Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 46 The second stage of the competition

"You said, nothing will happen, right?"

"It's understandable that the phone was left at Zhao Lushi's house, but the position of the watch was too strange. It didn't move for two hours."

"Don't think too much about it first, go over and take a look before talking."

Among the eleven people, Lu Han was naturally the most nervous. They were in the same room.

Although they are all adults and can't control that much, they can definitely talk to others.

If something unexpected happened, he was praying in his heart.

When they arrived at the parking lot, the eleven people were divided into four cars. Chen Weiting took five people to track the location of the watch.

Almost no one spoke along the way. The further we drove, the further we headed towards the suburbs.

A foreboding feeling.

At eight o'clock, Chen Weiting's team arrived at their destination first, an old community that couldn't even be called a community.

After entering without any obstruction, according to the location, we came to a bungalow.

"Hello, is anyone home?"

There are some residents around watching the excitement. What are these people doing, filming?

After knocking a few times, a response came from inside.


"We." Chen Weiting hesitated slightly: "We check the water meter."

Several other team members were standing on either side of the door, all holding paintball guns in their hands.


Yea, as the wooden door opened, five people rushed in with a huff.

"Put your hands up."

Good guy, this made me jump.

He was wearing fancy trousers and was shirtless. His eyes suddenly widened and he raised his hands very cooperatively.

"Where's Teacher He?"

There are only two rooms in the house, a bedroom and living room, and a bathroom.

The pursuit team members who even looked under the bed were sure that he was the only one here, and Chen Weiting was a little anxious.

"Teacher He He?"

Speaking of uncle is a slight exaggeration. The man is about fifty years old and his hair is very thick.

Reba was delighted: "Have you seen him?"

"Yes," the uncle nodded repeatedly: "I've seen him before. Yesterday, he went in to see his friends twice in XX community."

"Where did this come from?" Chen Weiting held his hand, and on his wrist was the watch he was looking for.

The uncle was very wronged: "I didn't steal it, it was Huang Lei. Teacher Huang Lei gave it to me.

I was working the night shift last night. At about eleven o'clock, he came to the gate and said he wanted to give me a gift, which was this watch.

I didn't dare to ask for it, but he had to put it on for me personally and warned me not to take it off.

If you want it, I'll give it back to you. "

With that said, the uncle quickly took off his watch.

Huang Lei was actually in the XX community. Chen Weiting was not happy at all about finding the watch, and the feeling of uneasiness became even stronger.

"Teacher He is dead!"

Such a big movement attracted more onlookers, and some people shouted directly.

"Stop talking nonsense!" The great teacher standing at the door responded dissatisfied: "You can still curse, you are a bit wicked."

"Teacher, I'm not lying to you. Teacher He really died. He died in Ning Zhou's hands. What happened last night, and they and..."

"Okay, stop talking!"

Although the big teacher wanted to hear it, the rules didn't allow it and he quickly closed the door.

Several people looked at each other.

If it were one person, maybe he was lying to them, but several people said so.

"Don't think so much, just give Wei Cheng a call and you'll find out."

Reba said anxiously.

"I'll come, I'll come. Brother Cheng, oh, you are downstairs, right? Okay."

Wei Cheng and other six people arrived at the downstairs of Zhao Silu's house under the guidance of the headquarters.

Dong Dong Dong. Dong Dong Dong.

Knocked on the door continuously, but got no response.


Li Tongna gave the password. He had already guessed that there might be a problem, so he contacted Zhao Lushi's assistant and got the password.

"Teacher He He"

Open the door, it's quiet inside.

There was only one man lying on the ground, and the bright red color on his chest was very eye-catching.

Yang Rong rushed over, while several others searched the room with guns.

"The bathroom is empty."

"There's no one in the kitchen."

"The bedroom is empty."

“No one is in the cloakroom”

Yang Rong sat on the ground and held Teacher He in his arms. Teacher He closed his eyes cooperatively.

He was very dedicated and did not leave the scene all night.

Of course, it must have been a nap.

Since it has been eliminated, there will be no footage here, so you can contact the program team.

Even had breakfast.

As the members were about to arrive, he lay down and seriously acted like a corpse.

"Teacher He, what's wrong with you?"

Although he knew it was all fake, Yang Rong still couldn't help but shed tears.

"Teacher Li, can you rescue me?"

Li Tong sat blankly in his chair at this time and could see clearly on the monitor in front of him.

He never expected that none of the escapees would be caught, but one member of the pursuit team would be sacrificed.

"Teacher Li, Teacher Li"

Lu Han woke him up with two shouts, and then sent the video on his phone.

Ning Zhou inside raised his gun arrogantly and smiled contemptuously at the camera: "If you have the guts, keep chasing me. I'll wait for you."

After Li Tong watched this, he got a reminder from the program team.

"It has been determined that Mr. He has sacrificed his life!"

As soon as these words came out, all eleven pursuers fell silent.

Didi didi.

Three piercing sirens sounded among the players and the live broadcast room.

“Due to the death of the pursuer, the competition entered the second phase.


Before entering the second stage, the live broadcast room will be closed for 24 hours.

Live broadcasts watched after the live broadcast room will have a one-day time difference.

The second point is that the level of the escapees will be determined by the program team and will no longer be synchronized with the escapees.

The third point is that the escapees camp has added a player, Zhao Lushi.

The fourth point is that two more players will be added to the pursuer camp, and after completing the mission, there will be additional resources.

The fifth, sixth and seventh points are hidden information, which will be revealed after being triggered.

The above is the second phase of changes, and the live broadcast room will be closed in half an hour."

There was a lot of information, but the pursuers were in no mood at the moment. They all lowered their heads, and the sadness on their faces was visible to the naked eye.


Li Tong's voice came.

“Teacher He’s sacrifice is a huge loss to our team.

I also didn't expect that the fugitive would be so vicious, shooting him in the heart.

From this day forward he will leave the ranks of his pursuers,

From a certain level, the pursuer, Teacher He, has left this world forever.

It is impossible to fight without sacrifice,

Although he can no longer accompany us in our pursuit of fugitives,

However, we will not and cannot be scared away by sacrifices, nor will we be intimidated by criminals.

Just run away,

Regardless of the ends of the earth,

We will all bring you to justice."

The eleven pursuers raised their heads resolutely.

"Teacher He, I will avenge you."

"I will never let them go."

"Your sacrifice will not be in vain"

(Thank you to the boss of book friend 6110 for the 1500 point reward. Hey guys, the homepage is quite deserted. I’m just going to post some posts when I’m bored. If you have a monthly pass, give it to me too...)

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