Just when the MV was being prepared, a piece of news broke out on the Internet.

Ye Feng was about to release a new album!

Instantly, the fishing boats were in an uproar.

Many young people are familiar with this name, which may be unfamiliar at the moment!

After all, a few years ago, this was the name of a genre.

Ye Feng!

Debuted at the age of 18, he shocked the country with his unique rock style.

In four years, he became popular all over the country.

He is almost synonymous with the new generation of singers in the mainland.

But with the decline of rock music, this rising star also went downhill.

After releasing his last album two years ago, he was completely defeated.

It was after that time that he completely disappeared from the Chinese music scene.

In the past two years, there have been rumors of him teaching in rural areas and bankruptcy.

It can be said that he is only 24 years old, and he is a veteran in the music industry.

Although he is out of date, he once represented an era.

Therefore, when the news of his new album came out, it immediately occupied the relevant topics.

Just when everyone was not optimistic about his next new album, on the forums.





Unexpectedly, most people were reminiscing.

Many people were stunned.

What was going on? For such a star who had been destroyed, there were still people reminiscing and sending blessings? Soon, people understood.

After all, Ye Feng once represented an era.

Rather than saying that they supported Ye Feng, it was better to say that they were reminiscing about their lost youth!

They were reminiscing about the past era!

However, this caused many people to be disgusted.

The first to bear the brunt of it was Haifeng Music Company.

They were already unhappy with Ye Feng, and now the online fishing boats were reminiscing about him one-sidedly.

They had to personally go out and tear him apart.

Of course!

Big companies are big companies.

Speaking is an art.

They issued a statement: Although our company has terminated the contract with Ye Feng, upon learning that Ye Feng is about to release a new album, the company from top to bottom sincerely congratulates and hopes that Ye Feng's new album will sell well.

Embracing trends and adapting to the times is what a star artist should do.

I hope Ye Feng can make a smooth transition.

In just three short sentences, everyone knows what Haifeng Company really means.

That is, in public!

Otherwise, a bunch of Haifeng company executives will point fingers at you and say that you are going to fail.

To be honest.

You are going to release a new album as soon as the contract is terminated? It's okay if the sales are poor, but if the sales are good, whose face will you be slapped? Of course!

In the eyes of Haifeng executives.

It would be a miracle if Ye Feng's performance could be good.

Two years ago, less than 5,000 copies were sold.

Two years have passed.

Who are you going to sell it to? They are determined to wait and see the joke.

At the same time.

Along with the voice of Haifeng executives, several artists affiliated with Haifeng Music also spoke up.

The boss has spoken, so of course they have to flatter him.

Female singer Liu Sisi said on Weibo:"Ye Feng once represented an era.

His rock music gave strength to countless people.

Here, I sincerely wish his new album to sell well, but I still want to remind Ye Feng that talent is not to be cherished.

Embrace the times and continue to learn, instead of being trapped in the glory of the past.

Only then can there be a day when Ye Feng's new songs can sell well.

" Music critic Huang Fan said:"I heard that Ye Feng even mortgaged his villa to launch a new album? This wave of determination is big enough, but sometimes, burning your boats is not necessarily a good thing.

As an adult, you should be responsible for your own future!

" Both of them are well-known musicians.

As soon as they opened their mouths, the tune of the fishing reel was fixed directly.

All of a sudden, Ye Feng was pushed to the forefront.

If it was just like this, it would be fine, but the real embarrassment is still to come.

Wu Yifan!

This popular young idol!

Just the day after Ye Feng broke the news of his new album.

It happened to be a music festival.

A reporter interviewed Wu Yifan and asked him what he thought of Ye Feng.

When Ye Feng debuted, Wu Yifan was just a follower following behind Ye Feng.


Ye Feng had written two songs for him.

At that time.

When Wu Yifan saw Ye Feng, he would call him Brother Ye.

Later, Ye Feng declined.

Wu Yifan succeeded in rising to the top with several operations.

He just broke up with him.

In addition, Wu Yifan wanted Ye Feng to write a song a few days ago but was rejected.

The two had already had a grudge.

A reporter asked:"Mr.

Wu Yifan, what do you think of Ye Feng's new album? I heard that you are going to invite Ye Feng to join in the new song.

Is that true?" Wu Yifan smiled disdainfully and said in front of everyone:"I think it's a joke for Ye Feng to release a new album!

" Wow!

The spotlights flashed!

Many reporters had a hunch that this might be a big melon.

Wu Yifan:"As we all know, he is a rock singer, but rock music has been going from bad to worse in recent years.

Is he releasing a new album under such circumstances to promote the prosperity of rock music on his own? I'm afraid he thinks too highly of himself!


"Many veteran musicians like to flaunt their art and elevate the value of music!"

"In my opinion, what is good music? The music that the masses like is the best music!"

"Ye Feng is immersed in his so-called talent, stuck in his own world of rock music. I sincerely suggest that he should travel more, see more, embrace society, embrace the mainstream, instead of blindly being confident and immersing himself in his own world."

"As for your question just now, I did invite Ye Feng to join my new song, but——"

"I am very ambitious, I don't want to be a deputy, I just want to be the protagonist!"

After saying this,

Wu Yifan stopped accepting interviews and left gracefully.

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