Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 56: Learning through entertainment [IV]

"After all, most people are not stupid. They know that the collective is their guarantee of survival. Without harming their own interests, most people are willing to work for the collective."

"This can also be regarded as a magical part of civilization. We can't do it, nor do we intend to do it, like the new demon race, to work together towards a goal. However, to survive better is what every human is willing to do."

Wang Qi didn't stay in the restaurant for long after all. After breakfast, he instructed the two students how to visit Shenjing like a local, and then left the restaurant.

Beng followed Wang Qi in silence. After a while, he asked, "How did you do it?"


"That guy was not deliberately arranged by you, but he appeared just when you needed him."Beng said, "What kind of means is this?"

Wang Qi smiled but said nothing.

"Could it be the highest realm in the legend where the past and the future merge into one?" Zhuo said in a strange tone: "Who are you?"

"Hey, don't be nervous, don't be nervous, this is just a simple trick, there is no need to be nervous." Wang Qi pointed to an illusion area behind him: "Do you feel the illusion there?"

Zhuo nodded. A million years ago, he had also "communicated" with the updated demon clan. He was also able to detect clues about the Shenjing Shinto system.

"There, every day, some mirages arranged by the Immortal Alliance are broadcast. Among them, some advertisements are also inserted. Then, the broadcast of these advertisements is random. Those businesses that purchase services can only decide how many times to repeat their advertisements and when to broadcast them. The specific order is arbitrary. And I just adjusted it..."

浭 puzzled: "This is different from what you just said..."

"Every transaction request of Du Gui is recorded. Based on these requests, I can roughly judge his daily needs. Recently, he changed the brand of elixir he uses daily. Comparing the brand he used originally and the brand he uses now, there is no obvious difference in the ingredients and efficacy of the two elixirs. Either he likes the taste of the new brand, or he likes the spokesperson of the new brand. Then, according to the monitoring records of Shenjing, I captured several times when he looked at the illusion area, and knew when he would look there." Wang Qi said: "Then, I adjusted the broadcast order of the advertisements over there, Let him turn his head and look at me at the time I specified. At that time, he, I and the illusion zone were in a straight line, so he would notice me no matter what..."

Beng widened his eyes: "But... how can you be sure that he will notice you?"

Wang Qi laughed: "You, you still can't see the essence through the phenomenon. Did you notice that when he came over, he was holding a bowl of soup in his hand - I didn't order it, so it was his treat. When he saw me, he didn't come directly, but went to the kitchen to get a bowl of soup first. I found that he noticed me, and then I said those words at the right time. "

"This..."Beng was stunned: "That is to say..."

"Ah, that's right. The time when the advertisement was played was when Liang Zhong and I were discussing "becoming stronger" and "living". At that time, he didn't notice me, and I could also use other methods to make him look at me. "

"Most things that seem to be "destined" are actually just the result of the so-called "control of variables." "Wang Qi said.

Beng suddenly realized: "Then it looked like an accidental encounter on the street..."

"Yes, it was also deliberately arranged by me. In fact, I know where each of you students is. You have been walking here for almost half a day, and I roughly know what will attract you, what will make you stop, and what will make you take a detour to see." Wang Qi spread his hands: "Knowing this, anyone can predict your direction."

Beng was still puzzled: "But you walked without a purpose. I didn't feel that you were deliberately walking in a certain direction."

Wang Qi patted Beng's shoulder: "You know, classmate Beng, when I was young, I did a lot of... Tsk, young and frivolous things. At the beginning, I studied how people walk for one thing."

"People are How do you walk? "Beng looked at his human body: "Don't you use your legs? Legs are on people, so people can walk however they want."

"It's just the opposite, classmate Bing." Wang Qi pointed: "Look carefully. When people walk, they will pay attention to keeping a certain distance from others. Therefore, when others come over, people will often make corresponding evasive movements. The field of vision of human eyes is limited. In terms of our human measurement system, it is only more than 130 degrees. People will not respond to individuals outside this field of vision. Some people will follow people in the same direction as themselves, while others will..."

"How many times have I taught you this? The so-called self-awareness and wisdom are just a deep-rooted illusion. Nothing is unreasonable."

Beng was already a little dizzy. He said: "If all these are calculated..."

"Young man, do you want to calculate a more advanced world?" Wang Qi's eyes were swollen and a circle of divine light appeared: "Don't resist..."

A thought rushed into Ao Liu's mind. He felt as if the whole world had crashed into his consciousness. Then, he saw an illusion - it was the map of Shenjing City and a two-dimensional grid. On the grid, countless small dots were moving freely. These small dots were connected into lines. The solid and dotted lines represented their past and future trajectories, and the lines of different colors represented the differences in their movements. The solid line was fixed, while the dotted line was divided into countless and ever-changing lines. Then, the lines began to converge like fate.

The lines continued to evolve. They began to break away from the two-dimensional evaluation, interfere with each other, and form a three-dimensional stereoscopic image. Suddenly, the image changed again, becoming a strange figure that was incomprehensible to Xuan and seriously violated intuitive vision and intuition.

"This is the world in my eyes, young man." Wang Qi looked at Xuan, who was almost unsteady, smiled slightly, turned around and continued walking. He has already completed my method, and is well versed in the methods of calculators. He can use the entire Shenjing Shinto system and several powerful calculators on his body to expand his thinking, but Xing can't do it. He is not familiar with high-dimensional geometry and topology, and he can't handle the high-dimensional calculations formed by Hilbert space like Wang Qi.

Xing stumbled to keep up with Wang Qi's pace: "You..."

"It's just a little trick to find order from chaos." Wang Qi said: "The world is chaotic and nonlinear-ah, in our words, it is unpredictable. However, the so-called unpredictability will eventually fall into a range..."

"I know the trajectory of all of you. I also know how to disguise my footsteps."

"Even if the chaotic crowd makes their footsteps deviate from my predetermined 'range', it doesn't matter. Because I am in this general city, I control many variables of this city, and I can rearrange an encounter at any time-at any possible time and place. This is too easy for me."

Xing's eyes trembled. The terrible data flow brought him great pressure. He couldn't imagine what kind of realm Wang Qi was in to be able to process such data freely. Although everything Wang Qi did just now was not accomplished by magic, the exquisite wisdom in it was more powerful and shocking than any magic.

He seemed to be the real soul of this city.

Wang Qi walked slowly on the road, and Bing followed behind him.

For a whole half day, Wang Qi was wandering around Shenjing City, and from time to time he "ran into" a student. He often gave these students a few pointers on the street, and then pointed out how they should look at this world.

In the afternoon, he naturally wandered to the Shenjing Academy in the west of the city.

Shenjing Academy is one of the sources of the Nanming Academy system. The academy system created here is a school system that is different from the Xianyuan system, facing people without foundation, and has a strong promotion significance.

Wang Qi sighed: "To be honest, this is the only place I don't really want to go."

Beng narrowed his eyes: "There are many...powerful people whose minds are almost dissipated? And..."

"If I go in, it might cause a lot of chaos. People here are very afraid of me." Wang Qi said with a bitter face.

"Afraid? I thought most humans respected you."

"In most cases, yes..." Wang Qi grinned: "But, I crippled all those powerful people whose minds are almost dissipated."

Beng was shocked. The quality of the mana of the cultivators here is not very strong. In his eyes, they are just chickens and dogs, but the number is really amazing. If they rush in, he will feel a little troublesome.

If Wang Qi defeats them one by one, how long will he have to practice? If Wang Qi captures them all at once, how strong is he?

This man is really unfathomable...

Wang Qi led Beng and walked along the corridor at the edge of the school building. Here, they found Jiao Shuhaihua staring blankly at the sky.

"Have you finished talking to the others?" Jiao glanced at Wang Qi.

Shenjing City is just a city after all. For a strong person like Jiao, there is no need to use magic tools to communicate in this city. She has learned from her companions about Wang Qi's amazing ability to find people and his speech that almost reshaped the world view.

Wang Qi said: "Student Jiao, I think your problem is particularly serious, so I will talk to other newer students first to understand the situation and accumulate experience. Now, I will solve your problem."

Jiao shrugged: "Whatever you want"

Wang Qi asked: "Let's have a cup of tea now, just in time for dinner, do you want to go?" (To be continued ~^~)

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