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Mi rang the doorbell.

The nanny looked through the peephole and let her in.

"How can it be?"

"She actually went in?"

"Is it just because she looks so sexy?"

Many female artists were dumbfounded.

Some even cursed out of envy and jealousy.

Yang Mi Fqing looked back.

She felt indescribably happy.

At this moment, a first-line actress was proud to be able to enter Ye Feng's house!

If this scene were to be spread to the outside world, it would definitely surprise countless people.


In the living room,

Ye Feng glanced at Yang Mi and asked,"What are you doing here?"

Yang Mi said,"I want to ask about the new song."

As soon as she finished speaking, a woman in a white silk nightgown with wet hair came out.


Wan Qian frowned slightly.


She smiled generously and said:"It's you, sit down, it's just like being at home!"

Yang Mi frowned and said:"Why are you here? And in pajamas?"

Wan Qian sat down next to Ye Feng openly, pulled his shoulder and said:"Why am I here? Is there any need to say this?"

The hostess's attitude was obvious.

Yang Mi's expression suddenly became embarrassed.

There was also a kind of faint jealousy.

Once upon a time!

That was my position!

She frowned and said:"I didn't realize that you got the position so quickly!"

Wan Qian refused to give in and said:"Is there any difference between getting to the top quickly and slowly? The important thing is the right time and the right person."

The war between the two women was on the verge of breaking out again.

Ye Feng said lightly:"Okay, about your new song, I will consider it after I finish Li Yue's song, you go back now."

Yang Mi:"???"

You actually chased me away?

At this moment, she suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

Ye Feng said indifferently:"Didn't you hear? You want me to see you off?"

Yang Mi:"……"

She bowed her head and walked out silently.

At this moment,

Xiao Meng and Xiao Ju walked in.

"Sister-in-law, Sister Yang Mi!"

Meng Meiqi almost called the wrong person.

Ye Feng glared at her.

Meng Meiqi immediately said:"I'm sorry, sister-in-law, yes..." Wan Qian waved her hand and said generously:"It's okay."


Under the introduction of Meng Meiqi, she visited Ye Feng.

At this time, Xiaoju had just debuted.

She was very reserved when she saw Ye Feng, as if she had met an idol.

Ye Feng smiled and said:"It's okay, since you are Meiqi's friend, then sit down."

Xiaoju sat down quietly. Meng Meiqi said:"Brother Ye, do you know? EMI has released the X plan!"

Ye Feng asked:"What X plan?" Meng Meiqi said:"Whoever can ask you to write a song will get an S-level contract!"

Ye Feng:"……"

Meng Meiqi said,"Surprised, right? I was also surprised when Xiaoju told me this, but as far as I know, this is true!"

Ye Feng shook his head and said,"Impossible! How could EMI announce this plan? I'll call and ask."

Then he called Wang Dong.

Five minutes later.

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"This is too much of a joke!"

Xiaoju explained:"Brother Ye, actually Mr. Zhang was forced into no choice. Li Yue directly took the first place in the hot search because of you. If we EMI take action again, I am afraid we will completely fall behind Sony and Rolling Stone."

Ye Feng nodded and said:"Xiaoju, you have no objection to being called that, right?"

Xiaoju shook his head and said:"No objection, you are older than me and a senior."

Ye Feng smiled and said:"It's like this, I am a person who creates according to fate. I can't write songs whenever I want."

Xiaoju said:"I, I know, I brought a few sets of ancient costumes this time. I heard that you got the inspiration from watching Sister Wan Qian's costume drama. How about I try them on to find some inspiration for you?"

Ye Feng:"???"

Wan Qian:"???"

Even Meng Meiqi was embarrassed.

She glanced at her sister-in-law and almost coughed in fear.

She said,"Xiaoju, maybe you misunderstood. How about this, you come out with me first, and I will tell you in detail later."

""Oh, oh."

Xiaoju was taken out without knowing why.

At this moment, a drone in the sky captured this scene.



A small anchor on Douyin.

She opened a live broadcast room, and the number of viewers was about 20,000 to 30,000.

But today!

Her number of viewers exploded!

A full 400,000!

At this moment.

She was carefully holding the camera and pointing it at a certain community.

The forest was deep and quiet!

Villas stood in an orderly manner.

Phil said to the camera:"Did you see it? This is Tomson Yipin! It is said that Ye Feng lives here!"

"Now it is all over the world, EMI has issued a plan! Whoever can get a song from Ye Feng will immediately get an S-level contract. According to Phil's understanding, the S-level contract is exclusive to the queen and the king!"

"EI's move has caused a huge stir!"

"What is the truth? Please follow Phil to find out!"

The next moment, the drone ascended.

The camera was aimed at the main entrance of the community.

The live broadcast room was filled with 666!

【Fire tongs Liu Ming!】

【Kneel down to Boss Phil!】

【It is really Tomson’s first-class product!】

【You dare to shoot this?】

【I guarantee that your live broadcast room will not survive tonight! 】

The comments were rolling.

At this time.

The camera turned.

Phil said to the screen:"You can see now that the scene can be described as a long dragon. The convoy has been lined up on the road, and they are all nanny cars! Maybe someone will ask, why are they all nanny cars?"

"Here, I just want to say that everyone is really naive!"


Artists, for example, have to put on makeup, change clothes, etc., which is troublesome, so they usually choose spacious nanny cars.

【I always feel like Boss Phil is driving!】

【Is it just because of makeup and changing clothes?】

【I don’t know whether Mr. Phil is driving or not, but the person upstairs is definitely driving!】

【The car door has been welded shut! No one can get out of the car today! 】

Just then, the barrage suddenly moved

【Oh shit!】

【Oh shit!】

【Oh shit!】

【What did I see? 】

ps: The first update is here! Today is the weekend! I wish you all a happy weekend! There will still be eight updates! Dear book friends, go for it! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend,

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