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Feng explained:"What? I didn't even know they were waiting at the door! My agent didn't tell me! Yang Mi did contact me, and I let her go after a few words. Xiao Ju is Meng Meiqi's friend, and I also let them go after a few words. How did it turn out like this? More than 20 people? It's going to kill people!""


"So that's how it is?"

At this moment,

Liang Jingru and Wang Dong both burst into laughter.

Liang Jingru even patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile:"No wonder! People on the Internet say you are so fast! They say it's almost as fast as the speed at which you write songs! They say God is really fair and even invented a word called Fengsu. It turns out that you, you just said a few words! Hahaha!"

At this moment, the top singer laughed so hard that she almost choked. She was rocking back and forth!

She was almost crying!

Ye Feng:"……"

Wang Dong:"……"

The two bosses were equally confused.


Wang Dong couldn't help it.

He covered his mouth while laughing.

In the end, there was nothing he could do! He just left the studio.

Liang Jingru also laughed so hard that she almost choked. It took her a long time to recover.

At this moment,

Ye Feng's expression was as wonderful as it could be.

Liang Jingru reminded,"The whole network is discussing this now. I personally suggest that the company issue a statement in response! Well, I'm serious!"

Ye Feng:"……"


Rolling Stone Records.

An emergency meeting is being held.

The topic is about Ye Feng's series of events last night.


"More than twenty in one night?"

"Are all young people nowadays so amazing?"

"He is an unparalleled genius in music! He is also a good screenwriter for movies! Even this kind of thing is inhuman!"

"He is simply not a human being!"

At this moment, many senior executives were dumbfounded.

Wang Dong couldn't stop laughing.

After a moment, he stopped laughing and said:"The truth of this matter is actually like this.……"

He told me what happened last night.


"Is this the truth?"

"Hahaha, I am dying of laughter, is this Fengsu?"

Many big shots laughed so hard that their stomachs hurt.

It is so funny!

He obviously did nothing!

Even Fengsu has appeared on the Internet.

Even various details are vividly described, just short of making a movie.

I am really impressed by these fans!

"Now what?"

"Would the company like to respond?"

"In fact, this kind of news is not bad at all, but it will increase his affinity and popularity."

Several senior executives spoke up.

Wang Dong said:"Indeed! For ordinary idols, this kind of news is beneficial to increase their popularity, and many companies will not reject it. However, on the one hand, Ye Feng's popularity no longer needs these tricks, and on the other hand, Ye Feng is a high-quality idol. This kind of news is actually a blow to his image."

"That’s true!"

"Then reply!"


Several senior executives nodded.

Wang Dong instructed:"Since no one has any objection, the public relations department should follow up and issue a statement."


The PR director nodded.


Just as the whole network was discussing it,

Rolling Stone Records issued a statement

【Recently, we noticed some false news circulating on the Internet. According to our investigation, many artists did go to Ye Feng's house that day, but Ye Feng was not aware of it. The two celebrities who entered the house also communicated with Ye Feng in advance to discuss new songs. There was no other discussion on the Internet.】

【Hereby declare!】

As soon as the statement was released, the fishing boats were in an uproar

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Is this the truth?"

"He is worthy of being my male god!"

"The male god will never let down his female fans!"

"Damn it, I took off my pants and you only said two words to me?"

"Suddenly I feel a little sorry for my brother Ye!"

"Suddenly I feel a little sorry for my brother Ye +1!"

"I didn't do anything, but I suddenly became famous!"

"I hadn't done anything, but suddenly there was a message saying Fengsu was coming!"

"I didn't do anything, but suddenly someone said I had more than 20 in one night!"

"Ye Feng: It’s too hard for me! (Black question mark)"

Just then, people who were obviously black fans rushed in.

"You guys are so naive!"

"There are more than 20 goddesses! Can you resist?"

"I still believe what Fengsu said!"

"Unless he is worse than a beast!"

At this moment, a war between haters is about to break out.


Zhonghai Yuefu.

Yang Mi and Yang Ma were equally dumbfounded.

Yang Ma asked:"What? Did you really do that with Ye Feng last night?"

Yang Mi shook her head:"Mom, what are you thinking? He just said a few words to me last night."

Yang Ma:"Was it on the news that night?"

Yang Mi:"It's fake!"

Yang Ma sighed.

That look!

As if she was very sorry that nothing happened.

Yang Mi:"???"

At this moment, the reply from Rolling Stone Records arrived.

Mother Yang read it word by word.

At this moment, the mother and daughter suddenly discovered something.

Yang Mi!

Directly pushed to the first place on the female star list.

The two girls looked at the soaring curve in disbelief.

Mother Yang:"What? This, it's the first place?"

The previous three attempts to grab the list!

It cost millions of dollars but failed.

Just a few words and directly ranked first?

At this moment, the mother and daughter were dumbfounded.

They finally realized what Ye Feng's popularity was!

Mother Yang seemed to think of something and said:"My daughter, I didn't expect Ye Feng to be so popular. Why don't you reply? Maybe it can rush to the first place on the hot search!"

Yang Mi thought about it and nodded.

Clicked on Weibo.

She forwarded and replied to the Rolling Stone's statement: I did talk to Ye Feng about the new song last night, don't think wrongly (heart) @Ye Feng! Rolling Stone Records!

The next moment.

The fishing reel was instantly detonated.

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"Oh shit!"

"The person involved replied!"

"I admire your courage! You dare to stand up at this time!"

"I knew that the male god would not be so superficial! What did the stubborn person say just now? Even the heroine came out!"

"If you really did something wrong, would you dare to come out now?"

"Love it! From this moment on, I have decided to be your fan!"

"You are worthy of being my goddess!"

"Am I the only one paying attention to the new song?"

"Ye Feng wants to write a song for you?"

"Goddess, you are awesome!"

"Looking forward to it!"

The next moment, a more surprising scene happened._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection, recommendation,

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