Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 83 The second murder case (please subscribe)

“What a social cow”

"How can we talk so much?"

"I suspect that after a while, people will take the initiative to give him a fishing rod."

"By the way, Ning Zhou doesn't smoke, so when did he have a pack on him?"

"This is probably a precautionary measure."

Twenty minutes ago, Ning Zhou found a road after crossing a bridge. It was not shown on the map. He didn't think much and drove down carefully.

It was dirt, and the plants on both sides almost reached the middle of the road.

The more people drive, the more unsure they become, and the expressions on their faces are slightly panicked. You have no place to turn around, so you can only bite the bullet and keep going.

After about five minutes of walking downhill, we arrived at the river. The road was obviously much wider, and there was a grave on the side of the road.

"Should we turn around here?"

Under the illumination of the car lights, one could see the circle of blue bricks and cement, and there were people in the car. Zhao Lushi was not particularly scared.

"It's a little early. If I'm not mistaken, the driver of the car following us must have changed, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to see it.

But if you go back immediately this time, we might meet you on the way. "

Since there was a place to turn around, time did not allow it, and Ning Zhou's driving skills were OK. Everyone in the car unanimously decided that if he went forward, he would go all the way back.

After driving for about ten minutes, the front suddenly became clear and light appeared.

After getting closer, I spotted a few cars, none other than the ubiquitous fishing guys.

It can only be said that the fishing guys are well-informed.

When I saw a car coming, I just looked back and said nothing.

"You guys stay in the car."

Ning Zhou said a few words and got out of the car.

First, one person handed him a cigarette, and then squatted down beside him.

"How's the mouth?"

"It's not bad. The one over there caught a carp weighing more than seven kilograms."

"Oh, that's awesome. Are you ready to stay up all night?"

"Well, you can't stand it?"

"I'm going to another place to see how the mouth is."

"It's better in the evening, then we have to wait until dawn."

Fishing friends all over the world are one family, even if they don’t know each other at all, a cigarette can solve the problem. After chatting like this for five minutes, Ningzhou returned to the car.

"The road ends here. There is water ahead. Turn back."

"What if we meet you halfway?"

"I'll shoot him with my high beams!"

Ning Zhou really did what he said, using high beams all the way and being a lackluster driver.

When they came to the highway intersection again, everyone's anxious hearts finally dropped.

The vehicle information has been exposed. As for where it was exposed, you can probably guess that it is related to Lao Zhao. Since he didn't take the initiative, he was found.

If you manage three fruits, you probably start from here.

You definitely can’t abandon the vehicle now, you can only use it first and decide what to do later.

"how's it going?"

After passing the highway entrance, it was almost certain that it was safe. Zhao Lushi, the co-pilot, called her teammates.

"I didn't know what was going on just now, so I didn't dare to disturb you."

Huang Lei was still thoughtful.

“We were on our way over, and the pursuers must have been confused and chased in the wrong direction.

What about you, where are you? "

It was quiet for a few seconds.

"Don't be angry, didn't you yell for us to leave first?

After driving for a while, I found that there was no car behind me, so I hid it. "

"Hiding?" Zhao Lushi glanced at Ning Zhou, smiled and asked, "Hiding in a pig pen?"

"Where can I get in from the pig pen? Turn around from the highway exit. About 20 minutes later, there is an abandoned pavilion. After I got off the car and looked around, there happened to be a small open space behind it. I turned off the lights and put out the fire, and hid it first. ”

"Okay, send us your location, we're on the way."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Lushi let out a sigh of relief.

"The pursuers are quite powerful. I thought they were still in the Magic City, but they ended up in Fengcheng. I thought we evacuated safely, but they were followed again."

"Who says it's not the case!" Yang Mi thought of the racing scene just now and was a little scared: "How did they do it?"

Anyway, the four of them analyzed it together.

"Why are you laughing? Didn't we analyze it correctly?"

When Zhao Lushi saw the corners of Ning Zhou's mouth rising, she was so angry that she wanted to slap him, but she was worried about being in danger.

"No, no, no, I just thought about whether they would be angry if they found out that they took the wrong direction in the end."

"Hmph. If you have any ideas, just tell me."

"We'll be there soon. Let's wait until we gather."

With a position and a reference, the ten people reunited. After seeing each other, they were all very happy. The situation ahead was quite urgent.

"Don't worry, let me tell you the current situation."


Ning Zhou turned his head and started clapping before he could say anything. Oh, he was swatting mosquitoes.

"The most disadvantageous thing for us right now is that the vehicle is discovered several times and cannot be used anymore."

As soon as he said this, Xiaobai looked strange, thinking that it must be you with the crow mouth.

"The good thing is that the opponent has been weakened. Among the six names given before, two are not stars. I guess they are personnel from the Chaser Command.

With fewer people, there will be fewer threats.

Moreover, they are currently unsure of our location, leaving time for us to distance ourselves.


"So should we distance ourselves now?"



Hou Minghao nodded halfway and stopped abruptly. Didn't you say you would leave time? Why didn't you run?

"That's what I'm thinking about."

Although he couldn't see the expressions on other people's faces clearly, Ning Zhou could probably guess it.

“That’s what I thought about it.

As a pursuer, I will definitely not rest tonight. Even if I know there is no result, I have to continue pursuing.

There are two less people in charge of the pursuit. After staying up all night, they will definitely have to rest tomorrow, or let some of them rest in the car.

In short, efficiency will be reduced.

Moreover, don’t forget the most crucial point.

Our car is exposed and we definitely can’t drive it out again.

If you choose to rush now and rest during the day, you will encounter a difficult problem.

How to transfer at night? "

"Either you are the captain!"

Xiaobai raised his hand directly and understood such a simple explanation instantly.

There were ten of them, so how could they evacuate in the middle of the night? Naturally, there would be more opportunities during the day.

"Okay, then why don't you find a place to rest first?"

"Yes, Miss Zhao checked on the way here. There is Dongting City more than 40 kilometers away from here. Go there first."

The road was at their feet. Now that the decision was made, everyone did not delay any longer, and the two cars set off again.

The nearly fifty kilometers of national highway took about forty minutes, so it wasn’t a particularly fast drive.

During this period, the escapees inquired about the second reward for completing the forty-eight-hour mission.

There are some surprises: a tool man is rewarded, and the time limit is twenty-four hours. In theory, he can be allowed to do anything.

What is the use of this reward? I don’t know yet, so I’ll leave it aside for now.

Zhao Lushi turned into a navigator. Even though it was almost four o'clock, she still didn't dare to take the main road. Instead, she circled the city first and then went to Hebin Road.

There was still gas in the car, so I didn't stop, but walked slowly and watched.

At this time, Ning Zhou was in trouble.

I thought about repeating the same trick and seeing if I could get an ID card or something.

But it was really too early. At four o'clock, there were almost no pedestrians on the road. Occasionally, they were all passing by in a hurry.

You are not a fool. You walked over face to face, and even let you find an opportunity to bump into each other.

Besides, it doesn’t matter whether you have your ID card with you or not!

It went on like this for a while.

Bang. Didi

Ning Zhou and others leaned forward.

He glanced back.


the other side,

Asa was quite desperate.

Apparently three people came out together, but she was the only one left.

Where is this place? Where am I? Where are you?

It’s not that I can’t drive fast, it’s that I don’t dare to drive.

I don’t know how many years it has been since my driver’s license was issued, but my hands and feet still feel a little shaky on this road.

I can only cheer up and move forward.

Soon, new instructions came from the headquarters. You don't have to chase them. If you see a fork in the road or a village on the side, go in and take a look.

Thinking it was a good job, Asa turned around and returned to the town he just passed by after getting the agreement.


After entering the town, she opened the window and was about to take a look when a dog rushed out and barked at her.

"It's okay, it's okay. There is a door, but it can't get in."

Although his face turned pale with fright, Asa still comforted himself and left without stepping on the accelerator. Instead, he drove slowly on the street, glancing at the rearview mirror from time to time.

The result can be imagined, naturally there is no gain.

On the other side, Wei Cheng, Fan Chenchen and others were still running wildly on the road.

It stands to reason that at this point, people are already exhausted, but the members are still in high spirits.

They all know that if they miss it, it will be difficult to find it again.

However, the further they walked, the colder their hearts became.

Mainly because I didn’t see the fugitive’s vehicle.

The speed has been maintained at around 90, which is really not slow.

The farther they can travel, the more villages they pass through. Many times they will feel that they have hidden somewhere and missed it.

What to do!

There are only two cars and eight people. If you choose to pursue, you have to give up everything else.

After driving like this for more than half an hour, Wei Cheng in front did a double-dodge and slowly stopped on the side of the road.

"Headquarters, headquarters"

"Headquarters received it!" came Niu Dali's voice.

Although Lao Li Tou still wanted to persist, he was persuaded to go back first by everyone. It seemed that he had to stay up late and not make any mistakes.

The reasons given are also very sufficient. If you can solve the battle today, it means you are following the right direction. Just go early tomorrow to welcome victory.

As long as the game continues, we all have to rest, and you have to step up.

The old man thought about it and it made sense. He was indeed tired, but he didn't go home and lay down directly in the lounge in the headquarters.

"We are now at the entrance of Luocheng County. There are two roads."

Niu Dali can also see it.

"You mean, go in and take a look?"


Wei Cheng got out of the car and moved around a little. This was no different than driving normally. His nerves were tense and his muscles were a little sore. He didn't see the taillights after chasing the car for so long, and he didn't care for such a short while.

“The county town doesn’t look very big, but it’s quite simple to hide two cars.

Let's take a look to see if there are any stores with open doors and cameras outside. If we go here, the time difference should not be big, and there won't be many videos to investigate. "

"It's feasible. Fan Chenchen will continue the pursuit, and you guys will stay."

Fan Chenchen, who was behind, naturally heard the instructions from the headquarters, lowered the window, said hello, and drove away.


Wei Cheng didn't waste any time and drove into the city.

All I can say is, it's too late.

There was not a single pedestrian visible on the road, but there were quite a few vehicles in the parking spaces. Even though it was judged that the fugitives would not park their cars so casually, when they saw similar models, they still had to step on the brakes and take a look.

"There's a light ahead!"

Not far away, the co-pilot, the teacher, shouted.

"Oh, it's Shaxian Hotel, are you hungry?"

Of course I'm hungry.

Dinner was eaten after six o'clock, and I was on standby in the hotel afterwards. There were no activities, so the consumption was naturally less.

In the middle of the night, I was a little hungry, but after receiving the order, I returned to Fengcheng from Wuyuan, and started the pursuit from Fengcheng.

It has been more than nine hours now.

"How about we eat something, noodles, flat meat, stew pot, it will be quick."

"Yes, you can still get information."

Wei Chengcheng was not determined. After hearing what the members said, he immediately stepped aside.

Naturally, the headquarters also saw it. Even if they were really handling a case, they still needed to rest and eat, so they didn't say anything.

The boss was about fifty years old. There were no customers in the store and he was dozing on his stomach. When he heard the noise, he immediately raised his head, wiped his eyes and put on a smile.

"Hello, what do you want to eat?"

"Here are four noodles, four flat meats, and some stew pots. Let me see."

Unexpectedly, Teacher Da was also a frequent visitor to Shaxian Hotel, and the meal was quickly prepared.

Deng Ziqi wiped the table with paper, but Wei Cheng stood at the door and watched.

"Oh, it won't take long." The great teacher waved and called him back: "Boss, boss"

"What's wrong?" The boss looked up and asked.

"Let me ask you something, about ten minutes or half an hour ago, did a group of about ten people come here to eat, order takeout or something like this?"

The great teacher was so close to him that the boss didn't even recognize them, and he probably didn't know the identities of the escapees either.


The boss shook his head directly.

"After two o'clock tonight, there were less than ten people in total. Basically, one or two came in like this."

The boss replied while busy with the work at hand.

"So, are there any shops on Qiantou Street that are still open and have cameras at the door?"


The boss thought for a while.

“There is a 24-hour foot bath shop on Wushan Road, and then there are several convenience stores.

As for whether there are cameras, I don't know.

By the way, banks, banks must have them. "

The great teacher said thank you. He also knew that there was one at the entrance of the bank, but whether the fugitives would deliberately avoid it or not, the headquarters couldn't get the video in the middle of the night.

Come on, let’s eat in peace first.

"It still has a familiar taste. Shaxian snacks are really good. No matter where you go to eat them, the taste will remain the same across the country and even the world."

The young lady snorted and took a sip of soup. What she wanted was Cordyceps Flower Pork Ribs.

“I’ve been to the real Shaxian County, and there are so many snacks there, and they can’t be seen in stores outside.

Especially the duck, and I forgot the name of the duck. It tastes very good. "

"I've heard about it." Wang Hedi had finished eating the noodles and raised his hand to ask for another one: "It seems to be quite cheap. Three or four people can eat more than a dozen items for about a hundred yuan."

The few people chatting did not affect the meal, and they quickly disappeared, paid and went out.


When Wei Cheng saw the car, he stopped it directly, and then gave the car key to Wang Hedi.

"You take Zi Qi and drive to look for him. I'll find a local here and wander around. If you have any news, please contact me anytime."

There was nothing wrong with his decision. The four of them divided into two teams and continued the search.

As time passed by, the pursuers became increasingly frustrated.

Asa, who is in charge of the villages and towns, has gained nothing;

Wei Cheng, who was in the county town, had no harvest.

Fan Chenchen pursued, but still had no results.

Just like that, the sky gradually became brighter.

Just when everyone was exhausted physically and mentally, a shocking news came.

"A shooting occurred in Dongting City"

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