These words can express everyone's thoughts.


Ye Feng interrupted directly

"First, who said that Weiteng Technology is number one? From today on, the title of number one in the domestic optimization industry belongs to me, Ye Feng!"

"Second, three days! I said three days, and it means three days. In three days, I will definitely appear in front of you with a brand new"Across the Galaxy". As for how I did it, I'm sorry, you are not qualified to know!"


A group of people were dumbfounded again.

Weiteng Technology, which has been famous for many years, has lost its first place.

And it was taken away in front of them!

"You bastard!"

The CEO of Wei Teng Technology was so angry that he vomited blood.

Ye Feng said disdainfully:"What? Any objection? If you can finish this movie within three days, I will double the first place and give you another 10 million for free!"

The CEO of Wei Teng Technology:"……"


At this moment, everyone felt like they had hit a brick wall.

So tough!

So damn tough!

Not convinced?

Three days!

You can also make"Across the Galaxy"!

Not only do I not want the name anymore, I will also give you 10 million for free!

The scene froze again.

The person in charge of Xuanguo Pictures was completely convinced.

He looked at Ye Feng, then at the others, and said slowly:"Everyone, if you have no other opinions, I think this bidding will be——"

The CEO of Wei Teng Technology spoke again:"No! This is simply nonsense. How can your floating point technology handle lossless 3D? As we all know, the strongest country on Blue Planet, the United States, has the best optimization technology in the world."

"But even they can only do so with loss!"

"Still more than 50%!"

"How can you achieve perfect optimization?"

As soon as the voice fell, a group of optimizers immediately echoed

"that is!"

"How can you do something that even rice can't do?"

"I absolutely don't believe it!"


Seeing this scene.

Ye Feng was completely furious!


He was furious!

A group of Xuan country bosses were actually flattering the United States.

What kind of behavior is this? It

's a national shame!

What's wrong with not being as skilled as others?

As long as you work hard, you will surpass the United States one day!

But now?

These top bosses in the domestic optimization industry, the domestic elites, it would be fine if they don't make progress, but they are actually willing to flatter the United States.

The kind that can't wait to lick their ass!

Is there still a way out?

Ye Feng exploded on the spot.

He looked at CEO Wei Teng with disdain:"I can answer a few questions for you. First, this floating-point technology is the world's first creation of mine, Ye Feng!"

"Second, if I say he can do lossless optimization, then he can do lossless optimization!"

"Third, don’t talk about rice, just keep talking about rice! What is rice? What is the West?"

"Just because rice can’t do it, does that mean we can’t do it in our country?"

"Because rice isn’t okay, my future film business won’t be okay either?"

"Rice is so awesome, why don’t you go to rice?"

"Is Da Mi your father? Why are you so flattering!"


The venue exploded.

Ye Feng pointed at his nose and scolded, making the CEO of Wei Teng Technology's face turn green.

But Ye Feng didn't intend to let him go.

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