We can't blame the pursuers for being ineffective, it's really the enemy who is too cunning.

The two of them seemed to be on a one-day trip to Magic City. They changed taxis three times and Didi twice.

Didi still used someone else's mobile phone. He found a small store and said that his mobile phone was out of battery and asked him to help him place an order.

Ning Zhou pretended to be pitiful and gave him a few extra dollars according to the distance. When he was in trouble, it was nothing to help him.

Finally, it was in a particularly busy shopping mall parking lot. Lin Rong and Zhou Xun had been waiting here for a long time and left in a hurry.

After watching it, the audience silently felt sorry for the pursuers.

Even if we follow all the traces in front, what will we do here?

Lin Rong's car had arrived a long time ago, and there were more than a dozen cars entering and leaving the mall in one minute, sometimes twenty or thirty.

For such a long time, if you want to track the past one by one, you don’t know how much time and energy it will take.

Many people are wondering, what should the pursuers do next?

"You are so brave."

After a long circuit, Ning Zhou returned to Zhao Lushi's home. The young lady gave him two thumbs up.

"In this case, the other party must be sure that you are leaving the Magic City."

Ning Zhou was noncommittal.

"Everyone has different ideas. I have done everything I can think of. The rest is up to them."

In the eyes of everyone, Ning Zhou was too modest. Just looking at his escape route, he was a little dizzy, let alone having to investigate.

With this skill, everyone feels safe. Although they don't know where the pursuer will be at this time, they must be very busy.

"Come, let's eat."

Huang Lei and others had already gone upstairs, but Ning Zhou and the others did not come back, so they kept waiting.

This will heat up the food you ordered before you start enjoying it.

Zhao Lushi only ordered four portions of rice, and now there are ten people. Fortunately, she has some noodles at home, and boils them and puts them directly into the boiling water. Since she is on the run, this is already pretty good.

After eating and drinking, everyone lined up to take a shower.

I have been running around outside for a long time today, and I have sweated a lot, and it smells bad.

Don’t mention it if you don’t have any conditions. It can be washed, so you won’t miss it.

The remaining people had laid their bedding in advance. In just two days, they felt happy to be able to lie down without pressure.

"What should we do next?"

Hou Minghao asked questions that everyone was concerned about.

Although it is safe now, it is only temporary and accidents may happen at any time.

Zhao Lushi was also sitting next to her. The escapees now had absolute trust in her and they were working together.

"I think we can stay here first," Lin Rong was the first to speak: "According to what you guys said, the pursuers now most likely think that we have left the Magic City, so the focus of the search is naturally not here.

It is equivalent to waiting for work. If you go out, it will increase the risk of exposure. "

"I agree."

No one else spoke, Zhao Lushi raised her hand first.

"I'm fine lately, and the place is safe. Almost no one comes, unless you have a better choice."

Yang Mi looked at Ning Zhou.

"Okay," Ning Zhou is not an indecisive person: "We will stay here until there is no better choice."

Just when everyone thought that was the end of the night, changes occurred again.

Just as Ning Zhou guessed, Li Tong followed his lead and worked hard to investigate behind.

This is a normal operation. In such a big magic city, it is natural to follow the existing clues.

But after following him three times, the old man said that he would be cruel to you.

The team members were constantly moving, from one place to another. The front was just one step slower, while the time difference behind them was at least two hours.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Li Tong gave the order to go back to the hotel to rest while I continued to investigate the clues.

The chasing team members were unwilling to do so, but they also knew it was best.

Perhaps, the fugitives have already left the Magic City area, and their efforts are currently in vain on their way to who knows where.

But no one dared to bring it up.

The old man ordered and of course had to be obeyed, so each one prepared to end the next day's tracking with regret and unwillingness.

On the way back, Teacher He turned on the right turn signal and parked the car on the side of the road.

"Hey, I forgot one thing.

Aren't we going to eat at Zhao Lushi's? We also ordered a lot of dishes. "

Lu Han next to him yawned. He was tired after running for a day.

"You should have finished eating by now."

"But, to be polite, I'd better go over there.

It wasn't because we wanted to eat. We suspected her. She was not very good at first, but she ended up breaking the appointment and ordering so much food in vain.

If you are sleepy, go back first. "

Yang Rong immediately shook his head: "I really can't go. I will go back to eat something and then go to bed, otherwise I will definitely not be able to get up tomorrow."

"Me too." Lu Han also expressed that he didn't want to go.

"Okay," Teacher He didn't force it. "You drive the car back first, tell the others, and I'll take a taxi."


Damn it

The show team exploded here.

That's the thing about unscripted variety shows, you never know what will happen.

At this moment, two lenses were put on the big screen in the studio.

On the left is Zhao Lushi's home. Ten people are sitting on the sofa or on the floor, quite leisurely.

On the right is Teacher He, waiting for a taxi on the roadside.

Are they going to meet head-on?

In other words, Teacher He, if it were anyone else, probably wouldn't care about the so-called rudeness of a meal or courtesy.

Everyone knows that he went out because of something. If he doesn't come, he won't be angry. It's completely understandable.

But he is Teacher He, so he can speak the truth, otherwise all the celebrities in the industry would like him.

Although they haven't set off yet, the staff are getting nervous.

What would happen if we really had to face each other?

Teacher He waited on the roadside for about ten minutes and finally stopped a taxi.

Reported the location and set off directly.

"Should I make a phone call?"

It’s normal to give some notice before going.

But Teacher He is not a person who sticks to rules. Since he is going there, it is better to give her a surprise and scare her, so he puts the phone in his trouser pocket and takes a nap with his eyes closed.

Whether it’s the staff, the audience, or all the players.

The pursuer is the cat and the escaper is the mouse. It is a relationship between chasing and escaping.

But there is a prerequisite.

The pursuer needs to control the fugitive before he can be successfully captured. This is why Wei Chen and others hugged the quilt tightly at that time.

In the current side contact, the pursuing side has a numerical advantage.

Tonight, there is a good chance that another scenario will arise.

What happens when a cat is surrounded by a bunch of strong mice?

The taxi kept driving without any accidents and arrived at the community quite smoothly.

After swiping his face for the second time, Teacher He entered easily, pressed down the elevator on the 19th floor, came to the door of Zhao Lushi's house again, and knocked on the door.

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