Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 137: Bird in a Cage and Flower in a Dream

Wang Qi felt as if he had passed through a bowl of porridge.

However, although the qi felt sticky, it didn't seem to really stick to him. After Wang Qi penetrated the qi layer, he felt gravity.

"Behind" had become "below". The weak gravity pressed him against the outer shell of the spacecraft perpendicular to the crack.

The qi layer was right at Wang Qi's feet, like a pool of water.

Wang Qi squatted down and observed carefully.

The qi layer seemed to have no reaction.

"Could it be that it really has no attack capability?" Wang Qi frowned.

At first, he suspected that this qi layer might have some kind of power to automatically destroy the invading enemy. This might explain why those "guards" did not strengthen their protection against the big crack.

However, this qi was as gentle as a ball of jelly, and had no killing power at all.

The fact that jelly choked into the trachea and caused suffocation to death did not prove that jelly had the function of killing people.

Who would rely on a ball of jelly for their own safety?

Wang Qi reached into the qi again.

Warm, comfortable...

Wang Qi suddenly realized.

His sense of touch of the aura had changed unconsciously.

Wang Qi used his fundamental soul method to observe himself through the spiritual power dimension.

Sure enough, in the ever-changing and cyclical pattern, other indescribable images were mixed in. "It" was embedded in the "image" of Wang Qi's own spiritual power, as if it was a part of it.

Wang Qi frowned slightly.

It seems that the feeling of "something invading the body" when passing through the aura layer was not an illusion.

Wang Qi carefully searched his body. But the abnormal power did not match most of the spiritual power he knew. In a hurry, Wang Qi could not refine it.

However, in this case, Wang Qi did not dare to give himself a Silence Burning Heaven Palm and disrupt this law.

His Majesty the Dragon Emperor did feel that he needed him to come, so he should be able to do something. And the injuries caused by the Silence Burning Heaven Palm are difficult to heal. Wang Qi did not dare to use this method in such a critical situation.

But this strange power cannot be left alone. Wang Qi could feel that this strange force had been following his own technique.

Perhaps, this was just a mark. Or perhaps, it was sensing his technique, exploring the secrets of his body, so as to find out his weaknesses.

Wang Qi pondered for a moment, cut off part of his own mana, slowly wrapped up the strange force that gradually penetrated into his limbs, used this force to wrap up the strange force, and then simulated many characteristics of the body.

At the same time, his own mana reopened the meridians in his body, and recreated the route of practice on the basis of the original system.

In a very short period of time, only one part of the mana flowed in Wang Qi's original meridians. This mana formed a thing similar to a "simulator", making those strange forces think that they were flowing normally in Wang Qi's body.

In fact, Wang Qi's soul domain of this flesh body has been completely reorganized.

Even if string theory is not qualified to be a candidate for the "theory of everything" in this universe, it does indeed piece together all the "known" macro and micro into one piece.

With the help of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Wang Qi's skills are so varied that they are far beyond the imagination of ordinary immortals.

"In this way, no matter what these alien powers want to do, it is difficult for them to really pry into my secrets." Wang Qi thought so. He didn't care about his life in this flesh, but if the enemy pried into his powerful secrets, he would be in danger.

At this moment, waves of vibrations came from under the earth.

This time, the language was changed. Although it is also a common language, it is completely different from the one that the guard asked Wang Qi before.

According to the goddess of beauty, this should be a kind of... language invented by beasts to communicate with non-beasts, but it is very unpopular. Because the thinking of Lingxisu language is not the same as that of other language users. Many people find it difficult to understand the logic of this language.

"Warning, foreigners are invading. Warning, foreigners are invading. Warning, foreigners are invading."

"The Seven Emperors' Pardon Order, the Ninety-Eight Lords' Notice, all the people of the Heavenly Demon Realm must put down their work immediately and enter the nearest settlement within nine standard weeks to be examined by the Iron Constable. Those who overstay will be killed without mercy."

This vibration was repeated seven times.

"But isn't it still a common language that only the Heavenly Families understand?" Wang Qi frowned.

These guys are most likely related to the Heavenly Families, because all common languages ​​were invented when the Heavenly Families dealt with each other.

If it's not the Heavenly Families, they won't invent this language specifically. The civilization of the non-Heritage people rarely produces a large number of immortals who can cross the Immortal Road on a large scale and then have long-term and stable exchanges with other civilizations.

It is possible for a great linguist to invent a language behind closed doors with the goal of "Esperanto". But it is impossible for this language to be exactly the same as modern English. All the common languages ​​collected by this kind of goddess of beauty are related to the Heavenly Families.

——However, they are very hostile to the descendants of the Heavenly Favored and their followers...

——Using such an unpopular language deliberately is to make it more difficult for the descendants of the Heavenly Favored or their followers to sneak in?

A smile appeared on Wang Qi's lips.

Thinking of it this way, I, who have the language library of the Goddess of Beauty, am really suitable for this place.

Not every dragon is in the mood to learn many foreign languages. In fact, a spiritual language that existed 200 million years ago, plus a few commonly used common languages, is enough.

In addition, due to the friendship with the ant tribe and the need for the shapeshifting method, most dragons know the spiritual language.

That's all.

This unpopular common language, except for himself, should be known by few people on Yuanlongxing.

If it weren't for the literary youth like Meishen, it would be hard to imagine who would collect this language for research.

Wang Qi thought so and observed the surroundings.

He is now in a strange area. Above him, there are many branches like roots. These branch-like things, the thinnest of which has a diameter of two feet, glow slightly, like a subcutaneous nerve plexus. These branches hold a large number of blocks. Most of these blocks are close to regular geometric shapes, and it is hard to imagine that they are natural materials. They must have been artificially carved.

Those geometric shapes are very large, and the smallest is hundreds of meters square.

It looks like a lot of irregular piles of toy blocks.

At the same time, many beams of light shot upward.

Wang Qi quietly followed one of the beams of light and flew up. The strongest of these beams of light was only at the Jindan stage. He distorted the surrounding light, restrained his breath, and followed the beam of light. The beam of light could not detect him at all.

Wang Qi noticed that this creature had three eyes, distributed on the front and sides of the head, with many unknown growths on the skin, and the epidermal blood vessels were well developed, and the skin color was reddish.

To pass through the gaps between those "geometric bodies" and reach the upper layer, it was necessary to pass through an area with dense thin branches.

The characteristics of these branches inside the spacecraft were completely different from those outside. Its outer skin seemed to be much thinner, but the hardness of the wood was even more amazing.

Wang Qi quietly folded the space that the monk in front of him needed to pass through. His sense of gravity caused him to deviate slightly from the correct path and pass by a branch. The three-eyed alien screamed, but was a step slower in stimulating the qi.

At this moment, Wang Qi's hand shook a few times around the three-eyed alien.

The three-eyed alien realized that his neck was scratched and bleeding, and perhaps a little branch was broken.

This was not a big deal. Jiushiba Jun’s order made him dare not stay any longer, so he left immediately.

And Wang Qi still followed him, but he had two more branches in his hands. There was a little blood on one of them.


“The demon tide is coming! The demon tide is coming! The demon tide is coming!”

Wang Qi looked at the rolling carriage team in a daze, his eyes full of absurdity.

“Fuck… This is really the first time I have seen… Such a careless illusion…”

Someone driving a carriage is indeed normal in Shenzhou.

But… This is not Shenzhou at all!

How could there be human race? And horses?

If “human race” can be explained as “the ascended medieval immortals have branched out”, then this tall horse cannot be explained.

In the history of the human race, there is no horse demon who has cultivated to a high level and ascended.

Before humans, there might be horses that have achieved enlightenment, but...

This horse is obviously a livestock bred by humans!

I have never heard of any immortal who brought livestock with him after ascending to heaven!

"Except for the bumpkins who have never left their own planet, which immortal would be fooled by such a thing?" Wang Qi was stunned: "What kind of illusion have I fallen into?"

He just felt that his IQ was insulted.

Even if he is in a state of incomplete memory, he can't fail such a test!

The carriage has approached. The driver saw Wang Qi standing on the road and immediately shouted: "Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

It would be fine if this young man wanted to die, but if Zhe Die died in the middle of the road, blocking the road or even overturning the cart, it would be a matter of life and death!

Wang Qi heard this and immediately jumped to the middle of the road.

But at this moment, he felt that his power body had shrunk slightly.

"What's going on?"

Wang Qi was in doubt.

He remembered that his skills were special, but he had completely destroyed his memory of the details. He didn't know what this meant.

Looking at the passing carriages, Wang Qi thought quickly and thought, "No matter what, waiting here is not a solution. Let's see how the environment develops first."

Thinking like this, he exerted force with both feet and jumped onto the last carriage.

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