Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 201: Time-reversing creatures, the knot of cause and effect

Another confusion caused by "the future is equivalent to the past" is that the future "already" exists.

From the perspective of time, the "future" is of course not yet here.

But from a logical point of view, the "future" is an entity like the "past", which means that the future is also an objective entity.

And the power of reverse time sequence, because of its special nature, does not need to rely on the "past" to exist. The cause of its existence can be in the future.

This is why Wang Qi said now.

All the foresights who can prove that "the past and the future are one body" have a fruit position in the future.

And the process of his cultivation is the process of contacting this "fruit position".

If certain conditions are met, you can complete the contact with this "fruit position" and become a foresight.

However, this process itself is too mysterious, and the Great Sage of Heaven and Man threw a fool's tutorial [relatively speaking], resulting in no one knowing what conditions must be met before the "fruit position" and the "practitioner" can complete the contact.

Or, think about it in reverse time order, maybe it is like this.

The "fruit position" itself starts from the future and goes to the past. At this time, there is a cultivator who starts from the past and goes to the future, going in the opposite direction.

When the two meet certain conditions, they will contact each other.

Then, a closed causal loop is created. It is essentially a knot in the causal chain. If you don't know how to untie this knot, then the knot itself will never die.

Perhaps the Tianjuan survivors have never summarized a "necessary and sufficient condition to become a foreknower" because there are some necessary conditions that must be achieved by the "fruit position".

You can also think of it this way.

"Fruit position" is a practitioner in reverse time sequence. However, according to the logic that "foreknowers will also become stronger", its life is weakening in reverse time sequence. The further into the future, the younger and stronger it is.

And the only meaning of its life is to complete the "causal knot".

And due to some kind of "mysterious" connection - it may also be determined by some unknown physical mechanism, each fruit position corresponds to an individual. The more the individual in the normal time sequence practices, the closer it is to the end of the "fruit position".

Therefore, from the perspective of reverse time, you can also think like this.

"Fruit" itself is a kind of "creature". They are completely reverse time existence. The normal world in their eyes is the same as the reverse time world from the perspective of ordinary creatures. They desire to merge with a creature of normal time, become a dead knot of cause and effect, and exist forever.

However, in order to complete such a "knot", the "necessary and sufficient conditions" for completing this knot must be met. Some of the necessary conditions are completed by the immortals of normal time. The other necessary conditions are completed by the "Fruit" itself.

This may also be the reason why the descendants of the heavenly relatives cannot summarize the "necessary and sufficient conditions" - "Fruit" and "Fruit" may not be the same, and the required "necessary conditions" also have "individual differences".

And all the practice before the past and the future return to one body is just to achieve the conditions required by the "Fruit".

However, judging from the fact that "the personality of the foreknower is still the same as before", perhaps the creature "Fruit" has no self or personality.

However, this still has a bit of "fatalism" flavor.

According to the theoretical hypothesis that "everyone has the opportunity to become the limit of harmony with the Tao", there may be infinite fruit positions starting from the future. However, most of them "die of old age" under the reverse chronological aging, and cannot wait for the immortal who can form a causal knot with them.

Because the "immortal" corresponding to them may have disappeared in this history, or there may be no possibility of cultivation.

The greater possibility is...

The individual they are waiting for has fallen before the "necessary conditions" are gathered due to a huge disaster.

In short, there is no possibility of becoming a "foreknower".

From this perspective, the purpose of the immortal's cultivation is just like being a personality plug-in for the "fruit position".

Just looking at the ratio of the two... um um um um, it is not an exaggeration to say that the "fruit position" is the power plug-in of the immortal.

After all, everyone's self-personality comes in the order of time.

Unless, in the reverse order, there is also a personality, but both parties cannot sense each other.

This is equivalent to "nothing".

The process of cultivation is the process of this immortal and the "fruit position matching each other".

——Damn, thinking about it this way, how come the process of cultivation in this universe is just like a blind date...

Wang Qi could only sigh like this.

Moreover, this theory also has some seemingly absurd inferences.

For example, if this is the case, then the stronger people who are born later will have an easier time to obtain the fruit position?

Because he is later. If the "fruit position" is really a thing that goes back from the future to the past, then the later you are born, the shorter the time you have to wait for your fruit position.

But this universe does not seem to have such signs.

——Maybe I have to investigate the probability changes of the Tianjuan descendants in the past 200 million years?

However, having said that, there is no rule that a "fruit position" must correspond to an immortal, right?

From the overall point of view, this universe also has the fact of "competing for the opportunity to prove the truth". It's just that we in the normal time sequence cannot perceive it?

Then again, is the "fruit position" a non-renewable resource?

If "yes", then it is not very friendly to Jinfa Xiandao, who is currently the most likely to achieve superhuman transformation multiple times.

But this paragraph is indeed too beyond the scope of Jinfa Xiandao's knowledge.

It involves the end of the universe, a problem that Jinfa Xiandao cannot discuss well. Perhaps it is related to the interpretation of quantum mechanics. Moreover, it is impossible to think completely with the thinking that Wang Qi has trained in normal time sequence.

Perhaps, this question can only be answered by the foreknower.

Wang Qi looked at the Dragon King and the Demon King.

The two bosses showed... very subtle expressions on their faces.

[What should I do... I never thought that there is such a view! ]

[Is this the so-called "logic"? Obviously not a foreknower, but you can put forward so many views! ]

[By the way, Taiyi, do you have such an idea? ]

[Didn't everyone come here in the same way? 】

The two strong men had a conversation directly in the future - or rather, they didn't even need to use their brains and read a "future in which they had a conversation" [for Wang Qi, the two are equivalent].

But they had never thought about it from this perspective in the past, so how could they answer questions raised from this perspective?

Finally, after a "non-existent conversation" in the future, the Demon King said to Wang Qi: "It is difficult for us to answer this question because we have not thought about it this way, and we will not think about it this way in the foreseeable future. So... we really can't give you any advice in this regard."

"However, I can answer the other question." The Dragon King said: "The past can be chosen... but every choice of the past will interfere with oneself. We can indeed know many different pasts, but the memory of this body at the material level tells us that our current memory is the only path we have taken. Do you understand what I mean?"

Wang Qi frowned: "In other words... it will even affect myself?"

"No, my instinct tells me that this path is the only path I have taken." The Dragon King said: "But I also know that every history is the result of repeated games of the foreknowers, and the modification of history has been repeated countless times."

Because the physical body at the material level has only experienced this history?

Are reverse-chronological logic gates not "material existence" in the conventional sense?

Or are reverse-chronological substances considered a separate category?

"In addition, limited foreknowledge is still limited after all." The Demon King, as if he had practiced it countless times, naturally took over the Dragon King's words: "I also said when I fought with the Heavenly Devil King before that our power is limited after all. Even if we can obtain intelligence that is close to nothing, there are limitations - in your words, it is bandwidth limitations. In addition, the power we can stir at the material level at a point in time is also limited."

"Moreover, the power at the material level is extremely strong, and it can also disturb the power of foreknowledge."

The Dragon King sighed: "For example, the attack of the Silence Saint 200 million years ago..."

Two hundred million years ago, the followers of the Heavenly Man didn't even know that the Heavenly Man Great Sage was divided into camps - or in other words, there were speculations but no confirmation.

This means that no one can pass some "special" information to 200 million years ago.

The move of the Silence Saint that almost burned the universe is like a causal barrier that divides the universe into two completely different eras.

Before and after the Heavenly Man Civil War, it was completely different and difficult to communicate with each other.

Even black holes have this ability.

As long as a foreknower is thrown into the event horizon, then all his causes and effects, all his futures are within the event horizon.

Although Wang Qi also thinks that as long as the future of "escaping the event horizon" exists, the foreknower can completely rely on this "future" to go back to a certain "past".


This is ultimately a problem of "reverse time logic" and "known physical laws" not being compatible.

In addition, if the black hole evaporates, is there a way for the foreknower trapped in the black hole to read the bar and revive outside?

Wang Qi still doesn't know whether the information entering the black hole is permanently destroyed or recorded on the event horizon and spiritual power dimension.

The Dragon Emperor is a little interested in this topic.

This touches on the blind spot of his thinking. He said that this matter can wait and see. If the Yuan clan foreknowers show signs of returning, then in the future, we can consider finding a way to make a batch of black holes that will not evaporate so quickly.

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