
“Sister Hirona~”

Seeing Hirona coming, Gadria and Xiaoguang both said hello to Hirona, and Xiaoguang even trotted to Hirona, burying her face in front of Hirona and rubbing coquettishly.

Apparently they have a very good relationship.

“They’re all such adults, and they’re like children.”

Hirona tidied up her bangs for Xiaoguang with a gentle smile, as a descendant of the gods and town elders, Hirona’s family lineage is not particularly noble, but her status is indeed not weak.

Moreover, she is now the champion of the Four Heavenly Kings of Shinnoh and the strongest trainer in the entire Shinnoh region, so she has also been in contact with Xiaoguang’s family.

There are also many photos of Xiaoguang, a cute and kind junior.

“It’s a pleasure to see Sister Shirona.”

Xiaoguang’s smile is very bright, and she admires Shirona, a gentle and powerful senior, very much.

“Shirona, why did you come to Guandu?”

Gadria asked Hirona curiously.

As the champion of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Shennoh region, Hirona is also logically responsible for heavy affairs, not to mention that Gadria has also heard that an evil organization called the Galactic Group has been active recently.

Even if it’s a vacation, it shouldn’t be at this time.

“President Dama Lanchi asked me to come and help, but it seems that I came a little late.”

Hirona shook her head and looked around her surroundings, the ruins after the battle were so conspicuous.

Yes, because he always felt a little uneasy before the war, Dama Lanqi prepared to send people to Fangyuan Shinao.

But because it was too sudden, Daigo didn’t know where to mine, Mikkoli was also dealing with some affairs, and Hirona rushed over as soon as she received the news confirmation.

Well, but still late.

“Dama Lanchi is quite good.”

When Siso heard this, he raised his eyebrows and thought in his heart, he is worthy of being the president of the Elf Alliance, and it is very good to be prepared.

“Indeed, if it weren’t for Brother Siso who happened to be here, I’m afraid it would be really difficult to deal with.”

Xiaoguang blinked, thinking that without Siso’s shot, this battle with Team Rocket would probably not be easy.

When Shirona heard this, she looked at Siso with slight curiosity, and there was no doubt that this person was Siso in Xiaoguang’s mouth.

This name is not unfamiliar to her, and Gadria contacted her before, saying that Siso has legendary Pokémon sold here?

“By the way, Sister Shirona, let me introduce you, this is Brother Siso, he is a super trainer.”

“It was Brother Siso who defeated the Czech Roma trainer and captured him.”

Xiaoguang introduced Siso to Shirona’s tone quite proudly, well, apparently the girl now admired Siso a little.

“I have also heard the name of the hunter Siso, it is a great honor, I am Shirona.”

Shirona smiled and held out her hand to Siso, although in fact her senses for elven hunters were not particularly good.

Because there are many rampant elf hunters in the Sinnoh area, such as the current famous hunter J.

But the mature Shirona understands very well that things cannot be generalized, there are evil and greedy hunters, and naturally there are serious hunters.

At least as far as Siso’s deeds are concerned, this person is still fine, isn’t it?

“It is my honor to meet the champion of Shirona.”

Siso held Hirona’s white, slender palm and smiled politely in return.

“The most powerful trainer in the Sinnoh region, the champion of Shirona, is not only amazing, but also breathtaking in beauty, and it is indeed worthy of the name at first sight today.”

Siso praised Shirona that even if he had not been to the Sinnoh region, Siso had occasionally seen the Sinnoh Region Trainer Forum.

Shirona’s popularity in the Sinnoh region can simply be called terrifying, her appearance is noble and beautiful, and her personality is gentle and dignified and gentle on weekdays, but she is extremely cold and domineering when fighting.

And Shirona’s strength is also amazing, she defeated all the opponents of the same period of the Lily of the Valley Conference with a crushing attitude, and finally defeated the Four Heavenly Kings and the champion to the top of the Shinno, becoming the first female Four Heavenly King champion in the history of the Elf League.

The extremely topical nature even attracted attention in other regions, and also gave Hirona countless admirers.

It can be said that Shirona is the idol of all the trainers in the Sinnoh region, which is no exaggeration.

Because what is the Four Heavenly Kings Champion? It is the name of the strongest trainer in the region!

Every four-day king champion is the strongest person in the current region! This is a public perception.

Champion is both a title and an honor, because the champion is not the so-called elected, but the able!

It must be won by strength!

Every champion is truly fought one battle after another!

Even Mikkoli, the champion of the Fangyuan region, is more special and was recommended to the Fangyuan Alliance by his friend Daigo.

But Mikkoli also defeated the peak of Fangyuan who reached the top of the Four Heavenly Kings of Fangyuan, but he was one step less than the championship battle with the original champion Daigo.

But Daigo retired voluntarily, and that was a special case.

“Mr. Siso has passed the prize.”

Hirona shook her head with a faint smile.

“Shirona, remember what I told you?”

Gadria suddenly spoke to Hirona, since Hirona came just right, if there were any questions, she could ask Siso directly.

“By the way, Mr. Siso, I heard Gadria say, you have a legend elf here, don’t you?”

Hirona’s beautiful eyes flashed slightly when she heard this, and she asked Siso curiously.

As a top trainer, her enthusiasm for elves is naturally necessary, and Hirona really has no new main force to cultivate at present.

As for whether he feels that this kind of trading elves is wrong, in fact, trading elves is not uncommon in this world as Siso said to Imperial Dragon Du before.

To put it mildly, didn’t Ash exchange elves with others in the anime? It’s just an extra layer of name for the sake of the elves.

Many people will not be so pedantic, as long as it is not to hurt the elves, they will not be too careful.

“Yes, I accepted it in Alora’s ultimate space, and it is a regular acceptance, and the hero of Hirona can use it with confidence.”

Siso nodded and smiled, emphasizing that it was a formal acceptance.

“However, there are many types of exotic beasts, Miss Shirona can take a look first.”

Then Xi took out the National Elf Book that he had specially prepared in the morning and handed it to Hirona.

“Hirona wants to replenish her handheld defects, right?”

“Yes, but not necessarily.”

Hirona’s fingers gently ran across the screen of the Elven Guide, and she nodded back.

She really wants to supplement the strike surface she holds the main force, because she is a trainer who belongs to the multi-attribute cultivation, and the wider the strike surface, the more opponents she can deal with.

Finally, Hirona’s gaze was fixed on the barrier stone and the electric beam wood.

“The barrier stone is a heavyweight elf with excellent defense, while the electric beam wood is an explosive type that specializes in special attacks.”

Seeing that Hirona muttered about the choice of these two extremely strange beasts, Siso introduced it.

“Defense vs. offense?”

Hirona frowned slightly when she heard this, strictly speaking, her team did not have a counterattack type of heavyweight elf.

Her Lucario is indeed steel, but Hirona plays more of Lucario’s offensiveness, and Lucario is actually not very good defensively.

“Then the electric beam wood, I don’t have the main force of the electric system yet.”

In the end, Shirona still chose the pure electric beam wood, she did not have the main force of the electric system, not to mention don’t look at the daily life of Shirona’s temperament is more dignified and elegant.

But her fighting style is very domineering and the rhythm of the battle is very strong.

Compared to defense, I really prefer to attack!

“Very good choice, the electric beam wood is an extremely powerful extreme beast with a special attack, as long as it is cultivated well, I think it will definitely become one of the strongest main forces of the hero.”

Siso smiled when he heard this, and smiled at him.

Almost all of the extreme beasts develop some aspect to the extreme partial type of legend, and the electric beam wood is also extremely simple and rude, and its other race values in the game are not more than a hundred, but the special attack race value of the electric beam wood is as high as one hundred and seventy-three points!

It can simply be called horror!

Three points higher than the special attack of Chief Rem fused with Lehiram!

Ahem, but also only special attacks are high …

However, there is no truly perfect elf, and elf combat is to play the strong side of the elf and try to weaken the weak side of the elf.

“Thank you.”

Hirona’s reserved smile, there is no choice, since she has made a decision, of course, she will cultivate the electric beam wood with her heart.

And as the champion of Shen’ao, Hirona’s deposit is also quite rich, and she did not bargain with Siso, according to the price of Gadria Xiaoguang, 600 million was directly transferred in person.

Handing over the money with one hand and delivering it with the other, Siso turned around and took the Bolt Ball from his backpack and handed it to Shirona.

Well, the reason why he turned around was because he was afraid that Hirona would see a large number of Ultimate Beast Spirit Balls in his backpack…

“Congratulations to Sister Shirona, there is a new main force.”

Seeing that the transaction was completed, Xiaoguang congratulated Shirona, who was smiling on her face.

“It still takes time to nurture and grow, did you really decide to challenge the Guandu Alliance?”

Hirona put away the Bolt Ball of Beam Wood and shook her head, then looked at her good sister Gadria.

In fact, she was very supportive of Gadria’s decision to experience alone, but she was still a little melancholy.

If she could, she would love to work with Gadria.

It is a pity that although her appearance is noble and elegant, Gadria is also a proud girl, and Hirona is too good.

Good enough to stand next to Hirona, the eyes of outsiders will always fall on Hirona’s body.

And the proud Gadria is not willing to become only a foil for Hirona, which may be why she chose to travel to other regions to practice cultivation.

“Well, it is said that there will be many strong people in this Guandu Alliance Competition, which must be very meaningful, and I also believe that this is something I can do.”

Gadria replied with a smile, originally she had not completely decided where to practice, but I heard that Xiaoguang was ready to give up challenging half of the Divine Mystery and challenge Guandu instead.

Gadria also came to a little interest, and today’s encounter is also the excitement and novelty that Gadria once did not have in her life.

What’s more, as the headquarters area of the Elf Alliance, it is indeed very challenging.

“I’ll pay attention to the quartz conference, come on.”

Hirona sighed inwardly, but still smiled at Gadria and encouraged.

Maybe their sisterly feelings have not retreated, but there is really something special different.

She once said to the paranoid Gadria, ‘Chasing everything is the beginning of misfortune, everyone has things they can’t do and things they can do, it’s important to know that.’ ’

Everyone has a psychology of comparison, and Shirona, who has known Gadria since childhood, understands this very well.

Gadria used to break out from time to time because of her superpowers, and one of the factors was because of Hirona!

When friends are too good, many people will inevitably compare, and Gadria is like that.

No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t surpass Hirona and defeat Hirona.

This is also why Hirona said that paragraph to Gadria, once Gadria did not understand, but now she understands.

“I’ll really get stronger, Hirona, and I’ll challenge you again.”

Gadria looked at Hirona’s face, the corners of her lips drew a sincere arc, and gently hugged Hirona and whispered.

“Please watch, my performance at the Quartz Conference.”

“I definitely will.”

Hirona hugged Hirona’s slender and soft body slightly hard, and replied softly.

The three of Siso, who quietly watched this scene, did not make a sound, and the pure sincere feelings between the sisters were really easy to move.

“It’s so beautiful~”

Looking at Gadria Shirona who hugged, Siso sighed softly, Gadria and Hirona are both top beauties, and this hug is really imaginative.

A very beautiful scene.

Siso took out the phase strike from Ma Xiu’s backpack without slowing down in his hand and filmed this scene.

“The Lala Zhao of the Shen’ao champion and the former Shen’ao against the pioneer leader, if you sell it, it is estimated to be very valuable.”

Looking at his masterpiece, Siso couldn’t help but joke.

And hearing this, Xiaoguang tilted his little head suspiciously, not quite understanding what Lala meant.

Ma Xiu couldn’t help but glance at Siso with amusement.

God sells for money.


Dead Leaf City.

In a large villa with an extremely luxurious face, a handsome young man in formal clothes looked thoughtfully at the light screen in front of him.

Shown above is exactly the post of Siso on the black market.

“A hunter selling legendary Pokémon? It’s really interesting. ”

After a long time, the young man lowered his head and smiled lightly, his fingers gently stroked.

“But if it’s an unknown collectible, it’s of little value, so I really want to collect it or…”

A map appears on the light screen, and several islands appear.

“God of Fire, God of Thunder, God of Ice~ and…”

The young man looked at these islands, the corners of his mouth curled higher, and his eyes flashed with fanaticism.

A true collector! How could he not have these precious beings called gods in his collection?!

“The last god of the sea!”

“Siso the hunter, can he help me collect them?”

“This is my most anticipated collection.”

The young man looked at the picture of the teenager in another light screen, the name of this hunter, he had already inquired about it after spending a lot of money, he really had captured the Black Dragon Trainer N!

This news is true, and it also means that this hunter does have the ability to deal with legends, which is really surprising and joyful.

If he could be hired, the young man felt that his wish to collect this legendary divine bird might really come true!


(Ask for flower tickets, ask for custom booking)

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