"The game is on!!" both sides were in position and ready to fight, and Yan Kai, who acted as a temporary referee on the sidelines, immediately announced the official start of the game.

"Demon Flame Fox, use [Future Sight]!"

At the beginning of the game, Charlie on the opposite side of the field took the initiative and commanded the Demon Flame Fox to attack, and still opened a big move as soon as he came up.

The only thing that is fortunate is that Future Sight is a delayed effect.

Of course, this is also a difficult part of it, because Future Sight will be activated at an unpredictable time in the future, which makes it difficult for the opponent to dodge.

However, I have read the original anime, and Ash, who has a deep study of the skills of each series of Pokémon, knows the principle of [Future Prediction].

Predicting the future is only delayed, and the attack that hides in the cracks of the dimension does not fix where to launch the attack when it takes effect.

The delay in taking effect + the unpredictable path is the reason why it is almost impossible to dodge this attack in the future.

However, in fact, the time for predicting the future to disappear into the dimensional gap is fixed, and it is relatively easy to calculate the approximate effective time of the opponent's prediction of the future.

In the original anime, when the original body challenged the Carlos Alliance Baike Gym, the owner of the pavilion, Noon Shika, performed Predicting the Future in the battle.

In the original anime, the predecessor was to make Pikachu use his tail to swing the timer, and finally succeeded in dodging the attack of the foresight of the future, and used the prediction of the future to defeat the super meow of the noon flower.

With this previous experience and understanding of the foreseen future, Charlie asked the Demon Flame Fox to use the foresight of the future, which is not very threatening to Ash.

Because when Charlie asked the Demon Flame Fox to predict the future, Ash had already used the power of the waveguide to time the stopwatch in his heart.


1~2~3~4 5~6~7......

Single-mindedly using a waveguide stopwatch to keep time, Ash did not command Pikachu to launch a counterattack without the slightest nervous pressure.

"Pikachu, use [Pray for Rain]!!!" Ash snapped his fingers crisply, with a look of confidence that everything was under control.

"Pika~" Pikachu responded to the command very quickly on the field, took a small mouth, and immediately shot a fog ball full of water vapor towards the sky.


The "rustling ......and rustling" fog ball burst, and the dark clouds gathered over the battlefield for a while, and the water vapor condensed, and it rained on the field in an instant.

The water system restrains the fire system, and if the last Ninja Frog fights the Owl Nighthawk and prays for rain, it only makes the Owl Nighthawk wet its feathers and reduces the flight speed of the Owl Nighthawk.

So at this moment, Pikachu used to pray for rain, and what the Demon Flame Fox endured was not only the power of the fire skill weakened, but also the damage he continued to suffer.

Ash only used one change support skill, which made Charlie and Demon Flame Fox, as opponents, completely fall into passivity and disadvantage.

"Demon Flame Fox, use [Magic Flame] on Pikachu!!"

The situation on the field began to become unfavorable for his side, and before the foresight of the future took effect and helped his side establish an advantage, Charlie could only take the initiative to attack to save the disadvantage and the initiative.


"Pikachu, [High Speed Movement] Dodge, then use [Weird Waves]"

On the other side of the arena, I saw the Demon Flame Fox wave the branch wand in his hand, and let out a high-pitched fox roar with his open arms, followed by a blue-purple magical flame blasting towards Pikachu.

Ash's side also immediately gave instructions for Pikachu.

"Pickup~" Pikachu moved when he heard the sound on the field, and it was petite and exquisite, and it ran quickly on the field.

"Bang~" The magic flame is a single attack, and the magic flame of the demon flame fox hit.

Pikachu, who was already moving fast, was able to easily dodge the Demon Flame Fox's attacks with the help of the increase in movement speed brought by [High-Speed Movement].

The voided magic flame fell to the ground, and the field, which was moistened by the rain in the sky, was instantly blasted into a basin-sized pit by the magic flames.


“... 45~46~47~48~......"

"Snort!!" While Pikachu dodged the Demon Flame Fox's attack, the electric bag on his cheek made a snorting sound, and a circle of strange electromagnetic waves emitted from his body, and then directly enveloped the opposite Demon Flame Fox in it.

The strange electric wave did not have any damage, in exchange for a huge attack range, and the electric wave that covered the entire arena suddenly contracted, and the Demon Flame Fox could not avoid it and hit it directly. []

"Wooh!?" Seeing that he was hit by an attack from the opposite side, he found that his body was only a little sore and numb, and he had not been hurt in any way, which made the Demon Flame Fox look a little stunned and suspicious.

However, what Demon Flame Fox didn't know was that it was hit by a strange radio wave, and the price it suffered was even as good as being hit by a powerful skill.

"Although the weird radio wave is a support skill, the Pokémon that are hit will have their special attack ability greatly reduced and reduced. "

"'Demon Flame Fox is a typical special attack Pokémon, and now that it has been hit by [Strange Electric Waves], its special attack ability has been greatly reduced, and it is estimated that it will be very uncomfortable next. "

"But what I didn't expect was that Ash's Pikachu actually mastered such an unpopular skill move as weird radio waves, and it is worthy of opening a skill learning online store, and the Pokémon skill pool under his command is not ordinarily deep. "

Looking at the two Pokémon in the fierce battle on the field, Yan Kai explained, his expression full of surprise.

And through the current battle on the field, Yan Kai and Willy's family also have a clearer and more intuitive understanding of Ash's fighting style.

Compared to trainers his age, who pursue offense and learn to master various high-power attack skills, Ash prefers various variation support skills.

Hides the hideous fangs in battle, but even the mutation support skills are like soft knives in battle, and each knife can rip off a large piece of meat.

This kind of fighting style may not be as enthusiastic as for young people, but it is very advanced for adults like TA

Calm, wise, strong, and unsolvable......



"Hum!!" As soon as Yan Kai finished speaking, the situation on the field changed again.

I saw that in the air behind Pikachu, the air was distorted and changed, and in the next second, in the gray rain curtain, the air suddenly distorted to produce five or six colorful hollows.

"Boom, boom, boom......" was followed by a ball of basketball-sized superpower energy projectiles, pouring down on Pikachu.

And these space bombs are the [Future Prediction] that Charlie asked the Demon Flame Fox to use at the beginning of the game.



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