After swallowing the Bibi bird, Gyarados turned around and went out to look for it.

"Okay, Gyarados, there’s no need to look for it anymore, let’s take a rest first."

Xiao Hui stopped and wanted to catch Bibi Bird's Gyarados. This is definitely meaningless.

He didn't want to be a Bidgeot, but wanted a water elf with good potential. This way he could change some after arriving in Cerulean City. Money.

After all, if she wants a flying mount, Xiaohui believes that the Harker Dragon in the hunting area will not refuse to take her child because her dragon control power can help the mini dragon grow better.

"Roar~" Gyarados nodded when he heard this. He had swallowed three Bibi birds today, and the resentment in his heart was finally released.

Then Gyarados dived into the water to rest.

Xiaohui shook his head, hoping that Gyarados You should adjust your mentality as soon as possible, otherwise you will become a bird killer. And if you provoke a bird in the wild, it will be a disaster. No matter how weak the wild bird is , it is almost as strong as the big-billed bird.

Let them have a natural enemy of the same type. The weak ones will become the food of the natural enemy.

Under the pressure of survival crisis, those who can evolve into Bidiao will definitely not lack the potential to win or die.

In the wild, the fighting power of an elf who can dominate a place cannot be underestimated!

The next day, the sky was hazy and Xiaohui was still sleeping, when suddenly two roars rang in his ears.

"Damn, what's going on?"

Xiao Hui kicked off his sleeping bag and jumped up. After walking out of the tent, he found that two Gyarados were glaring at the sky and roaring.

Xiao Hui looked up and saw that there was a big-billed bird circling in the sky, and the big-billed bird was There is also the body of a Bibi bird in the claws. Is the level 33 Gyarados a trophy?

"Okay, Gyarados, give him the Bibi Bird. Anyway, the Bibi Bird itself is not in your recipe."

""Hooray!" Gyarados roared at the bird, and then spat a large amount of water aside. It was very disdainful of the bird's behavior of avoiding the fight.

Xiaohui was speechless. He is a higher level than you, and he is It's a wild elf, and you're not his natural enemy. Is it necessary for him to fight to the death?

If he fights with you and both sides suffer, then it's not cheap!

""Hmm~" The big-billed bird was still shouting in the air,"Don't leave if you can." Then it flew away with the body of the Bibi bird.

Xiaohui would not give him this chance. He had a hasty breakfast and started climbing with the elf. After a while , the big-billed bird came back with a large group of sparrows, the number of which was close to a hundred.

If they were not all at a low level, Xiaohui would have had no choice but to jump into the river to avoid their attacks.

He frowned tightly. He was not afraid of this group of Spearows, but the leader was a level 33 Big-billed Bird.

This made Xiaohui's heart tighten. If he was beaten, Gyarados might not be able to do anything. Something happened.

Where could I run to?

The cave leading from Yuejian Mountain to Hualan City was on the mountainside. Xiao Hui could only speed up and walked towards the cave, one behind the other to protect Xiao Hui. Seeing that there was no chance, Beakiao took the Spearow to find Bobo and Bibi Bird.

"Huh~" Xiaohui exhaled heavily as he walked into the cave, and then took back the troublesome Gyarados.

"Come on, be careful in the cave."

""Kaka" the big-jawed ant clicked its big mouth a few times, and then slowly walked in front to clear the way.

Although the level is not high, the big-jawed ant is a ground elf, and its perception of the ground is still very good.

Xiaohui turned on the flashlight and walked slowly in the cave along the passage marked by the alliance.

Although the alliance would come to drive away the elves every once in a while, the supersonic bat was the biggest killer in the cave environment because all flesh and blood creatures were. It can become their food, and they will go out to look for food.

In this dark environment, there is no moonlight, and there is no way to stop the attack of the super sound bat.

Xiaohui does not do anything to search for moon stones or fossils. Sweet dreams, that's not something I can think about.

Along the way, I occasionally encounter a few small fist stones and Paras, but they are not potential elves.

With the mentality of doing more than doing less, Xiaohui just bypasses them. They walked all the way and soon passed through the Yuejian Mountain Cave, but an accident happened.

Suddenly, a Pipi ran in from the entrance of Hualan City and was startled when he saw Xiaohui. He threw the moon stone in his hand and just in time, the moon stone rolled around a few times and stopped at Xiao Hui's feet.

"Chase quickly, don't let Pippi escape, that's millions of yen"

"Who doesn't know, hurry up"

"Do not talk nonsense!"

"Lada, catch up first."


A burst of noise came, and Xiao Hui heard it clearly in the cave. He wanted to avoid causing trouble, but the moon stone is worth 1.5 million!

After getting this moon stone, Xiao Hui cultivated Gyarados and Dai Jaw Ant no longer had to pick at Soso.

When Pipi lost the Moon Stone, he didn't even think about grabbing it back. He just ran into a side road in a panic.

He said a lot, but Xiaohui only maintained his entanglement. Within a few seconds, he bent down to pick up the Moon Stone, turned around and ran back.

On the way, Xiaohui encountered two groups, the Xiaofist Stone and Longlong Stone groups, and the Paras.

However, neither Longlongshi nor Parasite saw the leader, and they didn't know how strong they were. They were stronger than Xiaohui. If they were not strong enough, they would not be able to delay. It worked.

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