Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 168 What did we forget?

As the saying goes, fishing friends all over the world belong to the same family.

However, this is not necessarily the case if the fishing friend is a big shot.

The place is lively and lively, and there are three who look like beauties from a distance. Other fishermen naturally want to come and join in the fun.

However, no one expected that he would bring bodyguards.

They didn't do anything, they just stopped you outside, saying it was inconvenient to enter.

These days, those who can afford bodyguards are either rich or high-ranking officials.

Between the two old men, it is most likely the latter.

No matter what it is, it is an existence that cannot be messed with, so I just look at it from a distance and stop asking for trouble.

Ning Zhou even came up with a bold idea to call Huang Shengli.

"Brother, come on."

It would definitely be unwise to waste the opportunity here, so he just thought about it and didn't dare to speak. Otherwise, Miss Zhao and Sister Mi could kill him on the spot.

As for how to have fun with the old man?

It's really simple.

He is a novice at fishing, so the size of his catch depends entirely on luck.

With the rookie as a foil, the three girls never went against their will when they praised the old man. He was indeed more powerful.

After dinner, the old men came again.

Maybe it was because I got lucky, or maybe I just got lucky.

First, Mr. Xie caught a big carp weighing more than five kilograms, and then Grandpa Wang, who switched to silver carp and bighead carp, made a whining sound.

From left to right, and from right to left, not only did the people inside want to make room for him, but the two bodyguards also rushed over, fearing that he would be pulled into the lake by the fish.


After all, he was old. After several back and forths, Mr. Wang was out of breath, but he still refused Ning Zhou's help.

After probably slipping away for about ten minutes, finally, the underwater prey surrendered first and turned its belly upside down.

When the fish entered the net, the three ladies cheered cooperatively.

"Weigh quickly!"

"I think it's fifteen pounds."

"Fifteen? More than that, at least twenty."

Grandpa Wang panted and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "It's not big, just like that."

The expression on his face showed how proud he was.

"It has to be you."

Ning Zhou's flattery was just right.

"Zeng Li, can you cook fish?"

Zeng Li was about to take a photo of him, so she put down her phone and looked embarrassed.

“I will definitely cook the fish.

But the one you caught is too big and I won’t take care of it at all.”

Hearing this, Zhao Lushi and Sister Mi looked at each other and smiled, saying they were too early to praise, Sister Li is the real Lao Jianghu.

Sure enough, Grandpa Wang, who was still holding his hand a little, was laughing so hard that he could hardly breathe. He didn't bother to take pictures, so he quickly sat down and drank some water to calm down.

The fish was brought up and weighed, eighteen and a half pounds.

What are you waiting for? Keep praising you.

This is not over yet. From after dinner to nine o'clock, in just three hours, the two old men each caught at least thirty kilograms of fish, and the fish were quite large.

After sweeping away the haze of the previous two days, I couldn't be happier.

As for the big fish, Zeng Li didn't have to deal with it, it was handled by the bodyguards.

However, due to limited equipment in the wooden house, I ended up making two large pots of pickled fish.

Friends who often fish know that if there are always big fish to catch, it will actually consume a lot of energy.

After three hours, the two old men could say they were satisfied.

So when Zeng Li shouted for midnight snacks, she immediately stopped, washed her hands, and ate.

Grandpa Wang even took out a bottle of wine from somewhere.

No logo.

Ms. Zhao then received another call from the program team.

It's okay for you guys to drink a little, but wine is quite sensitive. Otherwise, follow Teacher He's previous program, pour it out first, and then put it in the teacup.

The old men did not refuse this proposal, but Grandpa Wang said it.

“I bought the wine myself, so it doesn’t really matter.

If you are worried about your children watching it, it’s okay, I will cooperate! "

It can be seen that the old men are really tired after fishing for several days.

I didn't eat much or drink much. I stayed there for about half an hour and then left happily.

But before leaving, they didn't forget their promise. They wrote down a phone number and left it behind, telling everyone that they could just call this number if they wanted to find a house and if they needed any help.

Ning Zhou hesitated again and again, but gave up the idea of ​​asking for personal contact information.

It's fine as it is, but going one step further would be a bit over the top.

The old people went back, and the four of them continued eating and drinking.

Although the bottle of good wine has been finished, Grandpa Xie also brought two bottles of red wine. Besides, there is still a lot of boiled fish left in a large pot and cannot be wasted.

Miss Zhao picked up a piece of fish bone, which has no small spines and is easier to eat.

However, listening to the members eating and chatting, she raised her head and glanced at Ning Zhou blankly.

"Did we forget something?"

"Forgot something?"

Sister Mi wiped her fingers, looked at the red wine bottle, and considered whether to have another glass.

"I've already written down the phone number."

Zeng Li blinked and slapped her chopsticks on the table.

"Huang Zitao"


"Ning Zhou, have you forgotten too?"

Miss Zhao turned her head.

"I" Ning Zhou was speechless for a moment: "I really forgot."

When Sister Mi arrived, it was Miss Zhao who was communicating, so she arrived smoothly.

When we arrived at Huang Zitao, everyone seemed to have forgotten about it.

"Check your phone quickly."

Zeng Li opened the charging phone and found that there were already more than 30 WeChat messages inside.

Most of them were sent by Huang Zitao, and the remaining two were from Teacher He asking why he was ignoring Zitao.

"Just go back there like this?"

Sister Mi took Zeng Li’s hand.

"Can't you come up with an excuse? I remember that he is a petty person. If he says he forgot, he will probably be angry, right?"

"It seems so. I've seen his performance on the show. Sister Mi is right."

Ning Zhou thought for a few seconds: "How about we put on a show?"

The next scene made the program crew laugh.

As Yang Mi expected, after Huang Zitao answered the phone, he kept talking like a machine gun, regardless of whether the person on the other end was familiar with him or not.

Why did he set off at two o'clock and arrived in Yangcheng on time? For show, he actually accepted an interview with a magazine.

After half an hour, I started to contact him immediately. I didn’t expect that I got no response at all.

He was like an ant overheated, very anxious.

"Zitao. Zitao"

Ning Zhou shouted several times before the other party stopped nagging.

"Now I have a very important task for you."

"Really? I'm listening!"

Instantly, Huang Zitao's tone changed.

“We are now a five-person team, and the current location is not particularly safe.

As for you, you are not exposed yet, so you have to find a hotel.

The requirements for this hotel must not be too good, or the security must be very strict.

It can't be too bad, or it won't fit your identity.

At least two rooms. Hey, which hotel are you staying in now? "


Huang Zitao replied immediately.

"Hilton is nice. The room hasn't been refunded, right? Your assistant doesn't live in the same room, right?"

"No, we each have a room."

"Perfect!" Ning Zhou even clapped his hands twice: "You did a very good job, very good!"


Hearing Huang Zitao's voice change from complaint to joy, Miss Zhao and Sister Mi exchanged looks. This was so coaxing.

"Your main task now is to act well and never do anything inconsistent with your identity.

We will meet you tonight."

"Guaranteed to complete the task."

After hanging up the phone, the three women didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Ning Zhou seemed to have said a lot of content, but there was basically no useful sentence.

"It's so coaxing." Miss Zhao sighed: "Are we leaving later?"


Ning Zhou nodded.

“This place is not as safe as imagined, business is very good, and a lot of people come.

Besides, the time is almost up, so we need to make some preparations in advance.

I'll pack up my things, and you three can go and say goodbye to the old men. "


Hearing that several people were leaving, Grandpa Wang was a little surprised. After learning that they did not plan to use the help given by the two of them for the time being, he did not say much and just wished them good luck.

There was not much luggage, so I quickly packed it up, got in the car, and prepared to leave.

However, on the way out, he was stopped by the boss.

He didn't realize the identities of the four of them, they were just little old men.

After being offered a cigarette and being rejected, he didn't care and carefully asked about the identities of the grandfathers next door.

"you do not know?"

Ning Zhou was quite surprised.

"How did I know?" The boss's Mandarin was just the same as that of the previous Putian boss Hu: "I've been here three times, and every time I stayed there for two or three days.

Some fishing friends also said that they were not allowed to come near and they were not allowed to chat. I was inside the surveillance camera and saw that you seemed to be having a good conversation. Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t mean anything else.

If it's a big boss, just say hello. "

Since Ning Zhou was not doubting himself, Ning Zhou felt relieved.

"These two are awesome. You'd better not inquire. Since you are willing to come, just treat them as normal and give them some earthworm bait. Don't inquire about anything else."

They were all businessmen. Seeing what Ning Zhou said, he didn't ask any more questions. After sending a few bottles of water, he waved goodbye to everyone.

As for why he left before the time was up, it was perfectly normal. He just welcomed the opportunity to come back next time.

Four people, divided into two cars, arrived at the hotel parking lot at twelve o'clock at night.

After a few minutes, we finally saw the fifth member.

"The mission was accomplished very well."

“The arrangement is very good!”

"Excellent, perfect!"

After a few people entered the door, they didn't rush to ask questions and first praised Huang Zitao.

The other party instantly forgot to ask what happened in the afternoon, which was quite beautiful.

Having said that, Huang Zitao still did some work.

First, I prepared a few new backpacks, containing two sets of changes of clothes, toothbrushes, towels, etc.

In addition to fruits, there are also sumptuous midnight snacks in the room.

Apparently enough homework has been done.

Although Ning Zhou and others had a late-night snack, there was no problem in ordering more. The salmon looked quite fresh.

As he was eating, Ning Zhou realized something was wrong. His scalp felt a little numb. When he looked up, he saw Huang Zitao staring at him blankly.

"What's wrong?"

Ning Zhou wiped the corners of his mouth and turned his head.

"Is there something dirty on my face?"

Miss Zhao shook her head: "No."

"Captain, are we too relaxed now? Do you want to give me a mission?"


Ning Zhou suddenly realized.

The manager who picked them up just now was also very excited. He seemed to have a lot to say but didn't dare to speak.

He didn't know, and he didn't blame the two of them. They were really very competitive.

The company learned that this season, except for the old team members, the TV station has not contacted any newcomers at all. They all came forward on their own initiative.

I heard that there were hundreds of self-recommendations, including some top-notch ones.

Artists always hope to have traffic.

Moreover, Escape 2 is different from ordinary funny variety shows in that it does not require you to act stupid or anything like that. It is also a phenomenal program.

Naturally, there are more people competing.

Even the popularity of related majors is different.

Fugitives are more popular than pursuers.

Everyone has watched the show and understands the show. The pursuer is in it and acts like a chess piece.

Wherever the headquarters points, the chess pieces go.

In ordinary programs, Teacher He shows an image of being good at thinking and able to reason in various ways.

But in the first season, it wasn't possible.

It's not that there's anything fishy about him, but it's just a condition.

You are alone and cannot take care of too many things at the same time. Either look for clues or find people.

The limitations will be greater.

This is not the case for the fugitives. Although Ning Zhou makes the main decision, he can put forward any ideas he has, and analysis is common. There will be situations where the captain is not around.

Most importantly, most viewers seem to support the escapees.

Among hundreds of candidates, two-thirds hope to join this camp.

Huang Zitao was lucky enough to be selected, but he was arranged to enter in the second stage.

He, his agent, and the agency behind him are all very excited.

As for its own artists, the company definitely knows about them.

To say that Huang Zitao is stupid, he is definitely not stupid, he is just a normal person who wants to give a particularly outstanding performance.

For example, it would be difficult to analyze the situation and make corresponding countermeasures like Ning Zhou.

So I would like to give him a piece of advice: hold your thighs tight and try to survive as long as possible.

If you were arrested in two days

Also, be active and do what you can.

Therefore, before departure, he specially held a meeting with his agent. The things prepared in the room were the results of the meeting.

When a newcomer arrives, he is naturally full of energy, and Ning Zhou understands it instantly.

"I really have a mission for you!"


Hearing this, Huang Zitao straightened up. He had been waiting all day just for now.

"Whatever you want to do, I'll go right away!"

"That's not the case," Ning Zhou smiled: "It's past one o'clock at night, and it will definitely be tomorrow. Do you know why we came to Yangcheng?"

Huang Zitao shook his head, but immediately nodded again.

"For the mission, right?"


"Tomorrow night, three stars will have concerts in Yangcheng and two surrounding cities.

We can't show up.


Ning Zhou turned his head.

"Sister Mi and you, we have to find a way to get five tickets for the concert."

Miss Zhao followed.

"There are more than 3,000 people at the concert, so it is the most suitable place to carry out the mission. Even if the pursuers come, it will not be easy to find us."

Huang Zitao nodded: "Which three singers are holding the concert?"

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