When the skill was activated, Ye Ran's mind went blank for an instant.

Memories appeared in my mind. In the first memory, I was covered in blood. I was just born. I was born in Handan. I was the middle son of King Zhuangxiang of Qin. His surname was Zhao and his name was Zheng.

The second memory is that when I was young, I witnessed the raging war, the game between powerful people, human lives like grass, and blood and fire.

In the third memory, the widow's father died, and then he became the king. However, Lu Buwei became the prime minister and monopolized the power. The widow was nothing more than a pitiful puppet.

In the fourth memory, in one game after another, while enduring humiliation and burden again and again, I gradually gained power, and even realized that Lao Du and his biological mother actually wanted to kill him and seek the throne.

In the fifth memory, I stood in front of my biological mother Zhao Ji, not knowing what to say or what to think. Is it sad that my biological mother wanted to kill me? Is this pitiful? This doesn't make people feel heartbroken, but I didn't do anything to my mother, I just imprisoned her but didn't kill her.

The sixth memory is that after the arrogant Prime Minister Lu was dismissed from office, he smiled like crazy, but I knew that there was regret in his eyes. He regretted that he should not have allowed me to ascend the throne, and hated me for being ruthless. But I know that emperors should not be sentimental.

The seventh memory, the Han Dynasty was destroyed!

The eighth memory, Zhao Guo was destroyed!

The eighth memory, the Kingdom of Wei was destroyed!

The ninth memory, Chu and Yan are destroyed!

The tenth memory, the destruction of Qi! fifteen years!

Fifteen years!

It only took me fifteen years to pacify the six kingdoms and unify the world. From then on, I called myself myself, and my achievements surpassed those of the three emperors and five emperors. I was the first emperor, the emperor of the ages, the true dragon emperor of China, and the lord of the world!

I want to sweep across the eight wastelands, and I want to conquer a huge territory. I want future generations to always remember that I am the First Emperor and the Lord of China!

Memories poured into Ye Ran's mind.

At this moment, the lens focused and eight cameras captured every part of Ye Ran's body. open one's eyes.

Ye Ran is like the First Emperor of Qin. He has forgotten everything. He only knows that he is the First Emperor and that he is the emperor through the ages.

In an instant, a terrifying aura emanated from Ye Ran.

Everyone in the crew was completely stunned at this moment.

A look!

A look!

Just a look, but it showed Qin Shihuang's unparalleled momentum.

At this moment, everyone seemed to have gone back to the past, as if they had truly come to the Qin Dynasty and met the First Emperor.

Director team.

Zhang Yimou held his breath, Zhang Li almost forgot to breathe, and the others were silent, staring at the camera with their eyes.

In front of the main hall.

Ye Ran takes one step! step! step! Walk outside step by step.

The palace door is open.

Ye Ran walked up, and the ninety-nine steps showed the ultimate.

At this moment, Ye Ran's eyes were not empty, but there were millions of troops.

At a glance, one by one, the Qin soldiers were kneeling in front of them, and all the civil and military officials were kneeling below, shouting respectfully.

"My ministers, I have met the First Emperor, and may the great Qin Dynasty prosper forever!

The deafening sound sounded, all of this was a memory in my mind.

But the next moment.

Ye Ran's voice sounded

"I will unify the six kingdoms and unite the world. I will build the Great Wall to control the dragon veins of the Nine Provinces, defend my Qin Dynasty, and protect my country."

"In the name of the First Emperor, I hereby swear an oath"

"I am here to defend the land and open up the frontiers."

"When I die, I transform into a dragon soul"

"Bless me, China, forever"

"This oath is witnessed by the sun and the moon, and is shared by heaven and earth!"

"Fairies, devils and gods all listen!"

Ye Ran's words were unparalleled in domineering. His eyes were extremely profound. Every move he made was as powerful as the emperor.

Everyone was silent!

Everyone was stunned!

It wasn't that he was not shocked, but he was shocked. Their minds went blank.

At this moment, everyone forgot everything, as if they had traveled through the ages and witnessed with their own eyes the first emperor's ascension to the throne.

"I am here to defend the land and open up the frontiers!"

"When I die, I transform into a dragon soul!"

"Bless me, China, forever"

"This oath is witnessed by the sun and the moon, and is shared by heaven and earth!"

"Fairies, devils and gods all listen!"

These words buzzed in everyone's ears.

Looking from a distance, Ye Ran's back became great inexplicably.

Ye Ran aroused the emotions of the whole audience, and some even had tears in their eyes, just because of this. Extra words.

Among the directors, Zhang Yimou didn't know what to say at this moment. He was numb, he was so shocked that he was numb.

And the most terrifying thing was that these words were not written by him at all, but by Ye.

But this time, it is absolutely explosive! I will protect the land and become a dragon soul!

"Fairies, devils and gods all listen!"

This is too domineering.

But it is also too in line with Qin Shihuang.

From the first meeting with Ye Ran, to Ye Ran changing the script, and now to the actual acting, Zhang Yimou can only use two words to describe Ye Ran's performance.


Super perfect!

Super, super perfect!

At first, he was really worried that Ye Ran's acting skills would not be very good, but now it seems that he is overthinking it?

Just this part is enough for Zhang Yimou to win. Major awards.

What is acting?

This is acting in his heart! The acting spirit comes.

Zhang Yimou took a deep breath, and he knew that just this scene This movie has a box office of at least 1 billion. This scene is enough to make the global audience remember Ye Ran! It will become an instant hit and spread all over the country.


Finally, after Zhang Yimou was silent for a long time, he finally shouted"Ka".

Even he was reluctant to shout"Ka", but this was filming after all.

And with the sound of"Ka", everyone in the audience breathed a sigh of relief.

But there were still many people, stunned. Stay where you are, recalling everything just now


--- chapter Ten.

Let me be serious to all readers, because when writing the plot of Hero, the author read Hero back and forth four or five times, and also checked many stories about Qin Shihuang, just to write that kind of flavor.

But after I finished writing it, I felt it was pretty good, but I don’t know what readers would think.

So please!

Really begging!

I beg you readers, please leave a message in the book review area after reading it and tell the author whether it is okay to write it this way and whether it delivers what everyone wants to see.

Otherwise, the author would have no idea!

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