Walking into East City, Lu Chen immediately saw a prosperous scene with a bustling traffic and bustling people.

On both sides of the wide street, there were rows of shops, one side of which was filled with a wide variety of goods. At a glance, there were shops selling silk, porcelain, tea, rouge, and various groceries. There were many categories, including various pawnshops, pharmacies, blacksmith shops, etc.

Whether it was daily necessities or other things related to food, clothing, housing and transportation, they could basically be found here.

On the other side, there were all kinds of food.

There were sesame cakes, teahouses, bread and pastries, fast meals, noodle shops, etc., no matter north, south, east, or west, common food from all over the country could be found here, even sliced ​​bread and milk from Xizhou could be seen.

At this time, merchants from different regions were sitting on small benches at the door of the restaurant, eating and chatting with other merchants around them, it was very lively.

The small shops that specialize in Xizhou cuisine are basically run by blond and blue-eyed Xizhou people, and most of the people gathered in front of the door are white-skinned Xizhou people. Only some Daxia merchants who can speak the common language of Xizhou communicate with them.

There are special lanes and sidewalks in the middle, and there are special people directing traffic at different intersections. The parking of carriages is also very particular. Everything seems so orderly.

"Brother Fang Yu has a high level of attainment in the way of business, and with the adults' teachings, he has vigorously developed commerce in Ping County since he took office, and has issued a large number of preferential policies. As long as they come here to do business, no matter where they come from, they can enjoy policy support."

"And Brother Fang also gave money to merchants, so that when they went to other places to do business, they helped to promote the various preferential policies of Ping County, constantly attracting foreign merchants to do business here, and even attracted people from Xizhou who were doing business in the southeast."

"Nowadays, goods from all over the world are exchanged in Yuzhou. The original scale of the city in each county can no longer meet the needs of business, and they have all expanded to varying degrees, especially Ping County..."

While walking inside, Zhang Yi kept introducing various situations in Ping County to Lu Chen.

Looking at Ping County, which has already developed into a metropolis, Lu Chen couldn't help but sigh.

I didn't expect that the Xuan Jiwei that I cultivated on a whim, taught them some knowledge that this world didn't have, and let them govern a county against all odds, would have such a great effect.

He suddenly realized that the things in his mind that he had not returned to his teacher might be an inestimable wealth for this world.

It could even change the social form of this world.

After all, although this world is a high-level martial arts world, the way the cultivators here become stronger is largely related to their own Tao. Enlightenment and breakthrough are the most solid and stable, and the extent of strength improvement is also great.

This is destined to make the cultivators invest a lot of energy in their own Tao. Their concentration, belief, willpower, resilience, etc. are far beyond ordinary people. As long as they make good use of this and guide it into the right path, the cultivators can burst out with strong creativity.

Fang Yu, Zhang Yi, Li Yue and others are the best examples.

They devoted everything to their own Tao, which created the scene of Yuzhou's heyday, and they also benefited a lot from it. Their strength soared. It is said that the strongest Fang Yu is now in the Void Realm, only one step away from the Great Perfection.

You must know that after the Great Perfection of the Void, it is the Return to One Realm, the ceiling of the cultivators.

Although Fang Yu was not weak two years ago, he was still a long way from reaching the Void Realm. After he practiced the Way of Business, his cultivation was like a rocket, many times faster than when he practiced the Way of Martial Arts.

The same is true for Liyue, and even Zhang Yi... Damn, this guy directly achieved enlightenment twice a day...

Realizing this, he suddenly had many thoughts.

While listening to Zhang Yi's introduction and observing the rich business atmosphere around him, his face gradually showed a thoughtful look.

Many businessmen on the road recognized Zhang Yi, and they stood up and bowed to this breadwinner. Their attitude was as respectful as possible, even with a hint of flattery.

When Lu Chen came over just now, in order to avoid being too conspicuous, he changed his appearance with a disguise, and Fu Hua and Chai Hongyu did the same.

The three of them looked like a rich young master traveling with two concubines. The merchants around them saw that Zhang Yi was introducing a wealthy family from another place, and wanted to attract that wealthy family to Ping County to do business.

This kind of thing was often done when Fang Yu was in office before, saying it was some kind of investment attraction.

They have long been accustomed to it. The person who can be accompanied by the parent official of Ping County must be from a prominent family. Maybe he is a prince or a noble, or someone with a very rich family background. Such people are usually very particular, so it is better not to approach them rashly.

At first, Zhang Yi returned the greeting, but there were too many people who came to greet him, which affected his report to Lu Chen, so he ignored them and nodded at most.

Seeing him talking to a young man so seriously, the merchants behind him soon dared not to disturb him.

They are all doing business. If they don’t have this kind of courtesy, they should go home and farm.

Dongcheng is very large, and the main direction of Ping County’s expansion is the east. For this reason, many merchants donated to the county government out of their own pockets, only asking that Dongcheng be as large as possible to facilitate business, and asking for more subsidy policies.

For example, rent the shops planned later at a cheaper price, or extend the lease date.

As for the rest, they dared not ask for it.

Of course, at the beginning, those merchants also had some plans in mind, wanting to buy all the land near the outskirts of Dongcheng.

After all, the development potential of Ping County was already somewhat obvious at that time. It was obviously impossible for a small county to meet the growing commercial needs. Expansion was almost inevitable. As long as they bought the land around Dongcheng in advance, they would definitely make a lot of money when Dongcheng developed.

It must be said that those merchants were still very visionary. Now Dongcheng can almost be said to be a land of gold, and every shop in it is worth a lot of money.

If they could really buy the land there, they would really make a fortune.

It's a pity that most of the land outside Dongcheng belonged to the big families of Ping County who originally lived here. As a result, these big families were directly wiped out by the empress because they participated in the conspiracy to attack Lu Chen, and all the land was nationalized by the government.

The most important thing is that when Yuzhou was still governed by Lu Chen himself, he issued a decree-all the land in Yuzhou would not be allowed to be bought and sold in the future, but could only be contracted or leased.

When the merchants who wanted to buy the land outside Dongcheng heard Fang Yu talk about this decree, they were dumbfounded and heartbroken. At the same time, they also realized how far-sighted the legendary Governor Lu was.

Directly kill the potential hidden dangers in the cradle at the source.

It's terrible.

After listening to Zhang Yi talking about the land contract system, Lu Chen was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and did not comment on it.

The four of them continued to move forward. Along the way, Lu Chen quickly observed the situation of each commercial street like a horse-watching, especially the types of goods, prices, the number of buyers, etc., and memorized these data one by one.

Time passed quickly. After about two hours, everyone finally visited all the commercial areas in Dongcheng.

"As expected of you, Huaiyu's chief disciple."

As soon as she returned to the entrance of East City, Chai Hongyu couldn't help but sigh:

"In less than two years, the originally impoverished Ping County has developed into a prosperous place comparable to the east city of Luojing. County Magistrate Fang is really amazing."

Lu Chen waved his hand.

"Forget about the chief disciple. You can't say that. I have never accepted any disciples. This is all Fang Yu's own credit. It has nothing to do with me. I just chatted with them about some related topics when I was free in Yuzhou."

Hearing this, Chai Hongyu smiled immediately.

"Huaiyu is still as humble as ever."

Lu Chen: "."

Why is it that no one always believes this truth?

Shaking his head, he was too lazy to bother about these insignificant things, and turned to Zhang Yi on the side and said: "Zhang Yi, is there any information about merchants registered in the Commercial Office?"


Zhang Yi nodded.

"Every merchant who comes to Ping County to do business must accept the management of the Commercial Office, and their information is also recorded in the archives of the Commercial Office. After all, our government will have to collect business taxes based on this information later."


Lu Chen nodded slightly, and then continued: "Well, you can have someone compile a list of the big merchants in industries related to people's food, clothing, housing and transportation, and by the way, compile a list of their collection methods, places of origin, reputation of the business, etc. I will use this information recently." (End of this chapter)

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