Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 116: The Foundation for the Future

"Arithmetic should be integrated."

In fact, this is the most approachable part of Wang Qi's sermon.

The approachable part is basically over.

The rest is difficult to explain in plain language.

Taking this sentence as the dividing point, then what Wang Qi said before this sentence is "the part that ordinary people can understand."

And the words after this sentence are "the part that only mathematicians can understand."

After reaching this sentence, all non-Wan Dharma disciples cannot understand it.

In the "Mutual Aid Exchange Group", a group of elite monks from Jinfa were also confused.

Chenfeng pulled Ai Qinglan: "Sister Lan, do you understand?"

Ai Qinglan pondered for a moment: "I don't understand!"

The requirements for arithmetic in the way of life are relatively low. In the eyes of Wanfa Sect disciples, most of the Tianlingling disciples' arithmetic skills are just beginning - or maybe they haven't even touched the basics. Chen Feng was the one who hadn't touched the door yet.

However, after the central dogma came out, Ke Like used some methods of calculator theory to describe the changes and expressions of bloodline resonance. Therefore, among the monks who engage in genetics in Jiyin Valley, there are still a few people with high levels of arithmetic. of.

Ai Qinglan falls into this category.

However, for a real mathematician, no level of math is too high.

After all, due to the close connection between the way of heavenly circulation and arithmetic, Tai Tianzun, who is invincible in the world with the way of appearance, has always been looked down upon by the Songting monks in arithmetic. During the years when Tai Tianzun was studying, the general impression of the Geting Sect monks on him was... "his arithmetic skills are not very good."

But if you ignore the views of this group of people who almost represent the highest level in China, Tai Tianzun's arithmetic level is also extremely good.

Lu Xiaoqian and Ai Changyuan looked a little intoxicated.

Group theory, sheaf theory, and Riemann surfaces are all mathematical tools they are familiar with.

Zong Lutuo asked Ai Changyuan: "What do you think?"

"Crazy." Ai Changyuan breathed out.

"What's the meaning?"

"It's crazy." Ai Changyuan's words were wrong.

Zong Lutuo became even more confused. He had no idea what Ai Changyuan was talking about.

And Lu Xiaoqian said: "This is imitating the king of the past... No, it is more terrifying than the king of the past!"

Xi Boche, the master of arithmetic, once used twenty-three questions to describe a blueprint for the future of arithmetic.

In the view of the master, all parts of arithmetic should be consistent, without internal contradictions, and each problem can be determined within a limited number of steps using a set of mechanical logic. All subsystems of arithmetic are subordinate to one core system and are continuous.

The product of this kind of thinking is the Twenty-Three Questions. The twenty-three core questions in arithmetic. As long as these twenty-three questions are answered, then all problems in arithmetic—at least most of them—can be answered.

But today's Jinfa monks already know the final outcome of the Lord's grand ideal.



And Wang Qi was the one who pointed out these two flaws.

He shattered Li Zong's faith.

And now, he actually asked another question of a similar nature!

Xiang Qi was a little surprised: "The Lord asked twenty-three questions after all! This guy seems... just to clarify an... idea? Just to prove a... question?"

"There are differences between problems." Lu Xiaoqian explained: "Wang Qi divided arithmetic problems into several major categories many years ago... probably during his foundation building period. And those of us who are not Wanfa disciples The well-known problems that we are familiar with generally fall into two categories: one is the problem of generating theory, and the other is the problem of generating method. There are some problems that seem difficult, but if you want to solve them, you need to solve them. You can't do it by relying on existing theories. In the process of reaching that goal, you will inevitably discover something new, maybe it is a mathematical method, or it may be something else. At this point, the purpose is not important. "

"And there is another type of problem. Solving them is the ultimate goal. As long as these problems themselves are answered, the overall level of arithmetic will be greatly improved."

"In the Twenty-Three Questions, both of these problems actually exist. But Wang Qi's question is very pure...generating a theory. As long as his system is established, then arithmetic itself will become what he describes. "

Xiang Qi still doesn't understand.

Ai Changyuan sighed: "There is a difference between questions. Do you understand? This one question is worth countless more. Moreover, in a system, Wang Qi also put forward many different conjectures. This One problem can be divided into many different problems..."

Zong Lutuo understood clearly: "This is what he did back then... He, he wants to become the de facto leader of Wanfa Sect?"

Ai Changyuan grinned: "Let's put it this way, if we don't see Wanfamen Xiaoyao join forces to tear Wang Qi apart later, then in the future, Wang Qi will be the absolute leader in the field of arithmetic, and the entire Wanfamen will revolve around He acts!"

Xiang Qi was frightened: "How is this possible?"

"Think about it carefully. In the field you are familiar with, there is a genius monk who suddenly proposed a theoretical system that can accommodate all research results and all directions..." Ai Changyuan suddenly looked away from the broadcast, He looked at Xiang Qi and nodded, with sympathy in his tone: "Oh, you are from Burning Gold Valley. It's normal that you don't understand."

Xiang Qi was confused: "Is this discriminatory? What happened to Fenjingu..."

In history, the great mathematical theory building collapsed three times. Each time was a bloody lesson.

The brilliant physics theory building also collapsed, and mankind went from the era of classical physics dominating everything to the era of relativity dominating the macroscopic, quantum mechanics dominating the microscopic, and the two theories dividing the river.

The young biology theory building almost collapsed. Although this building was completed after the law of inheritance and the central dogma, the theory of evolution, which is the foundation, can be considered "ancient". And the central dogma has indeed been threatened.

As for the theoretical building of chemistry...well, is there such a thing? No, right?

If it weren't for the fact that the subject division in Shenzhou is very different from that on Earth, and condensed matter and atomic physics are both classified as the way of physical nature, I'm afraid that the way of physical nature would not even be worthy of a theoretical hut.

After listening to Ai Changyuan's words, Lu Xiaoqian fell into deep thought.

"The theory that unifies everything..."

The current situation of the incompatibility between the Way of Comparison and the Way of Piaomiao has always troubled Lu Xiaoqian.

She really wanted to know what it would be like if the two ways merged into one.

But more people just looked at Wang Qi in astonishment during the broadcast.

They could only understand what Wang Qi was doing from other people's retelling.

"The de facto leader of Wanfamen..." Xiang Qi whispered.

She could never have imagined that a genius in the Qi training period that she had picked up back then could become the de facto leader of Wanfamen in such a short time.

As the saying goes, "outsiders watch the excitement, insiders watch the doorway."

Just as the others who were watching the broadcast were amazed, the entire Wanfamen fell into a dead silence.

When Wang Qi just started to explain the "Langlands Program", some people were still talking in a low voice.

But, the later it was, the fewer people were talking.

If the logic of "axioms" can be "accepted" or "rejected" based on subjective feelings and aesthetic judgments, then the Langlands Program, which describes objective mathematical entities, is not something that can be denied based on subjective feelings.

If outsiders can only hear that Wang Qi is trying to unify the entire field of mathematics.

Then, these insiders have already made a judgment.

This...may really work!

No matter who looks at it, the Langlands Program is such a magnificent picture.

It is like an army that sweeps across the troubled times, breaks through the countries, and establishes a unified order.

And mathematicians have been longing for this kind of "order" for many years.

From "numbers" to "geometry", from "geometry" to "analysis", from "analysis" to "construction", from "construction" to "logic" and "form", the orthodox name of mathematics has been moving back and forth in the hands of Li Zong Lian Zong.

These things are the results of previous attempts to unify.

The same is true for the calculation of the original calculation.

However, these attempts are either unsatisfactory or end in failure.

Even if it succeeds, with the development of mathematics, new "fields that cannot be included" will appear again.

And now, they have seen the light of "unification" again.

Soon, Wang Qi's narration has reached the end.

He sighed and concluded: "Here, my attempt is basically over."

"I have seen many different races, and the differences in our physiological structures are just like the differences between algebraic structures, topological structures, and order structures. It can even be said that the difference between me and some individuals present is as great as the degree of number theory, finite field plane surfaces, and Riemann surfaces.

However, they are all one. Algebraic structures, topological structures, and order structures can be expressed in the same form. And I think we have reason to believe that number theory, curves on finite field planes, and Riemann surfaces are one.

As intelligent creatures, we are the same. We are all living beings. In a world supported by the same physical laws, different structures are composed of the same series of atoms. Is there a more basic mother structure under several structures? I don't know. But everything we do today is for the unification of mathematics.

Since these purely conceptual things can be unified into one entity, then we, different creatures, may also understand each other! The great powers of this universe in the past once used the Yuanying method to unify the creatures of the entire universe. However, for reasons that we cannot know at present, they failed - just like the predecessors who searched for the foundation of mathematics in the past. "

"Now it's our turn."

"We have to find the foundation of our future ourselves."

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