In the luxurious private room, a middle-aged man dressed in black and wearing a black bowler hat sat on the sofa and drank tea.

It is none other than Sakaki, the leader of Team Rocket!

“Hunter Siso has long admired the daimyo, please sit.”

Sakaki put down the teacup and gestured to Siso and the two of them to the opposite side.

“It is said that the identity of the leader of Team Rocket is extremely mysterious, and the Guandu Alliance has been probing but there are no clues.”

“But they couldn’t have imagined it, in fact, the leader of Team Rocket has always been under their noses.”

“Mr. Sakaki, the master of the dojo hall in Tokiwa City, you are really hiding deeply.”

Siso was not polite, and after sitting down, he looked at the eyes in the shadow of the sakagi hat, and opened his mouth with interest.

“This status still brings me a lot of convenience, Mr. Siso?”

Sakaki smiled lightly and took off his black bowler hat when he heard this, and he was not too surprised to be recognized by Siso at a glance.

After all, his popularity is still quite high in Guandu, and there have even been rumors in the outside world that he Sakaki is the strongest Taoist hall owner in the Guandu area.

Hearing Sakaki’s admission, Ma Xiu next to Siso couldn’t help but look at Sakaki a little more, good guy!

The leader of Team Rocket is actually the official hall owner of the alliance!

Is the Guandu Alliance blind?

“Well~ this is true, but it has nothing to do with me, Mr. Sakaki, please be blunt, is there any commission to find me?”

Siso shrugged, although the owner of the dojo is not high in the anime, he is indeed an official of the alliance executive.

It’s just that the position of the pavilion owner is subject to the inheritance system, and although the alliance also has prosecutors to supervise the pavilion owner, it still can’t avoid the unevenness of the newcomer pavilion owner.

That’s why there are so many unqualified dojo owners in anime TV.

But Siso has little interest in this, and he’s not a member of the league, and he could even say that he would like the league to pinch the Rockets more intensely.

This makes it convenient for him to watch the play and eat melons.

“Mr. Siso is really direct, then I won’t go around in circles, I heard that Mr. Siso captured the N of the plasma team in the United People’s area, right?”

Sakaki still had a mature faint smile, and his magnetic voice was extremely comfortable.

“That’s right, is Mr. Sakaki someone who looks uncomfortable?”

Siso raised his eyebrows, Sakaki wouldn’t be asking him to catch Dragon Do, right?

Although Siso is not afraid of the Alliance, if this is the case, then there is no doubt that he will be wanted by the Alliance.

Yulongdu is the champion of Guandu, the respected dragon messenger, the No.1 in the current world championship, and a real figure.

Knocking out Imperial Dragon Du and handing it over to Team Rocket is such a thing….

Gotta add money!

Sakaki didn’t know what Siso was making up in his head at the moment, and his deep eyes flickered slightly when he heard this.

“Hehe~ It’s not nothing, but there is no need for Mr. Siso to make a move at present, N is a black dragon trainer, when you first captured N, Mr. Siso you?”

Sakaki chuckled twice and asked Siso again.

He wanted to confirm one thing, and that was Siso’s strength!

Although the Hunter Organization is huge, the quality is actually extremely unbalanced, and honestly, Sakaki actually looks down on the Hunter Organization.

Because most of the so-called famous hunters are not excellent in themselves, relying more on equipment and machines.

For example, Hunter J, who is active in the Sinnoh region, is quite famous in the hunter group, but as far as Sakaki knows, Hunter J’s strength is at the level of the Heavenly King.

And it is estimated that it still belongs to the bottom category in the Heavenly King-level training family.

The machine is equipped with these foreign objects after all, as a top trainer and the source of darkness in the capital of the gate, Sakagi has a large amount of tools, but he looks down on those hunters.

“The black dragon was defeated by me, if you are worried about my strength, Mr. Sakaki can rest assured.”

“My level of business can definitely satisfy you.”

Siso raised an eyebrow, knowing that Sakaki was testing his strength.

“Mr. Sisso, don’t misunderstand, asking these is just to get to know Mr. Siso better, after all…”

“Maybe we will have a lot of opportunities to cooperate in the future.”

Sakaki smiled at Siso with a decent smile, and the magnetic words made it impossible to fault anything.

Can you defeat the strength of the black dragon?

Sakaki’s eyes rippled invisibly, and he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, it seems to be a monster-level genius.

“Then I’ll look forward to it, can Mr. Sakaki introduce the mission now?”

“Of course, Apollo.”

Sakaki took a sip of tea from his teacup and motioned to Apollo, who was standing on the side.

“We have also investigated, Mr. Siso should be a native of Guandu, so Mr. Siso should have known about the legendary bird Pokémon.”

Apollo nodded and muttered to Siso.

“Flame birds, frozen birds, lightning birds, known as legendary bird Pokémon.”

When Ma Xiu heard this, she subconsciously said, as a legendary divine bird in Guandu, she basically has a little common sense and a little understanding of the legends of the region, and she will not be unfamiliar with the legendary bird Pokémon.

It’s actually the Three Divine Birds!

Even the sacred flame of the Quartz Assembly uses the flame of the flame bird, which shows that the status of the three divine birds in the Guandu region is not low.

“That’s right, it’s these three divine birds.” Apollo glanced at Ma Xiu and continued to speak.

“We in the rocket team have been secretly searching for the whereabouts of these three sacred birds, and now we have determined their habitat.”

“So your organization wants me to capture these three sacred birds?”

When Siso heard this, he turned his searching eyes to Sakaki, and it was not surprising that the rocket team searched for the whereabouts of the Migami Bird.

Because in the special chapter, Team Rocket did capture the Three Divine Birds in the wild, and in the final battle of Golden City, they used special devices to merge the Three Divine Birds into ‘Three Birds in One’!

In the end, after the three birds were defeated, Xiaolan subdued the three divine birds.

But Siso remembers that the rocket team let the three cadres lead people to capture these three sacred birds.

“No, the Three Divine Birds have already been personally intervened, if Mr. Siso is interested, we can also entrust Mr. Siso to take a trip.”

“What we want Mr. Siso to strike is the legendary higher existence of Bird Pokémon.”

Apollo’s dark face had a smile like a gentleman and nobleman, and he looked extremely discordant.

“King Feng!”


(Ask for flowers, tickets, and ask for everything).

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