Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 343 Singer Ning Zhou

Even when they arrived at the TV station, Fan Qifeng and Xiaopi followed them all the time.

This made Xiaobai feel very strange.

He had been famous for a long time, and he could see that these two people were closer to bodyguards than assistants.

It was not special for artists to have bodyguards, but it depended on the occasion.

When there were many people, the company would send bodyguards for protection.

However, this was inside Mango TV, even though it was a live broadcast today and there were hundreds of viewers watching.

But when entering, security checks were required, and no dangerous incidents had occurred.

When someone behind him called out Ning Zhou's name, the two of them, one in front and one behind, obviously protected Ning Zhou in the middle, which seemed a bit redundant.

"You are."

Ning Zhou turned his head.

There was a man with glasses standing behind him, but he didn't know him, he was a stranger.

"Mr. Ning Zhou, I am Mr. Adam's Chinese assistant for this "Singer" tour. He is a fan of Ming Tao and is very happy to know that you are here this time.

He is on the stage now and told me to wait here, hoping to chat and take a photo!"

To be honest, Ning Zhou did not know Adam before the competition.

However, his songs sounded familiar and he had heard them before.

Before coming, after reading the contestants' information, it suddenly dawned on him that these songs were sung by them.

"There is still enough time. Mr. Ning Zhou, your practice time is at 5:30!"

The staff member who led the way immediately answered with a look.

Ning Zhou also nodded, and the four followed him to Adam's lounge.

For the first time, he knew that he was quite popular in the eyes of foreigners.

The few people who came with Adam were his assistants. After seeing Ning Zhou, they did not hide their love for him.

There was also a translator waiting on the side.

As a result, Ning Zhou's English level was not only that he did not need a translator, but he could even understand the occasional slang, and was happy to sit down and watch the fun.

Adam originally planned to participate in one episode.

After the effect was quite good, he happened to have a schedule and liked Huaxia very much, so he became a formal member of the challenge to compete for the final championship.

Because of this, Huaxia netizens hurriedly called for the national team.

After chatting for more than ten minutes, Adam came back.

"Oh, Ning"

Seeing Ning Zhou, Adam smiled very happily, and the foreigner's unrestrained personality was fully reflected. He came forward and gave a big hug.

Moreover, he was very considerate.

"Don't get me wrong, I have a boyfriend, and I know that Miss Zhao is your girlfriend!

I just like your performance in the Star Escape very much.

In fact, I really want to participate, but I just don't think I have the ability."

It is indeed a cheerful personality, and he doesn't care about showing that he is Nantong.

However, when Xiaobai posted the photo of the three people on Weibo, the comments below were not particularly friendly.

"Is it related now?"

"Are you going to help the other two attract firepower?"

"Ning Zhou is so confused, he doesn't have to come here to seek a sense of existence."

"Wouldn't it be better to walk your own way?"

Just like that, in the "expectation" of everyone, the singer live broadcast officially started.

The order this time is not particularly friendly to Chinese singers. Previously, Wang and Yang ranked at the bottom, so they sang in the first two.

This is not the first episode, and the audience is actually very clear about the strength of the six contestants.

They sang well.

However, when Adam, who ranked third, came on stage, the cheers were obviously not of the same level.

There was a bit of a sense of regret.

Knowing that he couldn't win, he might as well enjoy it and cheer for the really awesome singer.

Adam's performance was as usual, and it could no longer be described as stable, but immersed in it.

Although most of the audience at the scene and in front of the TV could not understand English.

But no matter the style, singing skills, and emotions, they could all experience it.

"We won, we won."

"It's been four seasons, and it's okay to give a foreigner a championship."

"I think this is progress. Who stipulated that only our own people can win the championship in the competition we organized? We need to have a pattern."

"Adam respects this stage very much. He even took out the Oscar uniform that he had collected."

"According to gossip, Adam is a fan of Ning Zhou."

"Oh, if you want to talk about escape, Ning Zhou ranks first among the stars. I have no problem with that, but this is a singing competition."

After singing a song, Adam bowed gracefully, and half of the audience stood up and applauded.

Yehena La, who came on stage next, didn't smile at all.

Originally, she had already successfully called for someone.

But the rhythm on the Internet was too loud.

As a result, she had to change someone temporarily.

Nana can actually understand the change of person. She also read the reports and netizens' comments.

Although the words are a bit unpleasant, netizens are also angry. The contestant who was called has a "criminal record" and is particularly willful!


This can be said to be a top-level singing competition. In order to avoid too much rhythm, your program team changed someone, and there is nothing wrong with that.

The person invited should at least be a singer.

Ning Zhou?

I know him, he is quite popular, but he is not a singer.

Isn't it obvious that he is trying to get some popularity?

The pressure in my heart suddenly increased exponentially.

As the saying goes, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. The competition between singers is between literature and martial arts.

The difference between those who can sing and those who can't sing is obvious.

However, if the masters are competing, if they all perform stably, it depends on the song selection, the live performance, the audience, and the preferences of the judges.

I have been in the Chinese music scene for decades, which is both an advantage and a disadvantage.

Everyone knows that there is a fan base. Similarly, unfamiliar masters will come, which is fresh and easier to get votes.

Sometimes, the more serious you are, the more accidents will happen.

After Na Jie came on stage, she sang very well in the first half, and the audience also recognized her very much.

However, after the second chorus began, she was too involved and didn't pay attention to her feet. She stumbled and her singing was interrupted for a few seconds.

Although she adjusted quickly, the whole stage effect was affected.

"It's over, it's over, this time we may not see Chinese contestants in the top four."

"What should I do!"

"It was originally singing well."

The audience complained, and they didn't want to lose.

Then, the remaining contestants took the stage one by one.

Obviously, Wang Yang and the others were prepared. This time they abandoned lyricism and started to take the high-pitched route.

But the opponents also changed their minds and sang dance music, and the whole place was high.

Many people were wailing: That fish is going to be finished

The six people finished singing one by one, and the host Mr. He came to the stage.

"A very wonderful stage, a very wonderful singing!

I believe many people already know that tonight, there will be a second singer to challenge the club.

The last singer, Mr. Adam, won the first place in his debut.

So what kind of performance will the next singer have?

Let us welcome the singer Ning Zhou with warm applause" (End of this chapter)

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