Entertainment: Escape from the Stars

Chapter 86 Why did you two sleep together?

Niu Dali felt that he could hold on for a while longer, so he let the other three rest first.

Not only was the license plate clearly visible in the video, but one of the cars was rear-ended. The taillight of the right car was completely broken and the rear of the car was dented, which was particularly conspicuous.

He probably knew that the information had been leaked, so he was not as cautious as before and kept a distance first.

This is also the main reason why people can find tools so quickly.

Moreover, they all chose national highways, so it will take time to lock in the exact location for the next step.

"Suburban County, QY City, Liujia County."

Niu Dali drew three circles on the map.

"This is where you would expect the escapees to go."

"That's right," Niu Dali nodded: "The nearest is thirty-seven kilometers, and the farthest is seventy-two kilometers.

Why are these three places? The main reason is that after the murder occurred, we will definitely be able to find Dongting.

As the two cars left, the rebellious mentality I speculated should be gone.

Even if some of the escapees are still hiding in Dongting City, we still have to follow the clues and continue looking. "

The old man took a sip of tea: "You analyzed these three possible points, and I think there are probably two basis for it.

The first is their physical strength.

Our members are all resting, and the escapees are not much better. Moreover, as the escape party, they will be more nervous and physically exhausted.

It's too far and you can't go there at all.

Second, there is the issue of time.

It was already after five o'clock when we set off. With my physical strength declining, I naturally couldn't drive fast.

It's daybreak, there are more people, and the chance of being discovered is high, so we need to settle down quickly and set off immediately after solving the trivial matters. "

"The teacher is absolutely right, so I think we can think more about it at a certain point."

"It's the right place to live."

Niu Dali's eyes lit up. It was not surprising that Lao Litou could analyze the two points before. Although this point was common, it might not have been expected.

"What's so surprising? There are ten of them, and you keep stressing that you are physically exhausted and must find a place to sleep.

There is no problem with the starting point. You can even work backwards to see if these three alternative places are suitable for escapees to rest.

For example, acquaintances, villas, fishing bases, etc. "

"Fishing base?" Niu Dali didn't know how to fish.

"Yes," Li Tong explained: "Some fishing places integrate eating, accommodation, and fun, and no ID card is required."

"I have gained more knowledge, I will go look for it now.

By the way, Teacher Li, our pursuit team members have just gone to bed now. I mean, let them rest for a while. "


Chen Weiting slept very poorly. He was turning the steering wheel in his dreams and was too nervous.

But something was on my mind, so I woke up a little after ten o'clock, only to find that Wei Cheng and others were already in a meeting.

"Why didn't you call me?" He sat down on the edge.

"I see you are too tired," Wei Cheng smiled: "Besides, didn't you want to stop for forty-eight hours? Information changes rapidly, so I didn't shout."

"Then it's okay if I listen."

Chen Weiting also knew this. The six-day competition, from Jinling to Magic City and then to Taizhou, almost changed every day. The current clues were indeed outdated after two days.

"It's okay, you can listen."

The meeting had just begun, and Li Tong continued.

“Although I don’t know what happened, one thing is certain now, the escapees split up.

Consistent with our prediction, after leaving Dongting City, they did not go too far, but arrived at QY City, which is fifty-three kilometers away from you.

After staying for about half an hour, the car that was rear-ended got onto the highway and is still going. "

"Have you received another mission?" Wei Cheng expressed his opinion.

"We think so too," Niu Dali nodded: "Of course, there are other possibilities.

Do you still remember the two cars in Wuyuan? We were obviously in Fengcheng, but the cars were placed in another place as a misleading.

It is very possible that the fugitive spent some money to hire a driver and move the car somewhere, but it is not impossible. "

What Niu Dali didn't know was that Ning Zhou was already upset.

It can only be said that when people are too tired, their brains will short-circuit.

When arranging Wang Jiaxuan, I didn't even think about it in this direction and forgot about it.

"So, we have no choice. Xue Zhiqian and Teacher Da are already on their way there."

Chen Weiting turned around and looked around, only to find that more than two people were missing, and Lu Han was not there either, probably still resting.

"I know you haven't fully recovered yet, but you are starting to get on with your life.

Next, please rush to QY City for two tasks.

First, look for the suspect car that did not leave.

Second, there are some possible hiding places listed here in the headquarters.

There are only seven members in the team now, and the task is very heavy. Come on, everyone."

Seeing Wei Cheng and others receiving the mission and setting off in a hurry, Chen Weiting felt very uncomfortable.

He thinks that his brain is not the best, but it doesn't matter. With the support of the headquarters, he can make up for it.

In terms of physical strength, he is definitely one of the best among all the people.

However, the imaginary scene of running wildly to catch people has never happened until now. I feel so uncomfortable that I have no energy but nowhere to use it.

He even had a feeling in his heart that if he took the lead in deploying the plan, he might not be able to catch anyone in the end.

To put it simply, it is not the same game as expected, and the so-called advantages are not reflected.

When I was doing nothing, I received a call from Lu Han downstairs, saying that he wanted to conduct an interview.

Naturally, I was unwilling to do so. It had been six days and there had been no results at all. This was not an interview, it was almost like a public execution.

But I can’t help but listen.

The program team was also very cruel. After the two of them sat down, the first question came.

"It's been six days and no one has been caught. What do you think went wrong?"

The two looked at each other.

“Before the game, everyone had a vision.

Chen Weiting, you said that there will definitely be a harvest in three days, Lu Han said in five days."

Chen Weiting is more experienced.

"It's mainly a matter of experience. I haven't participated in similar programs, so my imagination is too simple.

We are also constantly growing and making progress, and I believe we will achieve results soon. "

"Is there a specific time?"

Chen Weiting feels that the design problem is definitely caused by fans of The Fugitive, which is too targeted.

"It's hard to say. Our country is vast and the fugitives are running around all the time. It's quite difficult to catch up."

Lu Han came out to relieve the situation.

"But we will try our best."

After the interview, the two of them were sweating in the air-conditioned room.

"Why do you feel like we are being targeted?" Chen Weiting couldn't help complaining.

"It's normal," Lu Han thought more openly: "For now, the fugitives are indeed better than us.

If three or four are caught now, the taunting and other things will belong to the other side.

Let's go, let's go eat. "

Ding dong, Chen Weiting, who got up after hearing the sound, took out his cell phone and took a look.

"They found clues about the fugitives."

Go back a few hours.


Zhao Lushi's eyes lit up when she looked at what Ning Zhou was holding.

"How did you know there would be a key hidden here? Why is there another one?"

Ning Zhou had not one but two keys in his hand, and there was even a small sticker with the room number written on it.

“That’s the experience.

I just asked the driver to look for a community that had just handed over a house. Generally speaking, there are three different types of property owners in it.

The first type is to just leave it there and not be in a hurry to move in.

There are many reasons, some have no money, some have no plans, or something else.

The second type is to decorate immediately and move in soon.

The third type is to wait and see, to see how well the decoration is, what type it is, and how much it costs.

After all, a house is a luxury for ordinary people, and no one wants to step into a big trap.

Normally, the entrance door of a house will be replaced at the back. In order to facilitate the work of workers, or for fear of losing it, many people will leave their keys here or..."

After Ning Zhou finished speaking, he came to the door of a house.

There was a poster for a decoration company on the ground. I stepped on it and took out a key from it.


Zhao Lushi was extremely impressed.

"Isn't it our choice?"

"of course not."

Ning Zhou opened the door in front of him and looked at it with the flashlight of his mobile phone. Zhao Lushi behind him took a look and understood what he meant.

There are only two words in it: chaos.

Construction debris can be seen everywhere, and there is no place to stay, let alone sleep.

"This type is under renovation. Construction is going on during the day, and the environment does not allow it."

Since they couldn't live in it, the two of them didn't waste time, closed the door and returned the key.

"But," Zhao Lushi reacted: "Since you know how to do construction, how can you ensure that no workers will come while we are here?"


Ning Zhou said simply.

"Today is the weekend. For normal communities, construction is not allowed, but those who have just handed over the house do not have this restriction.

But hey, don't be disappointed. "

"You saw it."

"Wait a minute, let's talk together when Teacher Huang arrives." Ning Zhou took out his mobile phone: "Teacher Huang, Building 6 is just after entering the community, go right, close to the road, let's go downstairs to meet up."

A few minutes passed, and as the elevator door opened, Teacher Huang and Lin Rong just arrived, and the others were still on the way.

They all remember clearly what Ning Zhou said, don’t come here together.

"Come on, it's almost five o'clock."

Ning Zhou looked towards the horizon, and there was already a glimmer of light.

"Today, or even in the next few days, we may all live in this community.

Keys can be found in places such as fire hydrants or power distribution rooms.

Our goal is well-furnished homes”

After a few simple words, everyone understood what he meant, leaving Zhao Lushi to take care of the remaining members, while the other three set off first.

In this way, it took Huang Lei half an hour to find the most suitable room on the seventh floor of Building 11.

When Ning Zhou arrived, he took a look and saw that there were all kinds of business cards on the door, including those from decoration companies and various home decoration brands.

After entering the door, the light could not be turned on. The switch was pulled. After finding it, I turned on the electricity and the light turned on successfully.

The tiled floor on the ground is like a footprint when you step on it. The owner must not have been here for a long time.

There are no appliances or furniture in the house, it is just a well-decorated shell.

"Wow, there's a toilet."

"Great, there's water."

"I found two pieces of cloth."

"Oh yeah yeah."

We went out at eight o'clock last night and now it's five o'clock. Everyone is very tired.

Needless to say, I immediately started to clean up the house.

It was said to be tidying up, but there wasn't much that could be done, just mopping the floors in the two rooms.

There are only two rags, so there is no need to rush around. The rest of the people can wash their faces or take out the food prepared by Lao Zhao.

Another ten minutes passed, and the nine people were sitting around the master bedroom, their expressions were tired and a little happy.

If this place can be found by pursuers, there will be nothing to say.

For the time being, the escapees were particularly safe.

No one knows about this place unless the owner comes to the door. If the key is taken away, there will be movement, and in the worst case, the owner will be tied up.

Being together isn't about celebrating, it's just about sharing food.

Xiaobai ate the bread and almost choked. He quickly grabbed the water from Hou Minghao's hand.

"No one will compete with you."

"I really want to eat instant noodles!"

"How about going to buy something tomorrow?"

"Do you really plan to live here permanently?"

"It's not impossible if we can rest safely for two days."

They were all tired and couldn't eat much faster. After solving the problem, some people just lay down.

In summer, you don’t need a quilt, just use your backpack as a pillow.

Several boys went to the second bedroom and gave up the more spacious master bedroom to the girls.

Ning Zhou also reflected on the previous arrangement. He should spend money and hire a taxi driver to do it for him.

In this regard, Huang Lei consoled him.

"Actually, your decision is fine.

Officer Zhang is a tool man, so he doesn't have to worry about revealing information or anything like that.

But if you hire a driver, you run the risk of being exposed. People will remember it clearly in the middle of the night. If they recognize us or are found by the pursuit team, they can pinpoint the location of our large force.

Although the words are a bit unpleasant, it is better to be arrested alone than a group of people.

Therefore, it is actually safest for Wang Jiaxuan to go there. "

Everyone said this, and Ning Zhou no longer struggled. It had already happened, and there was no point in thinking about it.

After chatting for a while, no one said anything, and everyone fell asleep, snoring one after another.

I don’t know how long it took before Zhao Lushi woke up.

The first reaction was that it was hot, very hot, and my face and body were covered in sweat.

Can it not be hot?

The master bedroom has no air conditioning or fan, and no curtains. The sun shines directly in through the window.

The other girls had moved to the other side without knowing when, but she was the only one stupidly sleeping while basking in the sun.

I sat up and calmed down for a while before I heard the rumbling sound of decoration coming from upstairs or downstairs.

Then, I felt aches and pains coming from everywhere in my body.

Ouch, my whole body feels uncomfortable.

She couldn't be said to be delicate. After staying up all night and being beaten by the sun, she was still lying on the wooden floor without any cushions. No one else would be in trouble.

He stood up unsteadily, went to the living room, found water, and drank it for a long time.

"I only slept for less than four hours!"

After searching for it, she found the cell phone at the boy's place and looked at the time. It was only after nine o'clock.

After thinking briefly, Zhao Lushi lay down on the spot and continued to sleep.

However, her move to avoid the sun startled Ning Zhou.

He opened his eyes drowsily while sleeping, but there was a face facing him.

The key is that he can't see his face clearly, as his long hair blocks most of his face.

He remembered very clearly that when he fell asleep, he was lying on the far side. He suddenly woke up and backed up half a meter.

"Mom, who are you?"

When a person is frightened, his voice will become louder, waking up several other people, including Zhao Lushi.


She raised her body half up and shook her head from side to side in confusion.

"What happened?"

Bai Jingting behind him blinked, wiped his eyes again, and tilted his head to look at it for a long time!

"Hey, why are you two sleeping together???"

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