Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 70 Stamp Collection

Ning Zhou lowered his head to drink tea, but he was actually thinking about whether to believe Lao Zhao or not.

When it comes to his few days of escape, what he fears most is actually pretending to be a couple with Zhao Lushi beside him by the Huangpu River.

Due to the emergency, there was no time to think about it.

Now that I think about it, it's really a bit of a risk. It's just a car, so there's no way it can be done.

Whether to go to Lao Zhao's house or not, there is no need to make a hasty decision for the time being.

Knowing that the six pursuers are in Fengcheng and still investigating the hotel, they will definitely not be able to go back for a while. There is plenty of time to think about it slowly.

It can only be said that life is full of multiple-choice questions, and even more so after joining the competition.

If Ning Zhou had not chosen to take this highway, what happened next would be completely different.

Of course, he had no intention of regretting it. If he had taken another route, he might have been blamed for everything.

"Old Zhao, this matter is more important. The two of us cannot make decisions for the entire team."

"Of course, why don't you call and ask first."

Zhao Lushi glanced at Ning Zhou, picked up her phone and went to the next door.

"I didn't expect you to become a star."

Lao Zhao had good intentions to help, so he would not force it, but changed the subject and started chatting about home affairs.

After about ten minutes, Zhao Lushi came back.

As expected of a businessman, the young lady didn't say anything. He could tell from their expressions that the two of them needed to chat privately.

"Please, I won't be angry. It's normal to be careful."

When they arrived at the private room next door again, Zhao Lushi lowered her voice.

"They were a little worried."

Ning Zhou was not too surprised. All the members were adults, not a group of children. Everyone had their own ideas and plans.

Even if I am doing well now, there is no conflict.

"Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't worry about you." Seeing that he didn't speak, Zhao Lushi quickly explained: "In my opinion, Lao Zhao is an honest person.

We are not wanted criminals in the true sense, so it is not illegal to help.

But from the members' point of view, the two of them are not acquaintances at all, and they haven't seen each other for a long time.

Even if we cover our escape, it doesn't mean that we will always be on the side of the fugitives.

In particular, the Huangpu River was mentioned. "

Up to now, not only the escapees, but also the audience and even the pursuit team don't know how they got there.

The celebrities who came here are all good friends, but they betrayed you. As a long-lost friend, your credibility is very low.

Ning Zhou nodded.

"I made a mistake, I shouldn't have informed Lao Zhao of our destination.

Now it’s like I have no choice. Even if I don’t go to his place, I will still report him.”

"What should we do?"

Now there is a bit of a dilemma.

"Well, agree first.

Hey, have the pursuers gone back? "

"I haven't seen the red flag car yet, it should still be outside."

"Okay, let's go back first."

In the office, Lao Zhao was still drinking tea leisurely.

"That's it. Brother Che Zhao, please help send him off. There are ten of us, seven of them are celebrities. The goal is too big.

Can you help me rent two cars, which will make it easier to move around. "

"Of course," Lao Zhao didn't hesitate at all and took out two car keys from his pocket: "Don't get me wrong, it's my cousin's car, it's in the parking lot outside.

Because I thought you would need the car after you gave it away, I kept it in advance.

I was afraid that you two would think too much, so I didn't take it out. "

"Thank you very much!"

Ning Zhou was speechless.

Lao Zhao smiled: "I also have a small request, can I take a photo with you.

Don't worry, I'll wait until it's over before putting it out there. "

Unexpectedly, they also have a hobby of collecting stamps, so the two of them naturally would not refuse. After taking a group photo, they got the address and password, declined the invitation to have dinner together, and hurried downstairs.

"Teacher Huang, ask everyone to pack their things and I will pick you up in about fifteen minutes.

Remember to spread out your actions, there is no need to return the room. "

"There's basically no need to pack things away. Most of our stuff is in those two cars."

"Well, no more." Ning Zhou had already thought of it.

It's nothing more than food for the tent and some clothes. If it's gone, it's gone. It doesn't matter.

"I've got two cars. Let's not rush over there now. We'll wait until the vehicles are discovered and the pursuers have left."

Regarding this, Huang Lei felt that there was nothing wrong with it. With the car in hand, at least there was room for maneuver.

"Then just across the road, so it doesn't irritate your eyes."


They arrived near the hotel smoothly and easily recognized the sisters Lin Rong and Yang Mi. Zhao Lushi, who was behind, drove forward and found Huang Lei and others.

"Where is Wang Jiaxuan?"

The attentive Ning Zhou only had three customers in the car, not counting the people from Zhao Lushi's place, one missing.

"He asked to stay." Yang Mi, the deputy seater, said.

"When you called us before, we were all on the tenth floor. After analysis, everyone felt that there is still a risk in trusting strangers rashly.

Jiaxuan felt that one person should be left in the hotel.

It works whether you are being caught or monitoring whether the pursuer leaves. "


Ning Zhou let out a long breath, turned to look at the hotel building, and slowly stepped on the accelerator without saying anything. .

Wang Jiaxuan put himself in a sacrificial position for the sake of the team, awesome man.

Where are the people going?

Ning Zhou had already made plans in advance.

I definitely can't go to Lao Zhao's daughter's house for this meeting. Even if I go there, I guess everyone will be worried.

Fengcheng is a small county town. There are two roads to Wuyuan.

One is by national highway and the other is by expressway. The former takes about an hour and the latter takes half an hour.

Two cars happened to stop on the roadside after checking the map.

If you notice anything wrong, ignore the mission and run away first.

So the driver of the car behind was replaced by Huang Lei.

"got windy"

Ning Zhou was eating fried noodles with his head down, when Yang Mi suddenly spoke.

When I looked up, I saw that the originally peaceful street had become a mess due to the strong wind. The leaves were blown away, people were speeding up their pace, and there was even a young lady in a long skirt who was a little at a loss.

In less than a minute, the scorching sun disappeared and was replaced by dark clouds. It was only one o'clock, but it was as dark as night.

"The weather forecast is quite accurate."

Ning Zhou remembered what he had talked with Zhao Lushi before setting off.

"It's probably a heavy rainstorm." Yang Mi looked at the scene in front of her and took a sip of soup: "Do you think the pursuers will return to the hotel?"

"If you were the pursuer, would you go back to rest because of the rain?"

Yang Mi shook her head: "They are pressed for time, forty-eight hours, and the task is so heavy. I am a little worried about Wang Jiaxuan now.

After all, Fengcheng Hotel is also a hotel, even though it is registered under someone else’s name, just in case.”

"Although it's not the case,"

Wang Jiaxuan really planned to sacrifice himself. He didn't even take his cell phone, but just wrote down one of the numbers.

We made an appointment to meet at the pedestrian street at six o'clock in the evening if nothing happens.


The two of them were chatting incessantly, when a thunderous sound made Yang Mi tremble with fright.

"Hey, there's a call." Lin Rong said happily from behind.

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