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Aren't you my fan?

This soul-searching question also touched the hearts of the fans at the scene.

The fan replied embarrassedly:"Sorry! Although I am your fan, Ye Feng is also my idol. I hope Ye Feng can give me this opportunity and write a song for me!" Boom!

The whole audience was crazy with joy.

So this is the reason!

No wonder!

Everyone looked at Li Yue distressed.

Li Yue looked like he had no hope in life.

The next moment.

This scene was spread to the whole network

《Shocking! A massive car rollover!》

《Li Yue's concert had an accident! Many years of fans unexpectedly……》

《I'm telling you! I'm Ye Feng's fangirl! 》

Various media outlets reported this.

Li Yue's concert directly topped Weibo



Li Yue and Ye Feng sang together.

The duet of a love song brought the concert to a climax.

Finally, the concert was over.

Li Yue breathed a sigh of relief.


Li Yue sipped his water.

At this time, the manager ran in excitedly.


"Very good!"

"You are on the top of Weibo's hot search list!"

Li Yue took the phone and glanced at it in disbelief.

Oh my God!

It's already on the top?

She tried her best to get on the hot search list several times but failed. And she got on the top because of an accident?

At this moment, she looked at Ye Feng.

Her eyes were full of admiration.

It's amazing!

He hasn't released any new songs.

Just one concert helped him get on the top of the hot search list.

This strength!

Is there anyone else in the entertainment industry?


Zhonghai Yuefu.

Yang Mi and Yang Ma are also looking forward to the hot search

"My daughter, we invested three million this time! With your group of street fashion photos, it will definitely be the first on the hot search list!"

Yang's mother promised.

Yang Mi also nodded.

In this street fashion photo shoot, she wore a white fairy dress with black stockings.

It was a natural eye-catcher!

She believed in her own strength. She has maintained her figure very well over the years.

At the beginning, things went as they wished.

This group of street photos received countless praises.

The popularity continued to rise from the bottom of the list, and finally ranked in the top three!

It was about to enter the first place.

A group of hot searches landed


"Where did this hot search come from?"

"A major car accident? What is this?

The mother and daughter were dumbfounded.

They quickly opened their Weibo accounts.

The next moment, the scene of Li Yue's car overturning at the concert was revealed.

"Ye Feng?"

"It's Ye Feng again?"

The two girls were stunned.

At this moment,

Yang's mother's phone rang.

The public relations company called:"No! You are not lucky. You met Ye Feng again this time! You will definitely not be able to get to the first place in the hot search!"

Yang's mother was dumbfounded and asked:"Didn't we agree on this? Like this! Can we pay more?""

First and second!

Although it is only one ranking, the exposure difference is at least ten times!

The public relations company shook its head and said:"Give money? Even if you give money, it won't work. Look at their popularity. It has exceeded 100 million. If we want to rush up, we have to add at least 5 million. Just accept your fate."

Just accept your fate...

At this moment,

Yang Mi and Yang Ma felt very disappointed.

Yang Ma regretted it very much.

If she had known this would happen, why did she do it in the first place? She worked so hard to find a public relations representative!

In the end, Ye Feng just appeared at the concert to support her.

He directly helped Li Yue to the top of the trending searches!

They spent millions, but they could only be suppressed and unable to turn over.

Yang Ma sighed in her heart.

If they had not divorced,

Ye Feng would have said something casually.

Would Yang Mi have become popular again?

At this moment,

Yang Ma regretted it unspeakably.

She said,"My daughter, let's go again tonight!"

Yang Mi was about to cry:"Mom, are we still going? We've been gone for three nights, and my daughter has dark circles under her eyes. People are not at home at all!"

Yang Ma:"……"


Just when the whole network was going wild over the rollover accident at Li Yue's concert.

Sony Music!

The senior executives were also dumbfounded.

They didn't expect Ye Feng's popularity to be so strong.

Just one support!

It can create the effect of being the number one hot search.

It's better than millions of publicity fees.

At this moment.

Li Yue knocked on the door and came in.

Mr. Li asked:"Li Yue, what's the matter?"

His attitude was much better than before.

After this concert, Li Yue's popularity has more than doubled.

The status of the queen is more stable!

The title of Sony's number one sister is well deserved.

Li Yue said:"Ye Feng wants to write a new song for me, and I hope the company can cooperate well."

Sony's senior executives were dumbfounded

"What did you say?"

"Ye Feng wants to write a new song for you?"

"Are you sure you are not joking?"

Everyone asked.

Li Yue nodded:"Yes, it is the new song."


Everyone gasped.


There was another burst of joy.

Although Sony hated Ye Feng so much.

But Ye Feng wanted to write a song for Li Yue, which was obviously good for Li Yue's career!

How could everyone object?


There was a feeling of getting a great deal.

Li Yue seemed to have guessed what everyone was thinking and said:"But the copyright of this song is not in my hands. In other words, I only have the right to sing. In addition, he wants the company to offer 10 million to buy it! And the company wants to sign a free contract with me! Not a long-term contract!"


"No copyright?"

"That means 10 million to buy...the singing rights?"

"Or your own contract?"

"Are you sure you're not kidding?"

"Who does he think he is?"

At this moment, all the Sony executives were furious.

It was fine to buy the singing rights for 10 million! But he even wanted to get involved in the contract!

It was too much!

Li Yue said:"That's what he said. If you don't agree, he will ask me to terminate the contract with the company. He will pay 50 million for the termination fee on my behalf. He promised that if I terminate the contract, he will release a new album for me, and I will earn more than ten times more in the future!"

Mr. Li:"……"


A group of senior executives were completely dumbfounded.

Don't agree?

Terminate the contract immediately!

Then release a new album.

Isn't it just 50 million?

I will make you ten times more! _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel

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