End of Mystery

Chapter 280 Experimental Subject Recycling (5,000 words)

Now that the whole world is boiling into a pot of porridge, not only Black Gate City is staying aloof, but also the City of Anxi is unexpectedly quiet.

Because the mysterious source was expelled, the foreigners who previously belonged to this city have also received effective treatment and dispersed, becoming members of all living beings. Therefore, today's Anxi City is an empty city in an absolute sense. .

There were some mysterious sources who tried to move in before, but were scared away by Xiao Xiao's look. Later, when Xiao Xiao left, there were also many mysterious sources who were not willing to give up and tried to come. After all, such an empty city, for them, is a city with only prey. , a hunting ground without natural enemies, once they find an opportunity to parasitize here, their power can grow rapidly, but they did not expect that although Xiao Xiao left, there would be a group of strange things...or people, that would destroy this place. Treat it as your own paradise.

Other strangers, and even some mysterious sources, don't know what they belong to, they just feel that they are strange.

They are said to be aberrant creatures, but they have their own will and will not spread like crazy out of control. They can even use their own characteristics like strengthening elements.

If they are said to be the source of mystery, they have not been lost yet, and they live on a reality level, not a spiritual ocean.

Strictly speaking, this should belong to a new species in the mysterious world. Someone discovered them on the forum and discussed them, but they knew nothing about their origins and origins. They only knew that they belonged to the mysterious Xiaohui of Black Gate City. Long, similar to private mercenaries, they are stationed in a huge city like Xi'an City. They are like weird plants planted into the fertile soil. They are growing like crazy. Every moment, they are accumulating normal energy. The painful substance that foreigners cannot understand enhances their own strength.

At first, he coveted the mysterious source of Anxi City, but Xiao Xiao stopped him with just one word, which was quite humiliating.

Later, the mysterious sources who coveted the city of Anxi were not treated like this. They came quietly and then disappeared quietly.

No way, who made them meet a group of people who love to hold parties?

"Is this the Legion of Hell?"

Just before the Black Goat Club in Black Gate City learned that the "people from the island" had been released seven hours ago, Xi'an City had already welcomed several mysterious guests.

They all seemed to be just ordinary people. They came to the city of Xi'an on a high train. They each carried a silver suitcase in their hands and wore suits, but they obviously had some specially processed work clothes, and they all wore masks on their faces. The kind of special glasses that cover half of his face and occasionally emit a faint blue light under the reflection of light. After leaving Gaolie Station, they each took taxis and went to various locations in the city. Then they opened their suitcases and took out a mysterious instrument to take samples of the city.

"It's just a low-quality experimental subject..."

Countless data were intertwined, summarized, and analyzed and processed by computers, and the final data landed on one of the terminals. As he looked at it, he couldn't help but frown:

"The current executors are really brave..."

"Such low-quality experimental subjects were things that needed to be destroyed immediately in the past, but instead of taking any security measures, he threw these monsters directly into the city and allowed them to grow aimlessly and crazily..."

"Haha, this is no different from releasing alien species directly into the wild."

"They are destined to spread wildly and grow uncontrollably until they form an uncontrollable disaster."

"And the subordinate organizations of Black Gate City, not only did they not realize the danger of this group, but they even had the nerve to report that they had created an army of hell?"


"The good thing is that we got out in time, right?"

In the northwest corner of the city, a woman with short hair said: "Although I don't understand why they didn't allow us to come out until now."

"The old guys are freaking out."

Standing in the middle of the city, the tall and handsome man said calmly: "The loss of control of Experimental Subject No. 000 suddenly destroyed the Black Forest's world upgrade plan and made them feel deeply uneasy, so they hid. They arrived on the island and secretly trained us. Although we had already had the strength to execute the final plan, they did not dare to let the out-of-control lunatics notice themselves before they observed the world and determined that they had regained control over the world. existence to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.”

"Even if we are agreed to come out now, it is because we can no longer wait."

"It is dangerous to let a group of lunatics revel in this world. Only we can put this world back on track."


"So, you said that in these decades..."

Another person standing in the southeast corner of the city whispered: "Have these madmen developed any abilities that we can't control?"

"Madman, what do you study?"

The man in the middle of the city looked down at the terminal and quickly scrolled through the screens. Soon he had chosen his final target. He took a deep look at her and all the information about her began to pop up on the screen.

As for him, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "They will never know that they are just a group of exiled guinea pigs."

"Every move they make is just part of the experiment."


During the ordinary conversation, he had already issued the corresponding instructions, and then walked through the busy streets, avoiding the vehicles, and walked straight towards a place in the city.

"I have a very bad feeling!"

At the same time, in Black Gate City, the shepherd was silent for a long, long time after hanging up the phone.

Mr. Wild Dog next to him was also worried, and even a little confused. The sudden appearance of the long-lost council members was already a big deal for the Black Forest, and more importantly, the appearance of the council members this time. He actually showed unusual arrogance and understanding of the world. Mr. Wild Dog had always been afraid of strangers before, but he didn't know why, but he made a decision that was made lightly to this group of council members, but it gave birth to... More intense uneasiness and worry.

"Do they really have the ability to fight against the alien world?"


Mr. Dingo didn't realize that the questions he asked already meant that he was doubting the council.

"They hold the most advanced technology and secrets in the Black Forest, or in other words, the entire world."

The shepherd waited for a long time before replying in a low voice: "So I don't doubt the power they have, but I'm just worried..."

"Will their arrogance destroy our last chance of peaceful coexistence with strangers..."

"Especially, the special investigator we have been trying to please!"



"What are you urging me for?"

At the same time in Xi'an City, Boss Rabbit was sitting in the largest bar in the city, lazily holding a glass of non-alcoholic cocktail and wearing a pair of white, fluffy cotton slippers on his white feet.

She seemed very impatient with the urging on the phone:

"I'm doing business in Xi'an City, okay? I'm trying to expand our business... What does the underworld mean by respecting one's job and loving one's work?... I'm not being bribed. I stay here voluntarily to help our number one killer. Those who engage in business and build territory..."


She has stayed here since her last trip, but it is obvious that the old subordinates in Black Gate City are not satisfied.

There are so many people here working for you and working hard for you.

As a result, a big boss went to another city to work for someone else?

Still free!

The people you worked for were once your subordinates... No, until now, they are all your nominal subordinates!

But Boss Rabbit also felt deeply aggrieved: It’s not free!

Because of her special status, she had not told her subordinates before, so there was no need to tell her subordinates some knowledge about the mysterious world. Now it is somewhat difficult for her to explain.

She doesn't know now what kind of path Xiao Xiao has given her.

But she did gain the mysterious powers she had previously dreamed of, without paying a price.

She learned about this price before when she was in the Black Forest. There are generally two types. One is that after obtaining mysterious power, you will fall into hallucinations. The owner of the power will no longer even be able to enjoy food and meet handsome little people like normal people. Brother, because he has entered hallucinations, certain hallucinations are beyond his control. Maybe the delicacies in front of him will turn into a plate of maggots in his eyes, and the handsome little brother will turn into a squirming mass, sinister and greedy, making people sad. Gagging weird creatures, how painful is this?

Of course, people are ugly on the inside, but many people are beautiful on the outside.

Ordinary people have the privilege of ignoring the ugliness inside and only enjoying the beautiful appearance. This is like eating dumplings and only eating the dumpling wrappers, but those who are trapped in hallucinations often cannot do this.

The other cost is even more serious.

Will lose self-will.

The form of expression is to be bought by someone who has entered the hallucination and obtained the mysterious power. Then he will also have the power to obtain the mysterious power, but he will be particularly loyal to this person.

If others want to use whips, I will like whips. If others want to use candles, I will like candles.

For a long time, Boss Rabbit had been ready to pay the second price.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Xiao actually helped himself avoid such a price.

I feel deeply regretful when I think about it...

However, Boss Rabbit's inner uneasiness actually stems from this. She doesn't understand why there is such an unexpected gain.

She had not paid the two prices that Black Forest had been talking about before, but she had gained mysterious power. Especially, the improvement of this power was much faster than she imagined. When the city of Anxi was entrusted to him, he once asked what he would be like in the future. This was the reason why. Her experience makes her not believe that there is any power that can be obtained without paying a price. She only believes that temporary free power requires a greater price to pay.

Especially after staying in Xi'an City, she didn't understand even more.

She often looked at herself in the mirror and could feel the mysterious power surging in her body, and she could do anything she wanted.

And this power is increasing crazily every day, to such an extent that she often feels scared.

But I am still an ordinary person, I have not seen hallucinations, nor have I felt that I have lost my will...

"Tsk, little brother is really so good?"

She couldn't understand these questions, so she could only shake her head and put them in the back of her mind for the time being.

Putting down her wine glass, she stood up and inspected everything she was doing. To be honest, the little brother didn't give her any specific tasks, but she felt that if she took advantage of others, she still had to do what needed to be done.

Therefore, she used her expertise to grab several big businesses in Xi'an City, and even bought one of the largest bars as a gift for Xiao Xiao. After all, everyone knows that the little brother has no other hobbies and only likes to open parties. Well!

And another task that is not known to ordinary people is to keep an eye on a group of people for him.

That group of people are very similar to him in many ways. They are also people who have power without paying the price. Moreover, as a sensitive person of the same kind, Boss Rabbit knows that these people do not have a fuel-efficient lamp. They are all from Black Gate City. The Bingshan Bar picked them out and came to Anxi City together. Then they fell in love with this place and expressed their intention to settle here. Although Boss Rabbit knew that this group of people admired Xiao Xiao, he still had to prepare in advance. , to ensure that these people remain loyal to their cute little brother.

Of course, to this group of crazy and unique people, the word loyalty sounds a bit weird.

But just when Boss Rabbit filled herself with chicken blood and continued to work happily, she suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart and turned around.

Then she felt slightly dizzy, and a tall figure appeared at the door, as if blocking the sun.

The person came wearing a crisp suit, a pair of blue glasses, and carrying a delicate silver suitcase in his hand. He walked in while looking at the tablet in his hand.

He stood about five meters in front of her, looked down at the photos on the tablet, then looked up at Boss Rabbit, as if to make sure, and then a kind smile appeared on his face:

"Supernumerary Phase II Drug Tester No. 017?"


When Boss Rabbit saw him, he subconsciously became a little wary. When he heard the number, his expression suddenly became extremely cold.

"You dare to call me that?"


The other party could clearly feel that she was like a kitten with fried hair at this time, and she obviously hated this number deeply.

But he didn't seem to care at all. He just smiled faintly, put his hands on the earphones, and said softly: "I have found the target, and now I will recover the experimental body."


When Boss Rabbit heard this conversation, although he was facing him and talking about himself, he didn't take him seriously at all. His face was already frightened and angry, and a little bit fearful.

No matter how you look at the person in front of her, he looks more like an ordinary person.

But for this ordinary person, she could not muster the determination to restrain him at the first moment. Instead, she subconsciously flashed back. As if her body was recorded by some special lens, her body turned into There was a long string of countless overlapping figures piled up together. The figure at the front was still standing in the same place, but in reality, she had already ducked behind the staff in the bar, and once again Shen was already prepared to enter the crowds in the city of Rest, as if walking in the cracks of society.


But faced with Boss Rabbit's strange behavior, the man in a suit and carrying a suitcase only raised his head slightly.

Facing this scene that ordinary people couldn't understand, what appeared in his eyes was actually mockery.

The next moment, he knelt down, opened the suitcase in his hand, revealing the complex electronic instruments wrapped with circuits, and then gently turned a certain knob.


Suddenly there was a strange sound, as if the eardrums were being impacted in deep water.

A ripple like a water wave flashed across the blue glasses on his face, and then he slowly raised his head, with a faint smile on his lips. Boss Rabbit was looking at him in panic.

At this time, she should have left the bar and hid in the crowd.

She even thought she had succeeded for a time, but a series of strange voices suddenly sounded in her ears, and when she opened her eyes again, she was still standing where she was.

Looking at the smiling eyes under the blue goggles, she was so frightened that she couldn't control herself. Suddenly, her heart suddenly became violent, and she suddenly pulled out the exquisite pistol hidden in her waist, and was about to shoot at this person. .

In her perception, this action has been completed.

But the next moment, she opened her eyes wide. There was no pistol in her hand at all, it was completely empty.

The person on the other side was still smiling, watching Boss Rabbit failing to draw his gun. He suddenly grabbed a wine bottle from the side and was about to rush towards him, so he lightly pressed a button.

He whispered in his mouth: "Turn off your vision."

Rabbit Ears, who was about to rush over, suddenly saw darkness and lost all ability to see.

But she reacted very quickly, rolling her body and trying to get away.

At this moment, the other party's voice sounded again: "Turn off touch."

She suddenly felt a lightness all over her body, and she couldn't even feel her own body, let alone what movements she was performing.

The next moment, a continuous voice sounded softly: "Shut down the nervous system."

“Turn off your thinking skills and prepare to proofread again.”

"Finally, turn off your brain!"



The whole world instantly became dark, and everything disappeared. Boss Rabbit didn't know that he didn't even move from beginning to end, he just stood there blankly.

In front of her, the man in a suit stood up slowly, looked at her with satisfaction, held the headset with his fingers, and said softly:

"The supernumerary Phase II drug tester No. 017 has been recovered."

"In addition, it can be confirmed that she is still the so-called control unit of the Hell Army, so the recovery of this Hell Army can also begin."

"After doing this, we can recover the special investigator."

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