Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 38 On Spirituality

"This... this is absolutely impossible!" Ao Liu once again felt that his worldview was overturned. He looked at the number on the ground that had been calculated to thirty decimal places, and then looked at Wang Qi, who still had no mana, and murmured: "Cheating?"

Cheating, this seems to be the only explanation.

"Using slow to beat fast" is not impossible, as long as the slower party's judgment and reaction are faster than the faster party. Similarly, although it is possible to use four ounces to move a thousand pounds, there are also prerequisites. You must have at least four ounces of force to move a thousand pounds of fist.

Jiao has already used her demonic power. As a great demon in the transformation period, her thinking speed is undoubtedly hundreds or thousands of times that of Wang Qi. In this case, her thinking for one second is equivalent to Wang Qi's thinking for more than ten minutes. There is no reason to say that Wang Qi can be faster than him!

——It must be cheating...

With this thought, Ao Liu raised his palm and suddenly released a palm wind. Although this palm wind is not strong, it is insidious and swift. Jiao exclaimed, not expecting Aolv to choose to attack. Most people would not have time to intercept this attack.

Fortunately, Zhao Qingtan has been paying close attention to Aolv Shenlanjiao's movements. Wang Qi's performance did not shock him at all - if he was shocked, he was more shocked by the stupidity of the demon race. Under the same conditions, he could actually calculate faster than Wang Qi.

He stepped forward diagonally, cut between Wang Qi and Aolv Shenlanjiao, then swung his palm back and suppressed Aolv's attack. He said angrily: "Aolv Shenlanjiao, what are you doing?"

"He must have cheated..." Aolv pointed at Wang Qi and said loudly: "This is absolutely impossible! He can't calculate so fast. This is definitely cheating!"

Wang Qi, who had suppressed all his magic power, has not reacted yet. His reaction speed has dropped to the level of mortals and can't keep up with the opponent at all. However, looking at Zhao Qingtan's reaction, he knew what happened. He smiled calmly: "So, I said you are all stupid, my boat is smarter than you. No, maybe my door is smarter than you - they don't even have spirits!"

Most of the magic tools of Jinfa Xiu have a Yin-Yang Yao array. This Yin-Yang Yao array is equivalent to the integrated circuit in the non-intelligent electronic products on Earth. It can still be used after being disassembled and modified.

The talisman array used by Wang Qi to lock the door is naturally the law of the Wanfa Gate, which uses the changes of Yin and Yang and follows logic. If it is slightly adjusted and changed into a logic gate, and then supplemented with an algorithm, taking a cube root is just a piece of cake.

This kind of talisman array is becoming more and more popular and advanced in Jinfa's magic tools. This is very similar to the development path of electronic products on Earth. In the 2020s of the 21st century, the computing power of any smartphone exceeded the top computers used by NASA in the Apollo program. At the same time, an advanced intelligent masturbation cup integrated circuit sent to the World War II could completely crush the "Bronze Goddess" designed by Alan Turing, easily crack all the codes designed based on the computing level of the human brain at that time, and even contribute to the simulation of the atomic bomb.

In other words, the computing power of this group of demons is not even better than a masturbation cup loaded with a suitable algorithm - or the doorbell of Wang Qi's house.

How could Ao Liu bear this insult? He said angrily: "Then you tell me! Tell me how you did it? Don't you humans hate talking about nothing the most? Tell me how you did it, and then teach me?"

"Haha, I teach you, but you don't learn." As he spoke, the breath on Wang Qi's body was like a flame, explosively jumping up, and soon he would reach the previous level. He looked down at Ao Liu with a pitying look: "The cube of thirteen is two thousand one hundred and ninety-seven, which is only twenty points away from two thousand two hundred and seventeen. In other words, the number thirteen point zero can be directly obtained..."

Jiao murmured: "Is this the first step? I started from eleven..."

"This is the difference between you and me, little girl." Wang Qi said: "Since Ru Dao, I have been calculating every day - of course, not the four arithmetic operations, but more and more complex operations based on the four arithmetic operations. Therefore, I naturally have a keen perception of numbers. Maybe I can't directly recite the prime number table or logarithm table within ten thousand, but I will know which numbers are more special - are these numbers the square, cube or something else of another number? Is it a prime number? And so on. Just this 'feeling' can make you one step faster in calculation."

"Also, how do you calculate the cube root? Do you try every digit after the decimal point, constantly narrow the interval of the cube root, and finally determine the number?"

Jiao nodded hesitantly.

This method works like this. First, 13.1 times 13.1 times 13.1 equals 2,248, which is greater than 2,217, so the first decimal place is zero. Then, 13.01 times 13.01 times 13.01 equals...

This is a process of trial and error.

Wang Qi let out a long sigh: "What a stupid method... It's fine if you use trial and error, but you can't tell which one is more efficient between trial multiplication and trial division. Teacher, I'm very sad."

Jiao was speechless for a moment. The cultivation of the demon clan has nothing to do with mathematics, and they usually don't deliberately do things like taking cube roots, so she really doesn't know which one is more efficient, trial multiplication or trial division.

"Even if we try to remove it, the efficiency is very low." Wang Qi said: "More than a thousand years ago, the sage Yuanli of our clan discovered the method of estimating cube roots - of course, this is also very difficult for you. The content is later, I hope you will..." He patted the table: "Practice the four arithmetic operations for me first."

Then, he turned to Aoliu and said: "What did you just say...? 'Mechanical' or 'clumsy'? 'Repeat these things that can be done instantly with the use of magic power'?"

Aoliu frowned: "So what? I still don't think your education is very smart."

"When you first entered Taoism, did you practice martial arts? Did you practice spells? Did you use your magic power?" Wang Qi asked.

Aoliu said proudly: "Of course. I have always studied and practiced hard, unlike some naked apes who only know how to use tricks."

Wang Qi nodded: "How many times have you practiced the bending and attacking at the beginning of the demon clan's martial arts?"

"Three thousand times a day, this is the basis." Aoliu said: "I am nine thousand times a day."

Wang Qi nodded and said "Oh": "So, is this a mechanical repetition? Is the effect of these martial arts in transporting qi and blood something that you can do with just your thoughts today? If you had known this day, you would have gone Do you want to practice those basics?”

"If I don't practice and lay the foundation, how can I be where I am today? How can I command my own strength?" Aoliu pointed at Wang Qi: "I advise you not to change the subject."

Wang Qi shook his head: "It's really sad. All spiritual skills, or skills that are beyond skills and are close to Tao, all come from tens of thousands of the most clumsy repetitions. If a warrior wants to understand the true meaning of martial arts, it is indispensable. Thousands of punches. If a scholar wants to write a monument that will be handed down from generation to generation, he must first write millions of horizontal and vertical strokes. Even if it is to kill a pig, if he wants to kill the pig with one knife, he has to rely on daily repetition. A day of hard training.”

"Because none of us are born with knowledge. In order to understand the world more conveniently, our wisdom will build approximate algorithms through tens of millions of repetitions and solidify them so that our consciousness can When you repeat this, you will naturally pass through the sea of ​​'phenomena' and arrive at the reality. This approximation algorithm is spirituality."

"Warriors practice boxing, swordsmen practice swords, and musicians practice piano. These are all based on repeated practice and clumsiness. Why should unique arithmetic be criticized by idiots like you just because of repeated practice at the beginning? Criticism? I don’t understand.”

Aoliu was speechless.

Seeing that the situation calmed down, Zhao Qingtan breathed a sigh of relief. He whispered to Wang Qi: "Even if someone only knows how to use the estimation method, you are too... too risky, right? What if someone practices a special method and the soul's calculation power rises to a terrifying level?"

Updating the demon clan is not completely without math. Some of the newer demon monks who are obsessed with arithmetic and arithmetic should also have a certain level. However, after seeing that those monsters couldn't even use the four arithmetic proficiently without using powerful magic power to perform calculations, Zhao Qingtan was not sure what advanced algorithms they knew.

Wang Qi didn't shy away from it this time, saying: "Actually, I planned to make them proud in the first and second games..."

As soon as Wang Qi raised his eyebrows, Zhao Qingtan knew that he was going to talk about cross talk, and he complimented him very cooperatively: "Do you have other plans?"

"Pure mental arithmetic using no mana or only a small amount of mana versus spell calculation driven by a large amount of mana. How many times has this happened in our Wanfa School?" Wang Qi shrugged, with a calm expression of "I've seen it too many times": "As the difficulty of calculation problems increases, the gap in computing power becomes smaller and smaller, and the advantages of calculation methods become larger and larger."

Zhao Qingtan slowly walked towards the door: "So?"

Wang Qi also mentally calculated the distance between himself and the door and the speed of his speech: "So, I planned to lose the game of finding the cube root first. After all, this step is very simple using the estimation method. Then I will open five times. Square roots, logarithms, and inverse logarithms. Anyway, we are quite familiar with logarithm tables. According to my estimation, I will be crushed in the first round. In the second round, the trial and error estimation method should be as fast as my mental arithmetic. Almost. Then I will ask for the seventh square root, and this time I will use Taylor's formula. Since the updated demon clan has no sign of understanding calculus, this round is my overwhelming victory."

——There are still seven steps to the door... Damn, I'm almost out of words... (To be continued ~^~)

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