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Feng's studio.

Ye Feng is preparing to record Li Yue's new song.

The phone rang.

Cai Zhuoyan?

Why would she call him?

He couldn't help but recall the scene when he just debuted.

That was the first time to promote in Hong Kong!

At that time, he was not well-known.

The organizers looked down on him several times!

Cai Zhuoyan couldn't bear to help him.

Later, when he was at his lowest point, she also comforted him several times. She even went to the Huayin mountain area with him to teach and donate money.

But later!

He became depressed and retired.

Cai Zhuoyan didn't release any new songs.

The two haven't contacted for a long time.

The other party seemed very excited.

Ye Feng smiled and asked the other party to speak slowly.

The next moment.

When he heard what the other party said.

Ye Feng frowned!


"Cooperate with Luo Xiangxiang?"

"Huan Ya forced you to do this?" he asked.

Cai Zhuoyan said:"Yes, I don't want to cooperate with Luo Xiangxiang, but the company strongly requires it. The agent Li Ma, whom you know and have eaten the curry rice she made, said that if you are willing to help, even if it is a blank check with no time limit, the company will be afraid, so I thought of calling you. I don't know……"

Ye Feng said calmly:"Okay, tell the company to come to Jincheng next week. I have a new song in my hand."

Cai Zhuoyan said in surprise:"Ah? Next, next week? No need, a blank check will do."

Ye Feng said indifferently:"Come next week, how long can a blank check protect you? I have a song here, and I need to find inspiration with you."

Cai Zhuoyan said in surprise:"Okay, okay"


Three minutes later.

In the meeting room of Huanya Entertainment,

Cai Zhuoyan pushed open the door.

The senior executives who were in the meeting were all startled.

"Cai Zhuoyan, why are you here?"

"You and Luo Xiangxiang should give full play to your new song this time."

"The company is very optimistic about you!"

Cai Zhuoyan shook her head and said,"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, I have to go to Jincheng next week to deal with more important things."

"What's more important?"

"The most important thing for you right now is recording new songs!"

"You are not allowed to go anywhere!"

Vice President Li, who is in charge of artist contracts, spoke up.

He is also one of the company executives who pushed for Luo Xiangxiang and.

Cai Zhuoyan said in a neither humble nor arrogant manner:"I am going to Jincheng to record"

"Golden City?"

"Recording a new song?"

"You recorded this new song in Hong Kong!"

Vice President Li reminded.

Cai Zhuoyan said,"Sorry! I forgot to say that I can't record Luo Xiangxiang's new song. This time Ye Feng wants to compose a new song for me and it will be done in Jincheng next week. There is a conflict in the schedule, so I'm sorry!"

"What? You don't want to record a new song? You have a contract... Wait! What did you say? Ye Feng is going to compose a new song for you? Are you sure you are not kidding?" At this moment,

Vice President Li was dumbfounded.

Several senior executives were dumbfounded.

Even President Zhang of Huan Ya looked over.

Cai Zhuoyan nodded and said,"Yes, I just communicated with Ye Feng. He asked me to go to Jincheng next week to finalize the new song as soon as possible. I said that the company had something else to do. He asked me to turn it down, saying that time is precious. If I miss it this time, I may not have another chance in the future. I thought what he said made sense, so I had to turn down Luo Xiangxiang's new song. President Zhang, what do you think?"

President Zhang was surprised.

After a moment, he came to his senses.


"Ye Feng is a very busy man"

"It’s an absolute pleasant surprise that he is willing to write a song for you!"

"You should know how popular those female artists whose songs he wrote were!"

"Everything must be given top priority to Ye Feng!" he said.

Cai Zhuoyan nodded:"What about Luo Xiangxiang's new song..."

President Zhang waved his hand domineeringly and said:"Why bother with Luo Xiangxiang? You don't have to worry about his new song, you just need to concentrate on taking care of Ye Feng. Cai Zhuoyan, the company is very optimistic about you, come on! This time you can drop by Jincheng to hang out and get in touch with Ye Feng. I will handle the company's affairs. I promise that no one will dare to bully you again in the future!"


Cai Zhuoyan nodded:"Then I'll leave if there's nothing else?"

Mr. Zhang sent her out with a smile on his face.

Cai Zhuoyan walked out of the meeting room and breathed a sigh of relief.

She felt more relaxed than ever before.


Meeting room.

A group of senior executives looked at each other in surprise.

"How can it be?"

"Ye Feng actually wrote a song for him?"

"Didn't they say Ye Feng never writes songs for outsiders?"

At this moment, many senior executives were dumbfounded.

Mr. Zhang said,"Maybe it was the fate between the two of them."

He thought of the previous interactions between Cai Zhuoyan and Ye Feng. Maybe it was the fate that was created at that time.

"Now what?"

"Is Luo Xiangxiang going to make a comeback?"

"You won't look for someone else to partner with you, will you?"

Vice President Li asked.

President Zhang looked at him meaningfully and said,"Can't you look for someone else?"

Vice President Li smiled bitterly and said,"President Zhang, you know there are only a few suitable candidates. We are in such a hurry.……"

He was interrupted before he could finish his words.

Mr. Zhang frowned and said,"Mr. Li! That's enough! Don't think I don't know your little tricks! But what time is it now? Ye Feng is willing to write a song, do you know what this means?"

"Fish Leong and Li Yue became popular again with just one song, and Meng Meiqi became a top star with just one song. Is there any need to say more about Charlene Choi's future?"

"Luo Xiangxiang has brought it upon himself, we can't involve another person!"

"What’s more! It’s a famous brand like Cai Zhuoyan!"

"From now on, anything involving Charlene Choi cannot be done without my consent!"

"Do you understand?"

At this moment,

Mr. Zhang spoke domineeringly



""I understand!"

Many senior executives nodded.

Vice President Li was like a defeated rooster.


Luo Xiangxiang's studio.

He was very excited after being tipped off by his agent. He is about to make a comeback! He will be partnered with Cai Zhuoyan.

To be honest!

He is very excited.

He has been coveting her for a long time.

But he has never had the chance to do it. ps: The seventh update is here!

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend,

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