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Zhonghai Yuefu.

Yang Mi and Yang Ma are preparing for her comeback.

At this time.

The news that Cai Zhuoyan did not return overnight became a hot search.

Yang Ma was dumbfounded and said:"This, this is too much? He actually brought a strange woman home to spend the night?"

Yang Mi shook her head and said:"Mom, what are you talking about? Ye Feng and I are divorced. I am single now. I can live with whoever I want!"

Yang Ma snorted coldly.


Seeing the traffic rising.

She drooled with envy.

Just because of the number one hot search last time, Yang Mi was valued by the directors of several dramas.

If she comes to the number one hot search again-

Yang Ma can't imagine it anymore.

But! After several contacts.

Ye Feng ignored it.

It seems that I have to create another opportunity.

Yang Ma planned in her heart


In the spotlight,

Cai Zhuoyan announced on Weibo that her new song"Looking Forward to Love" will be released in three days.

The next moment, the whole network is looking forward to it.

"eager for love?"

"That sounds great!��

"Is this the new song I practiced all night?"

"It’s really good!"


"Looking forward to it +1!"

At this moment, the whole network is cheering.

With this Weibo,

I practiced for one night and successfully became a hot topic on Weibo.

【Did you practice all night?】

【If you don’t practice for a night, don’t say you worked hard!】

【Look at her! A diva can practice all night long! Look at you!]

Charlene Choi's new song is a big hit


Sony Records.

All the senior executives were stunned.


"Another song?"

"Didn't they say his new song is hard to get?"

They finally agreed to all the conditions of Ye Feng.

Another 10 million just for the singing rights!

And they agreed to sign a contract with Li Yue!

They thought the new song was unique.

But it was only released for a week, and there was another one?

The public relations director explained with a wry smile:"Bosses, it's rumored on the Internet that Charlene Choi practiced her new song in Ye Feng's villa all night!"

"One night?"

"Is this even possible?"

"I didn't expect that even Cai Zhuoyan would do such a thing!"

Several senior executives smiled bitterly.

When they saw the overwhelming news on the Internet, they didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The next moment, they issued the latest order

"No matter what, we finally got back through Li Yue, and we will never allow others to get ahead again. We inform all artists to work hard! The queen of pop can learn a new song in one night, so why can't our artists do the same?"

"I still say that! If you want to get an S-level contract! First, bring Ye Feng's new song!"

At this moment.

Sony vibrated


Haifeng Music.

After the resignation storm, Haifeng's top management has changed a lot.

Four of the seven top management have been replaced.

At this moment, all the top management are talking about the future.

"President Wei! Ye Feng is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Pride is the biggest enemy. If he continues to immerse himself in creation, his future will be absolutely limitless."

"But what is he doing now? Practicing singing with others all night? What songs are they practicing all night?"

"I dare to conclude! This song is the sign of his downfall!"

President Wei was very happy.

He had never been so happy since he let Ye Feng go.

He agreed:"Well said! I think so too. This song is said to have been written in one night. What effect can it have? I think it will definitely be his Waterloo!"

President Wei was very excited.

He instructed Vice President Li who was in charge of artist contracts:"As for Wu Yifan, I think he can make a comeback. He still has commercial value!"

Vice President Li nodded:"That's a good idea, President Wei. I'll do it right away!"


Wu Yifan's studio.

Wu Yifan is staring at the internet


"Another new song?"

"Or is it the little queen Charlene Choi?"

"Why? How am I worse than you?"

"I don't accept it!"

At this moment,

Wu Yifan was inexplicably excited.

At this time,

Vice President Li of the company walked in.

He looked at Wu Yifan and said,"Wu Yifan, I'm officially notifying you now. The company has decided that you will make a comeback from now on. Seize the opportunity and perform well. The company believes in your talent!"

Wu Yifan:"……"

There was silence for a long while.

Wu Yifan excitedly pulled Vice President Li's collar and asked,"Am I dreaming? Am I dreaming? Am I dreaming?"

Vice President Li:"……"

He turned his head stiffly, looked at his agent and asked:"When did he, Wu Yifan, become like this?"

The agent said:"It's been a few days. I guess he couldn't stand the stimulation after a few times of tossing and turning. He's a little mentally."

Vice President Li sighed:"Let's talk about his comeback later. Take him to see a doctor first."

The agent nodded and looked at Wu Yifan pitifully.


EMI's top executives were also in a meeting.

Xiaoju was the first to establish a good relationship with Ye Feng among several major companies.

Everyone was full of confidence.

At this time, the director of the public relations department ran in in a panic.

"Mr. Zhang! Something terrible has happened. Charlene Choi is about to release a new song, written and composed by Ye Feng, in three days!"


Mr. Zhang was dumbfounded and asked,"How is it possible? Xiaoju just established a relationship, and she got there first?"

The PR director smiled bitterly and said,"Who said it wasn't true? There are rumors all over the Internet saying that Cai Zhuoyan practiced a new song at Ye Feng's house all night."

Mr. Zhang:"……"


The meeting room was dumbfounded.

Practice all night?

That's also possible?

Mr. Zhang immediately said,"Then why are you still hesitating? Inform Xiaoju, tell her that a diva can practice a whole night for a song, so why can't an artist under EMI do the same? Are we born not as hardworking as others? She needs to seize the opportunity and let Ye Feng see her efforts as soon as possible!"


The PR director nodded immediately.


Huanya Entertainment.

A group of senior executives were also dumbfounded


"Released in three days?"

"Great! Cai Zhuoyan is really amazing!"

"It seems that Ye Feng’s inspiration is not that hard to find."

"Notify the female artists under you and tell them to handle it!"

"The little diva can practice all night for her new song, so it's okay for them to work harder, right?"

P.S.: The eighth update is here, I finally completed the task, a little late, sorry to all the readers!

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