile.

He didn’t have to take his dad here, thought Wang Yao.

He had another visitor unexpectedly in the afternoon. It was Professor Lu, who designed the clinic for Wang Yao. He was in Tian Yuantu’s company earlier to run some errands, and heard that Wang Yao’s clinic was ready to open. Therefore he paid Wang Yao a visit.

“Hello, Professor Lu, please come in.” Wang Yao invited Professor Lu into the clinic.

“Hello, Dr. Wang, it looks nice here,” said Professor Lu.

“Thanks to your wonderful design,” said Wang Yao.

“Haha, I meant the plants in your courtyard look nice,” said Professor Lu with a smile. “As for the house, not too bad.”

He was too modest.

“I’ll make you a cup of tea,” said Wang Yao.

“Thanks, nice tea.” Professor Lu enjoyed drinking tea very much. He could tell the quality of tea after taking one sip.

“When will your clinic open?” asked Professor Lu.

“I just have to wait for a while. I need to get some paperwork done,” said Wang Yao with a smile.

“I see. Let me know when your clinic is open,” said Professor Lu.

“Sure,” said Wang Yao.

“Is there anything else you want to discuss?” asked Wang Yao as Professor Lu seemed hesitated.

“Actually yes. I have a friend who has been ill. The doctors from those hospitals could do anything for him. I want to take him here to see you. Will you be able to help him?” asked Professor Lu.

He heard from Tian Yuantu that Wang Yao had his own rules when seeing patients. Wang Yao would only see people referred by reliable friends.

“That’s fine. Bring him here when you are available. I’ll take a look at him,” said Wang Yao.

“Great! I’ll let him know,” said Professor Lu.

This was his true purpose of visit.

After Professor Lu had left, Wang Yao thought he wouldn’t have any visitors at this time of the day. When he was ready to leave the clinic, Pan Jun came.

“Hello, Dr. Wang, how come you didn’t notify me you clinic is ready to open?” said Pan Jun with a smile.

“I’m actually not ready yet.” Wang Yao invited Pan Jun into the clinic.

“Wow, look at this place! You know what, your clinic looks more professional than my sister’s,” praised Pan Jun as he entered the courtyard and looked at the plants. “The house is so pretty!”

The house had black roof and white walls. It looked quite unique either from distance or nearby.

“When will your clinic open?” asked Pan Jun.

“I’m not sure. Anyway I am in no hurry,” said Wang Yao.

“You must notify me when your clinic opens,” said Pan Jun.

“Okay,” said Wang Yao with a smile.

“Well, I guess you won’t have time to see any patient in my sister’s clinic after your own clinic opens,” said Pan Jun.

Actually quite a few patients asked to see Wang Yao in Pan Mei’s clinic recently.

“I will see.” Wang Yao didn’t give a definitive answer, but he knew he probably wouldn’t go back to Pan Mei’s clinic.

“Haha, from now on we are competitors!” joked Pan Jun.

“My clinic is hiding in this village, I probably won’t have many patients,” said Wang Yao.

“You never know. Reputation travels fast,” said Pan Jun.

Pan Jun had been a doctor for a long time and knew the medical industry well. There were quite a few local practitioners with expertise in treating certain diseases. They all had quite a few patients. Some of the patients were from other cities. Pan Jun was not sure if those local practitioners had good medical skills, but he knew Wang Yao was truly a wonderful doctor.

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