Not only that.

The domestic industry has been upgraded and transformed in recent years.

Emerging industries have been elevated to an unprecedented level!

This Future Film Company focuses on the optimization of film processing. This is a true emerging industry.

The industry is in line!

The industrial upgrade is in line!

The future development space is in line!

What we are considering now is not how much profit we should give out, but whether others will look down on it!

After all!

Jiangnan is prosperous, and Huayin has always been a lag.

Now we can only hope to impress the other party with sincerity.

A group of people immediately rushed to Jincheng.

At this moment.

Director Yang received a call.


His expression changed.

"Prefect Wang, it's bad. Just now, Sucheng, Yangcheng, Jiangcheng, Gangcheng and other cities all knew the news, and they are rushing to Jincheng!"


The group of people were all stunned.

Sucheng, Yangcheng, Jiangcheng, Gangcheng?

Has half of Jiangnan Province been mobilized?

Prefect Wang's expression changed:"How could it be? Isn't this news exclusive?" Director

Yang smiled bitterly and said,"It is estimated that there were too many people at the time, and the news leaked out." Prefect

Wang nodded and said,"If they knew that Ye Feng didn't even have a place to stay, Jincheng might not be so confident in leaking the news. Let's do this, we will set off to Jincheng with the same goal, but we will not go to that hotel, let's go to another place!"

A group of people were puzzled.

Prefect Wang obviously didn't want to say more



Town government office.

The person who answered the phone went straight to the prefect's office.

"Li Tao is a cadre from Suzhou who has just received an important news.……"


At the same time, the prefects of Yangcheng, Jiangcheng, and Gangcheng all received the news. They all went straight to Jincheng. The big Jiangnan capital was full of bigwigs. The prefect of Jincheng never thought that a future 100 billion US dollar enterprise might run away just by going to the hotel.



Ye Feng was just about to return to the hotel.


A Passat stopped.

Ye Feng's expression changed slightly.

Why are there so many amazing cars today?

At this moment, a man who looked like a secretary got out of the car.

"Are you Mr. Ye Feng?"

"Yes, I am. What do you want to talk to me about?" Ye Feng nodded in surprise.

The secretary quickly shook Ye Feng's hand and winked at the person behind him, saying,"Hello, Mr. Ye. Let me introduce myself. I'm from the Sucheng office. You can just call me Wang An. This is the prefect of our Sucheng. May I take up a moment of your time?"

As the secretary spoke respectfully, a dignified middle-aged man came over.

Ye Feng asked in surprise,"Of course I have time, but who are you looking for?"

The dignified man went straight to the point and said,"Mr. Ye, I heard that your company doesn't even have an office space now?"

Ye Feng nodded in surprise,"You even know this? We are indeed investigating office buildings, and Jincheng is also helping us look for one."

"Look for?"

The dignified man's tone immediately turned high:"For a company like Future Pictures, why do we need to look for it? Please rest assured, Mr. Ye, as long as you are willing to come to our Sucheng, you can choose any land in our Sucheng!"

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