In the running car,

Yamada Takayuki, Fukushi Sota, and Reba were in a panic.

Just a few minutes ago, I received a call from Zhao Yincheng, and a few minutes later, he was eliminated.

"Did Ning Zhou kill Zhao Yincheng?"

Yamada Takayuki picked up the water and drank half the bottle in one go, then looked at Reba and asked.

"I have no idea!"

"I think it should be him."

Fu Shi Cangtai, who was driving, gritted his teeth and said.

"The program team has reminded that a certain team eliminated players from the same camp for the first time and received a special reward."

Reba looked at the two of them.

"However, I can be sure that when Ning Zhou escaped from the gate just now, he shouted to run.

If it was him, why did he remind us to run away.

The key is that the Chinese team even lost two people, one Fan Chengcheng and the other Tian Zhengguo. "

Fushi Cangtai stopped talking. The program team cannot lie, which means that the elimination of these two people is true.

"Could it be another situation?"

After Yamada Takayuki considered it.

“Actually, there are three teams here, and Team Kimchi is also here.

Maybe we got rewards through similar triggering tasks, and it was us, or the Chinese team, who chose relevant clues to ambush in advance.

Ning Zhou acted on the safe side and came a little earlier than us and photographed the two of them inside.

As a result, they met the Kimchi team who had been ambushing them for a long time! "

"They are all strong and strong. It will be quite difficult for Team Kimchi to kill three of them."

"Maybe there is a gun!"

Fushi Cangtai was silent again.

He still felt that it was Ning Zhou who made the move, but he couldn't explain why the Chinese team lost two people.

The teammates who stayed behind also called.

"I don't know what happened at the moment. Let's wait until we go back."

At this time, Lin Yuner was hiding behind a tree, shivering.

One shoe was missing from his feet, and he was not wearing a coat. His face was full of fear, and his eyes were staring at the lights that were constantly shaking in the mountains. Occasionally, human voices could be heard.

Ten minutes ago, the hot spring hotel was raided by the Korean team.

Fan Chengcheng and Tian Zhengguo, who were soaking in the hot spring, didn't even have a chance to escape and were knocked down directly.


Before being caught, Tian Zhengguo yelled, alerting Yoona who was on the second floor.

After hesitating for a moment, she jumped out of the window.

Don't get me wrong, it's not three meters high.

This small building is on the side of a mountain, and jumping from the second floor is only about one meter.

Then he ran all the way, watching the chasing team behind him getting closer and closer to him. If he ran, he would definitely not be able to win.

In a moment of desperation, Yoona took off one of her shoes, threw it onto the road, and hid in the woods.

After a while, several people ran past not far ahead, successfully discovered the shoes, and were misled to continue chasing forward.

Yoon'er, who was temporarily safe, continued walking into the mountains. After being temporarily safe, she quickly called Ning Zhou.

When she heard the captain's voice, Yoona couldn't hold back anymore and started sobbing!

"Stop crying, crying won't solve the problem.

What you have to do now is to hide well, don't go back, and don't go to the village for the time being.

I'll send a car to pick you up now. Come on, don't give up! "

Of course Yoona didn't want to be eliminated just like that, so she gritted her teeth and persisted.

As for how it was discovered, you can probably guess.

According to the plan, the three of them went to visit the farm this morning. It would be safe because they were led by an old man who was also the breeder of the farm.

If he had been recognized at that time, it would have been impossible for the pursuit team to arrive just now.

Something must have gone wrong with dinner.

In the afternoon, the three of them took a nap and had nothing to do, so they went for a walk around.

It was already seven o'clock when I came back.

Presumably, the waiter who delivered the meal recognized them and reported them quietly.

Yoona guessed correctly. There were two young people who came to deliver the food. Although one of them didn't see his face, she could hear Tian Zhengguo's voice. She liked EXO, so although she wasn't particularly sure, she went there. Telephone.

At this time, the pursuer has no definite clues.

I heard that there was no one in the hot spring hotel, but it was said to be a staff member of "Two Days and One Night", and his voice sounded like Tian Zhengguo, so let's take a look.

The Korean team was the fastest. When they arrived, they learned that the target was soaking in a hot spring and rushed over.

Two people were captured alive.

Li Dongxu was delighted. He was leading the team and caught two of them in one fell swoop. The key was the invincible Huaxia team.

The only regret is.

There seems to be another person, but I don’t know where he escaped.

Moreover, Ning Zhou was not among the two people caught. Otherwise, the Korean team would have been very good.

Don't blame him for being proud.

Playing at home, the pickle team's performance can be said to be very average.

On behalf of the pursuer, I regained face and went back to the program to air, hehehe!

A dead Taoist friend will not die a poor Taoist.

As for the one who escaped, he may have left, so search first.

It's difficult to find people in such a large area.

But he had to work hard. At the end of the exchange with the captains, he invited them warmly, or maybe he was showing off.

"We have captured two people and one is still on the run. Come and help."

I've eaten some meat, come on, come on, have some soup.

The other two teams were naturally envious, but also quite depressed.

This is not just about having hands.

The reason why the Korean team was able to catch the two of them had nothing to do with their strength. It was just that they were closer and arrived at the hot spring hotel earlier. That was all.

But there is nothing you can do, this is life.

Not to mention that there is still one person who may not have left. Even if they are all caught, members of the family will arrive soon and they have to go and see what is going on.

A huge hotel and a small village.

After discussions between nearly twenty people, based on the clues of the shoes, the target was placed in the village at the foot of the mountain.

It was still early and not everyone in the village was asleep.

But I got some useful clues.

For example, I did see a combination of two men and one woman passing by the village in the afternoon.

Because it is an unfamiliar face, I remember it.

No one was seen just now, but two cars left the village.

There were only about twenty households in total, so it was possible that they were hiding in a certain courtyard.

So I scanned them all.

After two hours, I finally gave up and it was time to leave.

Of course, Yoona is no fool.

It was freezing cold, my feet were bare, and I was wearing a single coat.

After hiding in the bushes for a while and finding no movement, he walked around in a circle and went to the laundry room to get a set of employee clothes and change into them.

After more than three hours of suffering, the savior finally arrived, a taxi.

"Hello, your friend called me to pick you up. Please get in the car!"

When the taxi left Seoul, Yoona finally let go of her hanging heart.

The one who came to pick her up was the taxi chartered by Ning Zhou.

After the old master received the call, he agreed without saying a word. He didn't even run away at first, but the other party added another 300,000 yuan and reimbursed the toll, so he happily agreed.

As for the reason, he didn't ask much.

They're all young people doing crazy things, what's wrong!

"What happened?"

"Why were they eliminated?"

"Where's Yoona, is Yoona okay?"

Miss Zhao and others in the car were equally anxious. The three messages were like three bombs exploding at the same time.

"Zhao Yincheng was killed by me!"

When everyone was quiet for a while, Ning Zhou's words stunned the four of them.

"You want to see if there are any special rewards?"

As expected of a couple, while others were still wondering, Miss Zhao had already guessed the closest answer.

"That's right!"

Ning Zhou nodded.

“Although we are all fugitives, essentially, our three teams are not friends.

They are competitors.

Remember, the first team to cross the map received preferential treatment, and the first team to capture Kim Jong Kook also received special rewards.

It proves that the program team encourages everyone to do things and designs many hidden rewards.

As long as it is triggered, it will be sent immediately!

Moreover, my guess is absolutely correct, we have points, three points! "

"Really, three points. Oh, there is a new notification from the program team."

Everyone was in a panic just now and didn't pay much attention.

[Opponents and teammates are your choice

The escapees are not in one camp, but fight on their own.

Eliminate each other and get 1.5 points.

Please think twice before choosing whether to cooperate.

The chasing parties are not allowed to hurt each other, otherwise, the activity fee will be deducted]

"Oh My God!"

After Xinheng Yui finished reading, she covered her mouth.

"Doesn't this encourage fugitives to hurt each other?"

"It's quite normal. The pursuing party is equivalent to joint law enforcement. As for us, calling them gangsters is not an exaggeration.

Isn't it normal for gangsters and villains to fight each other? "

"It's a pity that the other party only sent one person. Otherwise, we could have gained more points."

Compared with the shock of the two Japanese players, Xiaobai showed regret after knowing what happened.

"But how were Fan Chengcheng and Tian Zhengguo eliminated?"

“Team Pickle didn’t do it!”

Ning Zhou replied.

"I can only confirm that a pursuer found the hot spring hotel. They were soaking in the hot spring and were caught. Yoona sneaked away and is still hiding.

It’s too late to tell what exactly happened during this period. "

Originally, scoring was a happy thing. Although Ning Zhou killed Zhao Yincheng a little suddenly, it was still a good thing for the entire team to get points.

I can't laugh at the moment, praying that Yoona can escape.

"Then, does the other party know that it was you who did it?"

Xiaobai rolled his eyes and asked.

"I'm not so sure!"

Ning Zhou took out his cell phone and took a look. There were no missed calls.

"It should be suspected, but not certain, because"

He explained the process in detail.

“I can only say that the three notices are very compact and easy to confuse.

Moreover, when I was on the phone with Yoona, the other party was also on the phone, and he must have told his teammates.

Then I took action, and when I came out, I reminded them to run away. "


Xiaobai sat up straight.

"If you don't do it, we won't stop. Let's make an appointment again!"

Xinheng Yui looked at Bai Jingting with wide eyes.

The young man is fair-skinned, talks very funny, and is very polite. It turns out that he is such a violent person.

“However, the other party must be somewhat defensive.

Look, this time, we only let the two of us chat alone. By the way, did he give us any reason for looking for us? "

Miss Zhao was also a little moved. After all, it was easier to deal with the fugitives than to kill the pursuers.

“We haven’t had time to talk yet, so don’t worry, we’ll talk about it later!

Otherwise, it's a bit deliberate. "

The most pitiful person is naturally Zhao Yincheng.

A few minutes ago, he was one of the escapees. Now, he can only sit in the pavilion, with his shoulders slumped and his eyes dull.

If he was given another hundred chances, he would never guess that Ning Zhou would suddenly attack him.


I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out.

When participating in the competition, Zhao Yincheng imagined how he would be eliminated.

Maybe he was stuck in a traffic jam somewhere and couldn't move, maybe he was chased by a group of people and shot, maybe he slept until midnight and was captured by the pursuers who rushed in.

Died at the hands of fugitives.

I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it.

I wonder what the audience and fans will think if this is broadcast.

After waiting for about half an hour, the program team members arrived. They were not in a hurry to leave, but directly started the interview mode.

"Is there anything you want to say to your teammates?"

Zhao Yincheng was very sad.

"It's too late to say goodbye. I can only say that you know there will be an accident, but you never know when or how it will come!"

His performance on the show was just average.

However, this quote goes viral and sums it up perfectly.

"Ning Zhou is too cruel.

When we met, he was still smiling and harmless, and I was not defensive at all.

I felt very sad, but it was also quite enjoyable.

As for resurrection.

It should be quite difficult, five points, and so far, it seems that no pursuer has been eliminated for the time being.

biggest regret

I couldn’t tell my teammates who the murderer was, and I was a little worried that my teammates would suffer.”

At the end of the interview, Zhao Yincheng was taken away by the program crew and will undergo three days of quarantine.

However, he can rest a little bit at ease.

Yamada Takayuki and others worked non-stop all the way back to their residence, picked up their teammates, and immediately moved.

During this period, I received a call from the Chinese team.

The other party said that he was ambushed by the Pickle Team and he also lost two people because the other party got a gun from nowhere and didn't even have a chance to fight back.

In this regard, Yamada Takayuki did not completely believe it.

Because there is no sign of Team Kimchi, even though two of you are missing, there is still a possibility that you can take action.

Furthermore, the program team has made it clear that points will be awarded if the escapees eliminate each other.

We will not contact you until the situation is clear, and we will talk in three days.

Xiaobai was extremely regretful. This was a good opportunity to score points, but it was a pity that the opponent was scared out of his wits.

And, starting today, it will be even harder to score points from the Runaways.

Ning Zhou was quite satisfied.

"It's an unexpected surprise. It's great to have it. What else do I need for a bicycle!"

Xinheng Yui didn't understand the joke, but she expressed concern.

Jo In-sung is known as a national treasure actor in South Korea, and his status is quite high.

Ning Zhou killed him in such an understatement, which was tantamount to a huge blow to the Korean people who had always had a fragile mentality.

The only Korean player in the Baqi team has been eliminated. The pursuers cannot be blamed. Ning Zhou and even everyone will become targets.

"You have a point!"

Ning Zhou confirmed Xinheng Yui’s idea.

"We can observe it for three days. If it is really dangerous then,

Then change the map."

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